Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: X-shaped die scratches between the Y of LIBERTY and the collar. X-shaped die scratch right of the chin. N/S die scratches between the bowtie and the 1 in the date. Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers are very weak. Two north by east die scratches from the top of the 1 in the date. Obverse Stage C: All stage A markers abraded away. Stage B die scratches from the 1 are still present. Reverse Stage A: ESE/WNW die scratches at the upper area of bays eight, nine, ten and eleven. Weak, abraded die clash at the top of bay eight. Reverse Stage B: Stage A markers are very weak. Reverse Stage C: Stage A markers are abraded away except for very weak scratches in bay nine. Depression above the right side of the cornice.
Submitted By: Stage A & C: Gary Shaffstall, Stage B: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-077
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Light die scratches south from the 5 in the date. Die scratches SSW from the bottom of the D in GOD. Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers are still present. Reverse Stage A: Die crack down column twelve with die chips on the upper area. Die chip on the right eave. The lower cavity of the S in PLURIBUS is heavily chipped. Die cracks at the top of the letters in ONE CENT, showing best on the E of ONE of the C and E of CENT. Wavy die crack south from the underside of the diagonal bar of the N of CENT. Depression at the bottom of the N of CENT. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die markers still present. The die cracks on ONE CENT are stronger. The die crack from the N of ONE is longer.
Submitted By: Paul Funaiole
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-078
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Weak die scratch north from near upper center of the mint mark. Very small die gouge (dot) in the field right of the lower forehead area. Obverse Stage B: Short NW/SE die scratch in the field right of the mint mark. Die gouge (dot) in the field still present. Reverse Stage A: Large die chip on two-thirds of the upper area of column twelve. Large die chip on the right eave. Die crack across the right cornice running to the side of the roof. Die gouge at right center of the first S in STATES. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. E/W die scratches at the top of the lower opening of the N in UNITED. NNW/SSE die scratch above the right cornice.
Submitted By: Stage A: Albert B. Raddi, Stage B: Paul Funaiole
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-079
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: NNE die scratches from the top of the head. NNE/SSW die scratches on the back of the neck. NNE/SSW die scratches at the Y in LIBERTY. Light NNE die scratches from the profile and the vest. Obverse Stage B: All die scratches are weak and mushy. Die gouge in the field right of the bust. Weak east by north die crack from the V of the designer’s initials. Reverse Stage A: Strong die clash at the top of bay eight. Abrasion mark and die scratches above the right side of the roof. Die gouges at the rim above the right side of the U and center of the I of UNITED. Reverse Stage B: Die clash is weaker. Die scratches above the roof are abraded away. Die gouges at the rim are abraded away. Die gouge between the R and I of AMERICA positioned slightly below center. Two die gouges below the R in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Stage A: Paul Funaiole, Stage B: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-080
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: SSW die scratch from left center of the 1 in the date to the vest. Die crack NNE from the lower back of the hair, along the left side of the ear and into the upper hair. A second die crack runs ENE from the upper back of the head and into the forehead. The two cracks intersect and form a T-pattern. Obverse Stage B: The ENE die crack is very heavy and shows signs that the die is beginning to break. A third die crack runs E/W and is arched upward at the top of the hair. Reverse Stage A: N/S die scratch between the U and N of UNITED at the top. Die gouge (dot) near the rim centered above the M in AMERICA. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die scratch is weak. Die gouge is still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-081
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: N/S die scratch in the field centered below the I and N of IN. Reverse: Die chip on the left base tip. Die chips centered on column one. Large die chip beginning on the top of column twelve and running through the right eave into the right cornice tip. The die chip at the top of column twelve also extends into the field.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-082
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Long ENE/WSW die gouge from tooling at the top of the hair on the left side. ENE/WSW die gouge from tooling at the upper center of the hair. E/W die gouge from tooling at the hairline near the front of the hair and forehead. Die scratch south from the right lower side of the W in WE. Reverse: Light die crack along the left eave running into the left upper side of column one. Die crack down the left side of column two. Die chip at the top of column twelve. Die chips at the top of the right side cornice. E/W die scratch inside the O in OF slightly above center.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-083
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch NW from the left center of the vertical bar on the 5 in the date. Weak die crack beginning at the area between the designer’s initials and the back of the bust running NNE into the shoulder, then turning NE and then back north again into the shoulder crease. NE/SW die crack in the hair about center between the ear and the top of the hair and intersected by a second die crack running SSE then turning SSW to the ear. NW/SE die crack left of the eye. Abrasion mark below the beard. Reverse: X-shape die scratch connecting the right upper side of the N to the left upper side of the T in CENT. Horizontal V-shaped die scratch at the right side of the roof.
