1944-D 10¢ WDDO-001
Description: A close spread towards the center shows on the date and slightly on WE TRUST.
Die Markers: Obverse: A small die gouge can be found to the left of the nose. Reverse: The mintmark touches the leave on the lower right side.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known

1944-D 10¢ WDDO-002
Description: Strong extra thickness shows on the date, the designer’s initials, IGWT, and to a lesser extent on LIBERTY.
Die Markers: Obverse: Vertical die scratches can be found to the left of the I of IN. Reverse: Die scratches run WSW/ENE through the E in UNITED.
Submitted By: Thomas McGowan
Cross References: CONECA: 1-O-VI
