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The obverse of the 2009 Formative Years Lincoln cents shows the traditional Lincoln cent obverse that has been in use since the series was introduced in 1909.  The target area for doubled dies on this design is the area around the bottom of Lincoln's ear, the ERTY of LIBERTY, and the date.  The reverse of the 2009 Formative Years Lincoln cents shows Lincoln sitting on a log reading a book.  He is taking a break from his work as a rail splitter.  The target area for doubled dies on this design is the area where the left hand is holding the book.  While the entire obverse and reverse should be examined carefully for doubling, the target area is where you are most likely going to find the doubled die doubling.

If you have 2009 Formative Years Lincoln cent doubled die varieties that are not shown on this page, we would love to add them to our files.  Go to the Coin Examinations page to find the guidelines for submitting coins for attribution.  Just click on the link in the left column menu to access that page.

In the following listings the person listed as "Submitted By" is the person who sent the coin for listing in the Wexler Doubled Die Files.  It is not necessarily the person who originally discovered the variety.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-001          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A strong extra index finger can be found between the thumb and the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  EDS.  A light die scratch runs SSE from the front underside of the beard.  Obverse Stage B:  Two parallel pre-die crack depressions run from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A pre-die crack depression runs WNW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage C:  Two parallel die cracks run from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Two pre-die chip depressions can be found in the upper hair south of the O of GOD.  A die crack runs WNW through the eyebrow and then curves NW into the forehead.  A die chip can be found on this die crack just above the eyebrow.  A die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.    A small die chip can be found on the upper nose.  A die crack runs from NNE to SSW through the beard.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the bowtie.  Reverse Stage A:  EDS.  A die scratch runs south from the bottom left side of the 1st S in STATES.  A die scratch extends SSE from the center right N of ONE.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression runs across the left shoulder.  A pre-die crack depression runs down the rolled up left sleeve and the upper left arm.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die crack runs down the lower part of the right boot.  A pre-die crack depression runs from NE to SW through the mallet head.  Reverse Stage C:  Two short die cracks extend NE from the upper right N of ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the top left of the E of ONE.  A die crack runs down the left side of the E in UNITED.  A die crack runs down the rolled up left sleeve and the upper left arm.  A small die chip can be found on the rolled up left sleeve.  A die crack runs down the mid area of the left arm.  A small die chip can be found on the lower part of the die crack on the right boot.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the mallet head.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Cathy Barker, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-002, Coppercoins: 1DR-017, CONECA: 2-R-VIII, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-803, Potter: VCR#2/DDR#2

Values:  AU = $17,  MS60 = $25,  MS63 = $35,  MS65 = $50

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-002          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger and middle finger can be seen between the thumb and the index finger.  An extra impression of the top of the book runs at an angle through the pages of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Die gouges can be found below the two and the 1st zero in the date.  A die gouge can be found well SE of the 2nd T in TRUST.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow through the forehead.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A large die chip can be found at approximately the midpoint of this die crack.  A die crack runs from west to east through the lower beard.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found at the top of Lincoln’s right shoulder.  Small die gouges can be found below the underside and near the right end of the log.  A die scratch runs NNW to SSE to the right of Lincoln’s left boot.  Die cracks run north to south down the lower left and lower right boots.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the head of the mallet.  Die cracks run SSW and SSE from the center of the right log end.  Reverse Stage B:  The die crack through the mallet head now extends all the way to the rim.  A die chip can be found on the die crack at the rim.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Marilyn Keeney, Stage B: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-001, Coppercoins: 1DR-007, CONECA: 1-R-VIII, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-802, Potter: VCR#1/DDR#1