Submitted By: David Bloomberg
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-084
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die crack at the shoulder at 7:30 running NNE up the shoulder. E/W die crack above the designer’s initials. Short die crack south from the lower left side of the bowtie. Weak die crack south from the top of the hair then turning ESE into the head. Numerous other weak die cracks in the head and hair. Obverse Stage B: Die crack at the shoulder is stronger. Stronger die cracks in the hair. Reverse Stage A: Die crack along the edge of the left side base. Long die chip down the upper area of column one. Light die crack on the left side of column two. Die chip at the top of column twelve. Die chip at the top of the right side cornice. The lower cavity of the S in PLURIBUS is heavily chipped. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Die break connecting the B and second U of PLURIBUS. Depression above the B and second U in PLURIBUS. Die crack on the upper area of the edge of the left side Memorial base. Two die chips on column one. Long die crack on column twelve.
Submitted By: Stage A: Ben Peters, Stage B: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-085
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die chip on the bottom of the 1 in the date. East die crack starting in the field from the back of the bust then turning south by west after the designer’s initials. Arching die crack at the top of the lapel running in a northwesterly direction. Die crack NE from the left upper side of the ear then turning NNW to the top of the hair. Long SW die scratch from the lower left side of the O in GOD. Gouge between the top of the O and D in GOD caused by the die being dropped or struck. Obverse Stage B: All die cracks are stronger. The scratch from the O in GOD is still present. Obverse Stage C: Die crack at the back of the bust runs nearly to the rim in a west direction. A small depression is present at the end of the crack near the rim. Obverse Stage D: Die cracks and scratches still present. Reverse Stage A: Die crack along the left side baseline. Light die crack down column one. Die crack along the edges on the right eave. Reverse Stage B: Chipped die crack on the right side roof base where it meets the cornice. Die cracks still present. Reverse Stage C: Die crack at the roof base extends NNW. Die crack on the right eave. Depression on the right eave. Die cracks still present. Reverse Stage D: Large die chip on the right eave. Die cracks still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: David Bloomberg, Stage B & D: Ben Peters, Stage C: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-086
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch SSW from the lower right side of the first 9 in the date Die clash east from the vest to the lower area of the 1 in the date. Die scratch ENE from the bottom of the first T in TRUST to the left center of the S in TRUST. Light N/S die scratches on most of the fields and jacket folds. Die scratch SSW from left center of the T in LIBERTY. Reverse: Die scratches NNW from the right side of the roof. Die scratch SSW from the C in AMERICA positioned slightly below left center. Inverted V-shaped die scratch centered between the upper area of the N and T of CENT.
Submitted By: Ben Peters
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-087
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Crisscrossing die scratches at the 95 of the date and on the lower vest area. N/S die scratch on the nose. Reverse: Die gouge at top center of the first S in STATES. Crisscrossing die scratches above the O and N of ONE.
Submitted By: Ben Peters
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-088
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: NE/SW die scratch through the center of the 1 in the date. Light die crack running north by east from the upper left side of the ear then turning NE for a short distance and then turning north. Very weak E/W die crack above the designer’s initials. Reverse: Die clash in bay three and the top of bay eight. Small gouge centered on the bottom of the first S in STATES.
