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1878-S $1 WDDO-001

Description: LIBERTY is at least quadrupled, possibly quintupled. Some doubling shows on wheat kernels above LIBERTY. The eyelid is thick showing multiple images. The nostril shows some doubling.

Die Markers: Obverse: Fourth star on right shows broken point. Three short die gouges in straight line below center of leaf below right cotton ball. Reverse: An engraved feather shows between eagle's right wing and leg. Die scratch north from upper left leaf on olive branch.

Submitted By: Joe Groff

Cross References: VAM 30

1878-S $1 WDDO-002

Description: LIBERTY is tripled with spreads both east and west. Doubling shows on the two left cotton leaves, the wheat ears, hair below LIBERTY, the eyelid, nostril, and chin. US UNUM spread towards center.

Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge between upper left U of PLURIBUS and the rim. Both 8's doubled inside upper left loop. 7 doubled on upper right side. Reverse: Engraved feather between eagle's right wing and leg. R in TRUST not broken.

Submitted By: Kyle Kafka

Cross References: VAM 29 and 31

Comments: Pictured example is the VAM 29 die pairing.

1878-S $1 WDDO-003

Description: All letters of EPU show evidence of doubling with E, RI, and M being the strongest. LIBERTY is spread to the right. Doubling also shows on wheat grains above LIBERTY, eyelid, and on the back of the ear. All stars on left and right show some evidence of doubling. All digits of date show evidence of doubling (dates were added to master dies in 1878, so this is not repunching).

Die Markers: Obverse: None noted. Reverse: Strong die gouge NE to SW through eagle's center feathers of right wind into the field.

Submitted By: Joe Groff

Cross References: VAM 16

1878-S $1 WDDO-004

Description: Very strong doubling seen on LIBERTY, nearly all of the hair details, leaves, and Liberty's bonnet. Very strong doubling on eyelid, nostril, lips, chin, and throat, inside of ear, sixth star on left, third star on right, all lettering of E PLURIBUS, inside upper loops of both 8's and the outer edge of the vertical bar of the 7 in the date.

Die Markers: Obverse: Light die crack from base of bust into field above date. Heavy die polish lines N/S over entire obverse. Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-001. Upper bar of R in TRUST is broken. Reengraved tail feather between eagle's right leg and wing. Strong N/S die polish lines over lower and sides of reverse. Long NW/SE die scratch from top of eagle's left wing to M of AMERICA.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler (Photos by Brian Allen)

Cross References: VAM 5


1878-S $1 WDDO-005

Description: Strong doubled R of PLURIBUS, light doubling on left side of US of PLURIBUS, light doubling toward rim on UNUM. Light doubling on LIBERTY and split eyelid. Top of 1 and top inside loop of last 8 in date.

Die Markers: Obverse: Fourth star on right broken left point. Strong die scratch on right side of 7 of date. Reverse: Reverse is WDDR-002. Split upper right serif of S mintmark. Leaf of the left olive branch, third group, abraded away.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler

Cross References: None known


1878-S $1 WDDO-006

Description: Moderate doubling on left side of letters of LIBERTY, split eyelid, strong doubling on R of PLURIBUS, and doubling on the tops of all letters of UNUM.

Die Markers: Obverse: Broken point on fourth star on right. Reverse: Split upper right serif of S mintmark.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler

Cross References: None known


1878-S $1 WDDR-001

Description: Nice Class II doubling toward the rim on the letters of UNITED STATES, the olive leaves and branches below the tail all the way up the right. Some doubling seen on eagle's wing feathers.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-004. Light die crack from base of bust into field above date. Heavy die polish lines N/S over entire obverse. Reverse: Upper bar of R in TRUST is broken. Reengraved tail feather between eagle's right leg and wing. Strong N/S die polish lines over lower and sides of reverse. Long NW/SE die scratch from top of eagle's left wing to M of AMERICA.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler

Cross References: VAM 5


1878-S $1 WDDR-002

Description: Moderate Class II doubling toward the rim on all letters of USA and ONE DOLLAR. Doubling on outside edges of the left olive leaves. Very light doubling on outside edge of right wing feathers.

Die Markers: Obverse: Obverse is WDDO-005. Fourth star on right broken left point. Strong die scratch on right side of 7 of date. Reverse: Split upper right serif of S mintmark. Leaf of the left olive branch, third group, abraded away.

Submitted By: John A. Wexler

Cross References: None known