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1961 10¢ Pr WDDO-001

Description:  A spread toward the center shows on the date, IGWT, the L in LIBERTY, and the designer's initials.  Tripling shows on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Small die dot appears on the upper ear to the left.  Small die chip on the forehead.  Reverse:  Series of die chips below the horizontal bar of the 1st A in AMERICA.  Short vertical die scratch on the lower left side of the F in OF.

Submitted By:  Frank Baumann

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDO-002

Description:  A close spread shows on the designer's initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDO-003

Description:  A spread toward the rim shows on the date, IGWT and the designer's initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Very short N/S die scratch at the lower right of the L in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Vertical die scratch from the right upper M of AMERICA to the rim.

Submitted By:  Frank Baumann

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDO-004

Description:  A very strong spread towards the center shows on the date, IGWT, LIBERTY and the designer's initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Pattern of die scratches above the eyelid.  Long N/S die scratches at the forehead.  NE/SW die scratches throughout the ear.  Reverse:  Vertical die scratch on the lower inner loop of the 2nd S of STATES.

Submitted By:  Kevin Flynn

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDO-005

Description:  A CW spread from a pivot at about 1:00 shows on IGWT and the designer’s initials.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  The reverse is a doubled die listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-008.  A CW spread from a pivot at about 1:00 shows on UNITED, E PLURIB, ONE, and the lower olive branch and leaves.

Submitted By:  Frank Baumann

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-001

Description:  A spread toward the center shows on ONE DIME, UNUM, outer leaves on the right side, AMERICA and the right dot.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Series of die gouges on the cheek.  Reverse:  Two N/S die scratch near the top of the upper leaf on the left side with die chips (dots) above the left-hand scratch.  Two short die scratches between the lower M and E of DIME.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-002

Description:  Notching shows on the upper serifs of UNITED while a close spread shows on the bottom of the olive branch.  Extra thickness shows on the E PLU.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-003

Description:  A spread towards the center shows on UNITED STATES, E PLU of EPU, the flame, upper left leaves and ONE.  Strong notching shows on UNITED.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Small NE/SW die scratches at IGWT and the point of the bust.  Obverse Stage B: Small die dot centered between the 1st T and R of TRUST.  Reverse Stage A: Short die scratch in the field, right and slightly below center of the I in UNITED.  Reverse Stage B: Die chip at the lower left point of the D in UNITED.  Die chip at the lower left point of the E of EPU.

Submitted By:  Roy Pilot

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-004

Description:  A very close spread towards the rim shows on UNITED, E PLU of EPU, and the bottom of the olive branch.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-005

Description:  A very close spread towards the rim shows on UNITED STATES, E PLU of EPU, and the bottom of the olive branch.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  A die gouge (dot) can be found above the B in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-006          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A CW spread from a pivot at about 3:00 shows on UNITED STATES decreasing in spread from left to right, and also on E PLUR.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-007          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  An exceptionally strong spread towards the center shows on all letters and dots around the rim, EPU, both lower stems, the flame, the upper torch holder, the lower torch holder base, the left and right leaves.  Tripling shows on the TES of STATES.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge (dot) at the lower ear opening.  Reverse:  N/S die scratch on the top leaf on the left side.

Submitted By:  Kevin Flynn

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-008

Description:  A CW spread from a pivot at about 1:00 shows on UNITED, E PLURIB, ONE, and the lower olive branch and leaves.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  The obverse is a doubled die listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1961 10¢ Pr WDDO-005.  A CW spread from a pivot at about 1:00 shows on IGWT and the designer’s initials.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  Frank Baumann

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-009

Description:  A spread towards the center shows on USA, ONE, E PLU, and UNUM.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  A die scratch runs ENE from the upper right R in AMERICA through the top of the I.

Submitted By:  Frank Baumann

Cross References:  None known

1961 10¢ Pr WDDR-010

Description:  A spread towards the center shows on UNITED STATES, ONE DIME, E PLU, the olive leaves, and the flames on the torch.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper T in UNITED.

Submitted By:  Tony Russo

Cross References:  None known