Submitted By: John A. Conway
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-089
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die gouge between the upper area of the S and second T in TRUST. Die gouge SE of the last T in TRUST. Obverse Stage B: NE/SW die scratches at the profile, 19 of the date and the RTY of LIBERTY. Die gouges are weaker. Reverse Stage A: Light E by N/W by S die scratch at the top of bay two. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die scratch abraded away. Abraded die clash in bay three and the top of bay eight. Short strong die scratch about south from left lower center of the C in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-090
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die scratch south from the bottom of the T in LIBERTY. ENE/WSW die crack centered on the hair and head. Obverse Stage B: Die scratch still present. Die crack on the head is stronger and chipped. Reverse Stage A: Weak die chip on the upper left side of the E in CENT followed by a light SSW die crack. Die crack across the bottom of the horizontal bar of the T in CENT. Die crack down the left side of the T in CENT. Depression on the right underside of the horizontal bar of the T in CENT. Reverse Stage B: Die chip is heavy at the E of CENT. Die chip replaced the depression at the T in CENT. Chipped die crack on the right eave. Chipped die crack along the top of the right cornice. Chipped die cracks on columns ten, eleven and twelve. Die crack along the left side of the Memorial base. Die chip on the left Memorial base tip.
Submitted By: Stage A: Ben Peters, Stage B: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-091
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die gouge in the field positioned right center of the mint mark. SE die scratch from the top of the eyelid. Reverse: NNW die scratch from top center of the E in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Ben Peters
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-092
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse: Light NNW/SSE die scratches in all the fields. Reverse: Short NE die scratch inside bay two from the upper right area of column two.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-093
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Short NNE/SSW die scratches between the bottom of the 1 in the date and the vest. Die chip (dot) inside the first 9 in the date at the upper center. Three die gouges on the center of the neck. Die scratch NNE from the bottom of the forehead. Die gouges between the rim and the S in TRUST. Die gouge from the rim at 1:30. Obverse Stage B: Gouges on the neck still present. Gouges at the rim still present. Stage A die scratches abraded away. Die crack above the B of the designer’s initials curling north on the shoulder. Long band mark running west from the eye to the back of the head and weak into the field caused by a dropped die or something dropped on the die. Die crack running NNW along the right side of the lapel then intersected by a shorter die crack running north from the top of the lapel. Die scratches east from the vest running through the date and mint mark. Reverse Stage A: Die scratch arcing in a NW direction from the right side of the roof to the bottom of the B in PLURIBUS. Die scratch NNE from the top of the right side upper base. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die markers still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Ben Peters, Stage B: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-094
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse: Small die gouge centered below the mint mark. Die chip above the left upper side of the first 9 in the date. Long die scratches south from the left lower side of the E and the left lower side of the R in LIBERTY. Reverse: Die crack down column one. Die crack and chip on the left base tip.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-095
Description: D/D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch north from the upper area of the nose. Long and light die scratches north from the date. Reverse: NW/SE die scratch inside the lower opening of the E of ONE. Die scratch south from the right side of the horizontal bar of the T in CENT and about center of that side.
Submitted By: Ben Peters
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-096
Description: D/D/D North & Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Wavy ENE/WSW die gouge between the lower area of the lapel and the last jacket fold. Crisscrossing die scratches below the R and T of LIBERTY. Reverse: Irregular die scratches surround the letters of ONE.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-097
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Small die gouge below the right side of the bowtie. N by E die scratches from the bowtie and date. Reverse: E/W die scratch just above the horizontal bar of the A in STATES. W by N/E by S die scratch at the top of UNUM. WSW/ENE die scratch at the top of bay one.