Values:  AU = $17,  MS60 = $25,  MS63 = $35,  MS65 = $50

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-003          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra thumb can be seen just above the index finger and on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  The obverse of this stage is the doubled die variety listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-003A.  Obverse Stage B:  The obverse of this stage is the doubled die variety listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-003B.  Obverse Stage C:  The obverse of this stage is the doubled die variety listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-003C.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs SE from the lower right N of ONE.  A die scratch runs NW to SE above the book.  A strong die gouge runs SW to NE through the log to the right of Lincoln’s left leg.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die chip can be found on the left arm near the elbow.  A light die crack runs from the bottom left corner of the mallet SW to the rim.  Short die cracks run NE from the top of the O and the top right N of ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left N of ONE.  Reverse Stage C:  The die crack from the mallet head is now heavy and runs up through the left side of the mallet head.  A small die chip can be found on the die crack near the top of the mallet head.  A die chip can be found on the upper left N of ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: John A. Wexler, Stage B: Marilyn Keeney, Stage C: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-003, Coppercoins: 1DR-013, CONECA: 3-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-004          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be seen just below the thumb and a partial extra middle finger can be seen just above the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die scratch extends SW from the lower left Y in LIBERTY.  A long, light die scratch runs north from the top right 1st zero in the date.  Obverse Stage B:  A short die crack runs NW from Lincoln’s eyebrow.  A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair at the top of the head.  Obverse Stage C:  The die crack from the eyebrow is longer.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  Die gouges can be found below the 2 and the 1st zero.  Reverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs north from the center of the book.  Two parallel die scratches run south from the bottom of the log between Lincoln’s legs.  Reverse Stage B:  A light die crack runs across the head of the mallet.  A short die crack curves north from the top of the O in ONE.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage C:  The die crack across the mallet now runs to the rim at about 8:00.  A die crack runs down Lincoln’s left boot.  Die chips can be found on both sleeves and the left shoulder.  The die crack north from the top of the O in ONE is longer.  Short die cracks run NE from the top left and top right N of ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B & C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-004, Coppercoins: 1DR-005, CONECA: 4-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-005

Description:  A partial tip of the thumb can be seen protruding from the top of the thumb at the knuckle. A weak line seen below the thumb is a partial impression of the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the top of the 1st T in TRUST.  Two strong, parallel die gouges extend NNW from the top of the vest through the end of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs NNW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  A small die chip can be found on the center left side of the Y in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs along the bottom of the bowtie.  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the 2nd zero in the date.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A die crack can be found on the top of Lincoln’s left shoulder.  Two light, parallel die scratches run north from the top of the log just left of the spike in the log.  Small die gouges can be found at the top of the cloth extending from the back of Lincoln’s pants.  A die crack runs SW from the center of the right end of the log.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  A die chip can be found on the top left E of ONE.  A die crack can be found on the lower part of the right sleeve.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the lower part of the left sleeve.  A very short die crack runs NE from the top of the O in ONE.  A die crack runs north from the top left of the N in ONE and another runs NNE from the top right of the N.  Die cracks protrude from the top left and bottom left of the C in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left side of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage C:  A die chip can now be found on the left shoulder.  A second smaller die chip can be found on the upper left E of ONE.  A small die chip can now be found on the lower part of the left sleeve.  A light die crack runs from the top of the E to the top of the N in CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A: James Windsor, Stage B: Dennis Sanderson, Stage C: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-010, Coppercoins: 1DR-008, CONECA: 10-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-006          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A strong extra index finger can be seen between the thumb and the normal index finger and a small partial extra middle finger can be seen just above the normal index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die that we have listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-002C.  Obverse Stage B:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die that we have listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-002D.  Obverse Stage C:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die that we have listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-002E.  Obverse Stage D:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die that we have listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-002F.  Obverse Stage E:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die that we have listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-002G.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs NE from the upper right T of CENT.  V-shaped die scratches extend from the pages on the left side of the book.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower part of the right boot.  A die crack runs down the upper part of the left boot.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot curving WNW through the tip of the left boot and into the field above the grass.  A small die chip can be found on the die crack running across the bottom of the left boot roughly north of the 2nd U in PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage C:  A small die chip can be found on the upper part of the left collar.  A die crack runs across the lower part of the left arm.  A second small die chip can be found on the die crack running across the bottom of the left boot with this one north of the B in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs across the lower part of the mallet head.  Reverse Stage D:  A die crack runs from the rim to the top of the A in STATES.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the bottom center of the left boot above the original die crack.  Reverse Stage E:  The die crack run from the rim to the A in STATES now runs through the right side of the A ending in the field to the left of Lincoln’s eyes.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Robert J. Piazza and Stage B, C, & D: Marilyn Keeney, Stage E: Michael Forader

