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1946-P,D,S 10¢ WWHO-001          Doubled Working Hub

Description:  A spread towards the center shows on the date, the designer’s initials, and slightly on IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Will vary on the individual working dies.  Reverse:  Will vary on the individual working dies.

Submitted By:  Various individuals

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  Doubling from this doubled working hub can be found on working dies from all three Mints.  Slight differences in the appearance of the doubling may be seen on the working dies.  A number of factors can contribute to these differences including wear to the working hub, wear to the working die, abrading the working die, and wear to the coins.

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-001

Description:  A Class II spread toward the center shows on the BERTY of  LIBERTY.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Short die scratch SW from the lower left area of the G in GOD.  Die gouge in the field west from center of the 1 in the date.  Reverse:  NNW/SSE die scratch through the I of AMERICA.  Short die scratches below the RIC in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Geoffrey Fults

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-002          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A strong Class V CCW spread from a pivot at 5:00 shows on LIBERTY, the eyelid, the top of the head, the hair details, and the back of the head.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  Circular die scratches around the ear area.  Die gouge below the S of the designer's initials.  Reverse:  The reverse has the doubling from WWHR-001.  Heavy E/W die scratch between the lower ER of AMERICA.  E/W die scratch on the lower left E and the lower right M of AMERICA.  Heavy E/W die scratch between the lower A and M of AMERICA.  Die scratch in the upper opening of the N of UNITED just above the diagonal and right vertical bar.

Submitted By:  Doug Riley

Cross References:  CONECA: 8-O-V

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-003          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A strong spread shows on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse: Type I.  VLDS.  None significant.  Reverse: VLDS.  None significant.

Submitted by:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  This variety was previously listed as WDDO-016 but was reassigned after the discovery of the doubled obverse working hub left large “holes” in the listings.  An earlier die state specimen is likely to show doubling to the designer’s initials and IGWT.

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-004          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  Strong doubling shows on the forehead, eye, nose, lips, chin, and throat.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Example was circulated with no markers visible.  Reverse:  Example was circulated with no markers visible.

Submitted By:  James Maloney

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  Photos courtesy of Ken Potter.

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-005          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A Class V CCW spread from a pivot at about 12:00 shows on IGWT, the designer's initials (side by side), LIBERTY, and the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse: Type IIDie gouge (dot) below the lower horizontal bar of the 4 in the date.  Reverse:  Die gouges in the field, west of the top of the mint mark.  Die scratch NW touching the O of ONE.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  CONECA: 4-O-II + V

Comments:  The example submitted and photographed was a heavily abraded MDS copy.  An EDS copy should show more detail.

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-006

Description: A Class V CW spread from a pivot at about 12:00 shows best on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type IN/S die scratch between the B and E of LIBERTY.  Die gouge between the E and R of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die scratches E/W between the left and center openings of the M of DIME.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-007

Description:  A Class V CCW spread from a pivot at about 1:00 shows on IGWT, LIBERTY, the front of the neck, the designer's initials, and the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type IIDie scratches inside the ear in a northerly direction.  Reverse:  The reverse has the doubling from the doubled working hub identified as WWHR-001.  Series of die scratches NW form the lower area of the torch base around the mint mark area.  E/W die scratches through the opening of the flame on the left side. NW/SE die scratches through the NUM of UNUM.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-008          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A Class V CCW spread from a pivot at about 2:00 shows on IGWT, LIBERTY, the designer's initials, and slightly on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  A V-shaped and an inverted V-shaped die scratch touch each other on the nose west of the eye.  Series of NNW/SSE die scratches on the hair NE of the ear.  Reverse:  The reverse has the doubling from the doubled working hub identified as WWHR-001.  N/S die scratch at the left upper side of the second T in STATES.  Die chip on the underside of the center of the R in AMERICA.  Die chip on the underside of the center bar of the E in DIME.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-009

Description:  A Class V CCW spread from a pivot at about 2:00 shows on LIBERTY, IGWT, the designer's initials, and slightly on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  Die gouge at the rim above the T in LIBERTY.  Short die scratch south between the upper lip and the nose.  Reverse:  The reverse has the doubling from the doubled working hub identified as WWHR-001.  Short, heavy die scratches west from all the letter of UNITED.  Short, heavy scratches north from the tops of the right-hand oak leafs.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-010

Description:  A Class V CCW spread from a pivot at about 2:00 shows on LIBERTY, IGWT, the front of the neck, the left side of the bust, the upper hair, the designer's initials, and slightly on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  Series of N/S die scratches on the nose in front of the eye.  N/S die scratch at the upper opening of the ear.  Reverse:  The reverse of this variety is a doubled die listed in the Wexler doubled die files as 1946 10¢ WDDR-002.  A close Class II spread towards the center shows weak on ONE DIME and some of the letters of USA.  The strongest pickup point is at the M in AMERICA.  NE/SW die scratches between the AM in AMERICA.  WSW/ENE die scratches through the upper area of the ON in ONE.  Mostly N/S die scratches running through UNITED. Large die gouge on the upper right side of the second A in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-011

Description:  A very weak Class II spread towards the center shows best on the 6 of the date and the designer's initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse: Type I.  Die gouge (dot) and a NE/SW die gouge in the upper ear area. Die scratch WNW from about left center of the L in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  The reverse has the doubling from the doubled working hub identified as WWHR-001.  Die gouge at the top of the upper oak leaf.  Short die scratch beside the upper left area of the torch holder.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-012

Description: A Class V CCW spread from a pivot at 5:00 shows on the IBERTY of LIBERTY and the top of the head.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  Die gouge (dot) in the field below the left side of the N of IN.  Reverse:  The reverse is also an RPM variety that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1946-D 10¢ WRPM-020.  Light die scratches in different directions at the right side of the handle of the torch.

