Description: Very close spread on LIBERTY
and the second hair strand below the R of LIBERTY. Very minor other doubling.
Die Markers: Obverse: Will
vary with the different working dies. Reverse: Will
vary with the different working dies.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1967 50¢ WWHO-001 Working Hub Doubling
Description: Very close tripling shows on date, IGWT, ERTY, and hair under R. Die Markers: Obverse: Will
vary with the different working dies. Reverse: Will
vary with the different working dies.
Submitted By: Various Individuals
Cross References: None known
Comments: The following previously listed varieties have all been determined to be from WWHO-001: WDDO-014.
1967 50¢ SMS WDDO-001
Description: Quintupling shows on the
lower serifs of the RTY and the hair strands below and to the left of the R of
LIBERTY. The upper hair on the head
below the strands of the R of LIBERTY has been hubbed as many as six
times. Doubling shows on hair strands
between the BE and E of LIBERTY. Tripling (at least) shows on the upper serifs of LI all bars and upper
serifs of BER of LIBERTY. Doubling
progressing to tripling and then quadrupling shows on IGWT progressing stronger
from left to right, with the ST of TRUST being the strongest. Light doubling on the date progresses from
left to right with the 7 being tripled.
Die Markers: Obverse: Five small die dots slightly
above the point of the bust. Two short
die scratches to the left of the eye.
Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-043. Die chip touching the left
lower vertical bar of the F in OF, almost to bottom. Nice die gouge to the left of the R of
Comments: This variety was previously listed as WDDO-023.
1967 50¢ WDDO-002
1967 50¢ WDDO-003
Description: Doubling on LIBERTY, IGWT,
date, light on designer's initials and hair below and between BER of LIBERTY
with tripling on some of the strands. Most upper and lower serifs are split.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Light die scratches running from I of LIBERTY toward nose in a SE
direction. Diagonal die scratch from the
left lower designer's initials above the right diagonal bar of the W and over
the E in WE. Obverse Stage B: E/W crack above the tip of the base. Die gouge from the lower bottom serif of the S in TRUST.
Reverse Stage A: Reverse is WDDR-001. Heavy die scratches around
the stars between the rays. Heavy
diagonal scratch under the third LH star from the lower ray and running to
about even with the height of the star to the next ray. Die scratch from F of HALF to star above. Reverse Stage B: Most minor die scratches polished away but marker
scratches still remain. Two die dots
inside the upper R of DOLLAR. Heavy
slightly diagonal scratch to the right of the F of HALF.
Submitted By: Timothy J. Wissert (Stage A) and John A. Wexler (Stage B)
Cross References: CONECA: Possible 4-O-II
1967 50¢ WDDO-004
1967 50¢ SMS WDDO-005
Description: Quadruple spread best seen on
the upper left serifs of ER and left lower serifs of TY of LIBERTY, the two
hair strands below the R of LIBERTY and to the right of the R. Further doubling seen on WE TRUST, LIBERTY,
date, hair below the strands and hair upper back of head.
Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratches in front of the
eye. Small die chips (dots) left lower G
of GOD. Long die scratch N/S from above
Adams apple to the 9 of the date. Scratches from D of GOD to area back of chin.
Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-037. Short heavy die scratch at
right lower inside leg from A of HALF. Small mass of die chips below right leg of the last A in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Gary Wagnon
Cross References: None known
1967 50¢ WDDO-006
Description: A strong CW spread from a pivot at about 4:00 shows on GOD, LIB, hair at top of forehead, the nose, the chin, and front point of bust. A Class VI spread towards the center shows on 967, WE TRUST, and ERTY. Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die clash marks show on nose and under ear. Bridge of nose is broken due to heavy die abrading.
Obverse Stage B: A die crack runs across the top of the T and out to the rim from the right side of the T. Reverse Stage A: None noted. Reverse Stage B: None noted.