Submitted By: John Miller
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-098
Description: D/D North
Die Markers:Obverse: Die gouge centered on the bottom of the mint mark. Series of die marks, probably caused by a dropped die or something dropped on the die, beginning at the left lower side of the 1 in the date and running west across the jacket. ENE/WSW die crack above the ear then turning east on the upper side and running into the head. Reverse: Die scratches west by south from column one. E/W die scratches near center of bay four. Die chips at the top and near center of column twelve.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-099
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Light NNW die scratches from the top and left side of the R in LIBERTY. Reverse: Die scratch from the upper right of the second U in UNUM running NNW through the R in PLURIBUS to the bottom of the E in STATES. Die scratch running north from the last dot at UNUM, through the U in PLURIBUS to the O in OF. Die scratch SSE from the lower left side of the first A in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Gene Nichols
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-100
Description: D/D West
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratches south from LIBERTY. Strong lathe marks at the rim below the bust. Reverse: Strong ESE/WNW die scratches connecting the I and B of PLURIBUS. ESE/WSW die scratches above the IBU of PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Gary Shaffstall
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-101
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch south by east from the left side of the lapel positioned left of the button hole. Reverse: Die gouge in the field centered between the top of column one and the N of UNITED. Die scratches above the U in UNITED at the right upper side and the center near the rim. Light die crack along the edge of the right eave with a die chip at the top.
Submitted By: Gary Shaffstall
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-102
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch NW from the top of the head centered between WE TRUST. Reverse: Die scratches SE from the lower area of the F in OF. Die scratch NE from the lower right curve of the first S in STATES. Very weak die clash at the top of bays eight and nine. Die scratch inside bay ten running SSE from the right center of column ten.
Submitted By: Gary Shaffstall
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-103
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse: Die chip inside the lower cavity of the B of LIBERTY. Heavily chipped die crack beginning at the lower area at the back of the head and running NNE. The crack becomes thin when it reaches the ear. NNE die crack above the ear with a few chips then curling north where it becomes heavy. Reverse: Die gouge above the top right of the N of UNITED. Very heavy die chips on the lower inside of the E in AMERICA. Heavy die chips on the right eave. Die crack on the edge of the right side cornice and running up the right side roof base.
Submitted By: Gary Shaffstall
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-104
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die crack along the contour of the ear running NE then turning east through the head then curving downward toward the eye. Numerous smaller die cracks in the hair in different directions. Die crack SSW from the left lower side of the bowtie. Reverse: Die crack along the edge of the left side base. Die chip at the upper left side of column one. Chipped die crack down column eleven. Large die chip at the top of column twelve. Die gouge in the field positioned below right center of column twelve. Long die chip on the inside of the left eave.
Submitted By: Gene Nichols
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-105
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: NNE/SSW die scratch in the field behind the upper left area of the head. Die scratches north from the upper left side of the head. Short (about) N/S die scratch left of the lower area of the N of IN. Reverse: Chipped die crack on the underside of the upper vertical bar of the E in CENT. West by North/East by South die scratches right of UNUM.
Submitted By: John Miller
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-106
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Heavy die gouges between the rim and the bust at 5:45. Reverse: Short, thick N/S die scratch almost centered between the O and N of ONE.
Submitted By: John Conway
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-107
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse: Lathe gouges above GOD and WE. Reverse: Die crack along the edges of the right eave. Weak die gouge above the right side cornice. Die chip at the top of column twelve.
Submitted By: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-108
Description: D/D/D North & Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Very fine N/S die scratches in the fields. Stronger die scratch north from the right side of the Y in LIBERTY to the lower back of the head. Reverse: NE/SW die scratches between the O and F in OF. Die gouge NE from the upper right of the C in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-109
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Abrasion gouge at the lower left side of the 1 in the date. NE/SW die scratches through the date. Die scratch SSW from about center of the left side of the lapel. Die crack south from the left lower side of the bowtie. Reverse: Die scratch SE from the lower inside area of the last A in AMERICA. Die chip above center on column one. Die scratch NNE from the left side of the cornice.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-110
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: N/S die scratch between the lower area of the 19 in the date. Reverse: None visible. Circulated specimen was examined.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-111
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch SSW from the nostrils. Die scratch south from the lower right side of the B in LIBERTY. Die scratch NNE from top center of the E in LIBERTY. Reverse: Die break on the left base tip. Die chips centered on columns eleven and twelve with a smaller chip above.