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-009, Coppercoins: 1DR-002, CONECA: 9-R-VIII, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-808, Potter: VCR#9/DDR#9

Values:  AU = $20,  MS60 = $35,  MS63 = $50,  MS65 = $75

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-007          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be seen just above the normal index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  The obverse is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-002A.  Obverse Stage B:  The obverse is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-002B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found between the lower I and T of UNITED.  Die scratches run SW to NE through the E of E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A die scratch runs north from the upper left U of UNITED.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack connects the bottoms of the E and D in UNITED.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Robert J. Piazza and Ronald Traino, Stage B: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-006, Coppercoins: 1DR-003, CONECA: 6-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-008

Description:  A partial extra thumb can be seen just under the normal thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs SW from the bottom of the Y in LIBERTY.  A short die scratch runs SW from the collar to the right of the Y in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found under the left side of the N of UNITED.  Reverse Stage B:  A short die crack extends SSW from the bottom of the C of CENT.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  Small die gouges can be found to the SE of the cloth protruding from the upper back of the pants.  The die cracks from the bottom of the C of CENT is longer and curves SW.  A short die crack extends north from the top of the C of CENT.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage D:  A small die gouge can now be found inside the lower left N of UNITED.  A large die chip protrudes from the top of the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Ray Foody, Stage C: Eric E. Beers, and Stage D: Ray Foody

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-007, Coppercoins: 1DR-022, CONECA: 7-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-009

Description:  A small partial extra finger can be seen just under the bottom of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs NE from the top of the 1st zero.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  Die gouges can be found above the 2nd zero and the 9 in the date.  A die gouge can be found between the 9 and the rim.  A die crack arcs northward from the upper left B of LIBERTY while another runs south from the lower left B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the upper M in UNUM.  A small die gouge touches the top right C of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  Short die cracks extend NNW and SSW from the top and bottom left side of the C in CENT.  Short die cracks extends NE from the top left O of ONE and SW from the lower left O of ONE.  Reverse Stage C:  A die gouge can be found below the R of PLURIBUS.  Small die gouges can be found between the upper U and S of PLURIBUS as well as to the right of the upper M in UNUM.  Die chips can be found at the top and right edges of the book.  A die crack runs from the mallet head to the rim.  A die crack runs from the center of the right end of the log east to the rim.  A die crack runs from the bottom of the left boot SSW to the B of PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Jordan McKechnie

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-011, Coppercoins: 1DR-015, CONECA 11-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-010

Description:  A partial extra finger can be seen just above the normal index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge protrudes from the top of the 1st zero and small die gouges can be found inside the 1st zero.  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the lower 2nd zero.  A light die crack runs NE from the top of the ear.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and then NNW into the forehead.  A die crack runs through the front curl of hair.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower bowtie with a small die chip on the left side of the die crack.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the beard.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs south from the rim above the right side of the U in TRUST through the right side of the U and then SSE into the field.  Reverse Stage A:  Two parallel die scratches run NE from the grass to the right of Lincoln’s left boot.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found under the intersection of the vertical and middle bars of the E in ONE.  Reverse Stage B:  Short die cracks curve north from the top of the O in ONE and the top of the C in CENT.  A short die crack runs NE from the top left N of ONE.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Robert J. Piazza, Stage B: Lucy Ginden