Submitted By:  Whaden Curtis

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-013

Description:  A Class II spread towards the center shows on IGWT and the designer’s initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Type I.  Die gouge about centered between IN GOD.  Obverse Stage B: Gouge is still present but abraded.  Die gouge on the bottom of the right leg of the R in TRUST.  Doubling shows weak only at the designer’s initials.  Reverse Stage A:  The reverse is also an RPM variety that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1946-D 10¢ WRPM-012.  It is a D/D West.  Die gouges above the right side of the B in PLURIBUS.  Die gouge at the lower right side of the O in ONE.  Die gouges at the lower left side of the N in ONE.  Curly die scratch at the lower right side of the D in DIME.  NE/SW die scratches through the M in DIME.  Reverse Stage B: Gouges above the B in PLURIBUS is weak.  Die scratch below the D in DIME is weak.  All other Stage A markers abraded away.

Submitted By:  Stage A: David Mulberry, Stage B: Eric Axtell

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-014

Description:  A Class II spread towards the center shows on LIBERTY and the profile.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  A short die scratch runs west from just under the nose.  Reverse:  The reverse is also a doubled die that is listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1946-D 10¢ WDDR-001.  A Class II spread towards the center shows on ONE DIME.  A small die gouge can be found inside the upper E in ONE.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-015

Description:  A spread towards the WNW shows on the inside and outside of the ear.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  Paul Kjellander

Cross References:  None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-016

Description: Close spread towards the center shows on IGWT and the date.

Die Markers: Obverse: Many circular and crisscrossing die scratches left of the ear. Short die scratches extend N from the forehead. Reverse: The reverse is also an RPM variety that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1946-D 10¢ WRPM-013. It is a D/D West. Large die gouges through STATES. Large die gouges through the bottom of the ME in DIME. Strong E/W die scratches right of the flame. Strong E/W die scratches through US UNUM. Die scratch extends W from the D in DIME.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: None known

1946-D 10¢ WDDO-017

Description: Strong Class VI extra thickness shows on the date, IGWT, LIBERTY, and the designer's initials.

Die Markers: Obverse: Strong N/S die scratches on the nose. Short N/S die scratches left of the ear. Die gouge to the right of the last T in TRUST. Two die gouges above the U in TRUST. Reverse: The reverse is also an RPM variety that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1946-D 10¢ WRPM-030. It is a D/D/D South and West. WWHR-001. Die scratch runs SE from the upper torch to the space between the upper most and left most oak leaf clusters. Short and weak die scratch extends SE from the torch below the last U in PLURIBUS. Many short die scratches extends SE from the olive leaf overlapping the torch.

Submitted By: Eric Axtell

Cross References: CONECA: 11-O-II+VI

1946-P,D,S 10¢ WWHR-001          Doubled Working Hub

Description:  A Class V CW from a pivot at about 11:00 shows on the E of ONE, DIME, AMERICA, and UNUM.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Will vary on the individual working dies.  Reverse:  Will vary on the individual working dies.

Submitted By:  Various individuals

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  Slight differences in the appearance of the doubling may be seen on the working dies.  A number of factors can contribute to these differences including wear to the working hub, wear to the working die, abrading the working die, and wear to the coins.

1946-D 10¢ WDDR-001

Description:  A Class II spread towards the center shows on ONE DIME.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed in the Wexler doubled die files as 1946 10¢ WDDO-014.  A Class II spread towards the center shows on LIBERTY and the profile.  A short die scratch runs west from just under the nose.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found inside the upper E in ONE.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  This variety was previously listed as WDDR-010 but was reassigned after the discovery of the doubled reverse working hub left large “holes” in the listings.

1946-D 10¢ WDDR-002

Description:  A close Class II spread towards the center shows weak on ONE DIME and some of the letters of USA.  The strongest pickup point is at the M in AMERICA.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Type I.  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed in the Wexler doubled die files as 1946 10¢ WDDO-010.  A Class V CCW spread from a pivot at about 2:00 shows on LIBERTY, IGWT, the front of the neck, the left side of the bust, the upper hair, the designer's initials, and slightly on the date.  Series of N/S die scratches in front of the nose.  N/S die scratch at the upper opening of the ear.  Reverse:  NE/SW die scratches between the AM in AMERICA.  WSW/ENE die scratches through the upper area of the ON in ONE.  Mostly N/S die scratches running through UNITED.  Large die gouge on the upper right side of the second A in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Joe Feld

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  This variety was previously listed as WDDR-007 but was reassigned after the discovery of the doubled reverse working hub left large “holes” in the listings.

1946-D 10¢ WDDR-003

Description:  A Class II + VI spread towards the center shows on USA (best on STATES), M of DIME, the oak stem, upper oak leaves, the olive branch, upper olive, olive leaves, the flame and E PLU of EPU.  Extra thickness shows best on UNITED.

Die Markers:  Obverse: Type I.  Heavy N/S die scratches west of the eye.  Reverse: The reverse is also an RPM variety that is listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1946-D 10¢ WRPM-017.  It is a D/D South.  NE/SW die scratches between the M and E of DIME.

Submitted By:  Doug Yost

Cross References:  CONECA: 9-R-II + VI