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1945-S 10¢ WDDO-001

Description: A spread towards the center seen on the 194 of the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: N/S Die scratches on most of the field areas.  Obverse Stage B: All stage A die scratches abraded away.  Heavily abraded gouges in the area of the B of LIBERTY.  Reverse Stage A: The reverse is an RPM listed in the Wexler RPM Files as 1945-S 10¢ WRPM-003.  It is an S/S/S South & North.  N/S die scratches in the left side fields.  Heavy N/S die scratch connecting the left lower side of the axe and the laurel leaves.  N/S die scratches in the field above EPU and right of the laurel leaves.  NW/SE die scratches connecting the center and bottom horizontal bars of the E in ONE on the right side.  Reverse Stage B: All Stage A die scratches abraded away.  Branch of the right upper leaf cluster abraded away.  Heavy abrasion through the leaves left of the axe.

Submitted By:  Frank Doty, Jr.

Cross References:  None known

1945-S 10¢ WDDR-001

  A close spread towards the center can be found on the right star, and slightly on AMERICA and EPU.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs NNW to SSE to the left of the nose, lips, and chin.  A die scratch runs from WNW to ESE between the L and I in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die scratch runs NE from the right side of the D in UNITED.

Submitted By:  Thomas McGowan

Cross References:  None know

1945-S 10¢ WDDR-002

Description:  Extra thickness shows on USA, EPU, the dots, the stars, and ONE DIME.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A light vertical die scratch runs N/S to the left of the nose, lips, and chin.  Reverse:  Ball Serif S mint mark.  None significant.

Submitted By:  Thomas McGowan

Cross References:  CONECA: 1-R-VI