Submitted By: Tony Russo
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-112
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Light NNE/SSW die scratches in the field right of the beard running through the 1 and first 9 in the date. Die scratches north from the hair to WE. N/S Die scratch in the hair positioned below the E in WE. NNE die scratch from the top of the back right of the Y in LIBERTY. Reverse: Short die scratch north from the right side of the roof. Long south by east die scratch from the top of bay two running to column three.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-113
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: NNE/SSW die scratches through the 195 of the date. Short die scratches south from the mint mark. Reverse: Die break at the right eave. Die break at the upper area of column twelve.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-114
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Slightly curving, N/S die scratch behind the neck and collar area. Chipped die crack beginning right of the designer’s initials and running WNW over the B of VDB. Reverse: Die scratch running E/W through the top of the UNIT of UNITED. Short die scratch west from about left center of the E in UNITED.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-115
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: E/W die scratch connecting the top of the TR in TRUST. Reverse: E/W die scratches connecting the AM in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-116
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: NE/SW die scratch connecting the I and N of IN. Die scratch north by west from the upper left of the Y in LIBERTY. Reverse: E by S/W by N die scratches through the top and to the upper left of the O in ONE.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-117
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Abraded NNE/SSW die scratches on both sides of the profile. Reverse: No prominent die markers.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-118
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die crack running NNE from the ear to the forehead intersected by another die crack running SE. Die crack from the rim at 7:00 running north through the shoulder. Two large die gouges under the designer’s initials. Two die gouges at the bust located left of the jacket fold. Reverse: Die crack connecting the UR of PLURIBUS at the top. Die chip at the upper left of the S in PLURIBUS. Die crack on the left eave. Die cracks at the upper left of column one. Die crack along most of the left side of column two. Light die chips on columns ten and eleven. Die cracks centered on column twelve. Die crack at the right eave tip. Die crack along the right side of the memorial base. Die chip below the right side of the memorial base followed by a light depression.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-119
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Short, thick N/S die scratch centered above the mint mark and the bottom of the 95 of the date. Reverse: Die crack at the left memorial base tip that tails NNE. Die crack on the center of column eleven. Die crack down the center throughout most of column twelve. Die crack on the right eave. Die gouge below the right side of the last A in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-120
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Strong NE die scratches from the chin and lighter die scratches from the profile. Reverse: Die gouge in the field at left center from the O in ONE.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-121
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: No prominent die markers. Reverse: No prominent die markers.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-122
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Long die scratch south from the nose to the vest. Short die scratch from the nose to the beard. Reverse: Die gouge (dot) on the right side of the T in UNITED where the vertical and horizontal bars meet.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-123
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: NW/SE die crack to the right of the designer’s initials with a die chip on the upper right of the D in the designer’s initials. Reverse: Die chip on the upper area of column one. Die gouge at right center of the R in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-124
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Northeast die scratches from the profile and the hair. Reverse: Die chip at the right eave. E/W die scratches below the RICA of AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-125
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Lathe marks above and through IGWT. Lathe marks below the bust. Reverse: West by northeast by south die scratch connecting both legs of the R of AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-126
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Light die scratch south by west from the bottom of the Y in LIBERTY to the back. Reverse: No prominent die markers.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-127
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: No prominent die markers. Reverse: No prominent die markers.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-128
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Heavy die scratches in the field in mostly a N/S and NNE/SSW direction. Chipped E/W die crack across the head. Reverse: Die chip on the outside center of the left side Memorial base. Heavy die scratches mostly NNW/SSE in the upper area of the field.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-129
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Lathe marks through IN and GOD. Reverse: Die gouge below the right side of the E in STATES.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-130
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratches run NNE from the lower vest to the 19 in the date. Multiple die scratches run SSW/NNE to the right of Lincoln’s nose and mouth. Reverse: A die gouge can be found between the lower N and I in UNITED. Die gouges can be found inside the lower O in ONE.
