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1945 50¢ WDDO-001

Description:  A close Class V CW spread from a pivot at 2:00 shows on the lower left of the gown, the outermost left side of the gown above the sun, the sun ray below the gown, the sun rays touching the gown, and the tips and bottoms of the sun rays below the flag.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  E/W die scratch between the B of LIBERTY and the rim.  Reverse:  Die scratch NE from the right lower side of the I in AMERICA through the C and to the rim.

Submitted By:  Kevin Flynn

Cross References:  None known

1945 50¢ WDDR-001

Description:  Strong extra thickness and some notching shows on USA, HALF DOLLAR, EPU, the dots, and the cactus branches.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch extends east from the upper right T of LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs SE from the lower right T of LIBERTY.  A short die scratch runs WSW to ENE just below the E of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A short, diagonal die gouge can be found inside the 1st U of PLURIBUS.  A die scratch runs NE from the center right 1st T of STATES.  A short die gouge protrudes from the upper right R of DOLLAR.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known

1945 50¢ WDDR-002

Description:  A Class II spread towards the center shows on the RIBUS of PLURIBUS, the upper cactus branches, and the tips of the feathers at the bottom of the eagle’s right wing.  An earlier die state may show additional doubling.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Three, short, parallel die scratches run WSW from the rim to the left of the B in LIBERTY.  Die scratches run NNW, north, and NNE from the top right N of IN.  A short die scratch runs NNE from the bottom right E of WE.  Four parallel die scratches run from SW to NE through the left side of the W in WE.  A die scratch runs SW from the bottom center of the L in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A short, vertical die gouge can be found above the right side of the 1st T in STATES.  A short die scratch runs SW from the top left M in AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found inside the 1st U of PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known