Submitted By: Dr. Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-131
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A die crack runs WSW/ENE through the upper ear to the forehead. Intersecting die cracks can be found in the upper hair south of GOD. Die chips can be found in the lower B and upper R in LIBERTY. Reverse: A die chip can be found on the left edge of the left Memorial base. Die cracks run down the first and last Memorial columns.
Submitted By: Dr. Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-132
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge (dot) can be found below the E in LIBERTY. Reverse: A small die gouge touches the upper right N in CENT. A short die scratch runs WSW/ENE in the field below the right post.
Submitted By: Dr. Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-133
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A die scratch runs north from the top of the second nine in the date. A die scratch curves NE from the top of the one in the date. A die chip can be found in the top of the R in LIBERTY. A die crack can be found above the designer’s initials. Multiple die cracks run from the back of the head above the ear and through the forehead. Reverse: Short nearly vertical die scratches can be found at the bottom right side of the second and third Memorial columns.
Submitted By: Dr. Daniel Griffin
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-134
Description: D/D/D Northeast & South
Die Markers:Obverse: A short die gouge can be found just above the left side of the R in LIBERTY. Short die scratches run SW/NE below the eyelid and from the nose into the field. Reverse: Die dents can be found above the right side of the I and the E in UNITED. A die scratch runs NE from the top of the left cornice.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-135
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A die scratch runs NE from the top of the R in LIBERTY. A die crack runs ENE from above the ear through the lower forehead. A die crack runs across the base of the bust and above the designer’s initials. Reverse: A die scratch runs E/W through the upper 9th and 10th Memorial bays.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-136
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A die scratch runs from the top of the D in GOD to the top of the W in WE. A die crack runs across the base of the bust and above the designer’s initials. Reverse: A large die chip can be found on the right cornice.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-137
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A strong die gouge extends from the tip of the nose. A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the tip of the nose. Reverse: A small die chip can be found on the tip of the left Memorial base. Die cracks and die chips can be found on the last two Memorial columns.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-138
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A short die gouge can be found below the right leg of the R in TRUST. A die crack runs WSW/ENE through the designer’s initials and into the lower bust. Reverse: A strong die scratch extends NE from the top of the third Memorial column.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-139
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Parallel die scratches run N/S inside the E in LIBERTY. A die crack runs across the base of the bust. Reverse: A strong die crack runs down the last Memorial column. A die crack extends NE into the field from the top of the right cornice.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-140
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Remnants of a die clash extend from the jacket to the west of the date. A short die gouge extends from the right leg of the R in LIBERTY. Reverse: Numerous NW/SE die scratches can be found in the last four Memorial bays. A die scratch runs SW/NE above the left cornice.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-141
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A die scratch runs SW/NE on the front of the jacket to the west of the mint mark. A short die gouge extends from the upper right of the B in LIBERTY. Parallel die scratches run SW/NE above the LIB in LIBERTY. Reverse: None significant.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-142
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A die scratch runs N/S through the lower second 9 in the date. A long die scratch runs from N of IN to the R in LIBERTY. Several die scratches run N/S to the right of the profile. Reverse: A horizontal die scratch runs through the lower NUM of UNUM. Die scratches with a slight curve run N/S in the 10th Memorial bay. Other die scratches can be found throughout the reverse.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-143
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A short vertical die gouge connects the center and bottom horizontal bars of the E in LIBERTY. A die scratch runs SW/NE through the lower right of the E in LIBERTY. Reverse: A die chip can be found near the top of the 12th Memorial column.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-144
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge (dot) can be found between the lower I and B in LIBERTY. A die scratch runs SSW/NNE to the right of the chin, lips, and nose. Reverse: A die chip can be found near the top of the 12th Memorial column.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-145
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: A die scratch runs SW from the lower back of the head. A die scratch runs N/S to the right of the bowtie. Reverse: None significant.