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-022, Coppercoins: 1DR-004, CONECA: 22-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-011          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra thumb can be seen just above the normal index finger and on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs north from the top center of the Y in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs WNW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  The die crack through the eyebrow now extends NW into the forehead.  A die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  A die chip can be found on the die crack through the eyebrow at the point where it turns NW into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found just above the top left E of ONE.  A die crack runs WSW to ENE through the mallet.  A die crack runs down the lower left boot.  Pre-die crack depressions can be found on the left shoulder and the left lapel.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack connects the lower E and D of UNITED.  A die crack runs down the left forearm.  Reverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B:

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Eric E. Beers, Stage C: Nick Janetos

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-005, Coppercoins: 1DR-047, CONECA: 5-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-012

Description:  A partial extra finger can be seen just above the knuckle of the index finger and doubling from the right leg shows just below the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSE from the bottom right 2 in the date.  Obverse Stage B:  A strong die gouge can be found south of the I of IN.  A die crack runs NNW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  The die crack from the eyebrow runs further into the forehead.  Obverse Stage D:  A small die chip can be found on the upper right R in LIBERTY.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found well north of and between the tops of the E and R of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head with a die chip on the lower part of the die crack south of the O in GOD.  Pie pitting can be found around the upper end of the die crack.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie and then curves SW on the left side of the bowtie.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the beard.  Obverse Stage E:  Same as Stage D.  Reverse Stage A:  None significant.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack runs across the lower left boot.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A horizontal die crack runs across the mallet head.  A short die crack runs half way from the bottom of the E towards the D of UNITED.  Reverse Stage C:  The short die crack now connects the bottoms of the E and D in UNITED.  A small vertical die crack can be found on the upper right vertical bar of the E in CENT.  Reverse Stage D:  A small die gouge can be found south of the 2nd T in STATES.  The die crack from the E to the D of UNITED now runs through the center of the D.  A die crack runs from the bottom of the U in UNITED NE to the N.  A light die crack runs from the upper right T of UNITED ESE to the E.  A die crack runs from the left boot to the R in PLURIBUS.  A die crack curves north from the top of the O in ONE.  Short die cracks run NE from the top left and top right N of ONE.  A die crack runs from the top of the head NNW to the 2nd S in STATES.  A die crack runs SW from the center of the right end of the log.  A die crack runs NNW from the grass at the bottom of the right end of the log.  A die chip can be found on the lower left part of the right end of the log.  A die chip can be found on the right lapel.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left C of CENT.  Reverse Stage E:  The die crack running across the mallet head runs to the rim at about 8 o’clock.

Submitted By:  Stage A, B, & C: Brian Ribar, Stage D: Dennis Sanderson, Stage E: Donna Davenport

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-008, Coppercoins: 1DR-021, CONECA: 8-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-013

Description:  A partial extra finger can be seen just above the normal index finger at the knuckle.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from the upper left W of WE to the rim.  A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair on the upper back of the head while another runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs from south to north through the hair at the top of the head projecting into the field SW of the W in WE.  A die crack branches from this die crack near the top of the head and runs ENE.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead with a branch curving SW along the back of the eye and another branch running NNW just above the eyebrow.  A small die chip can be found just above the eyebrow on the die crack running NNW.  A pre-die crack depression runs from NNW to SSE through the upper front of the forehead.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  A die crack runs from NNE to SSW through the beard and then curves SSE.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Obverse Stage D:  A pre-die crack depression runs above the designer’s initials.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge (dot) can be found on the right inside of the C in CENT.  A die cracks run down the lower center of the right boot.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the lower left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found below and between the T and E of UNITED.  A light die crack connects the bottoms of the E and D in UNITED.  A small die chip can be found on the top left E of ONE.  A light die crack runs down the vertical bar of the E in STATES into the field above the E.  A die crack runs across the head of the mallet.  A die chip can now be found near the center of the pre-die chip depression on the lower left boot.  Pre-die crack depressions can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs across the left arm below the elbow.  Reverse Stage C:  A massive die crack runs south from the rim down the E of STATES and ends to the left of Lincoln’s nose.  The die crack through the mallet head extends SW to the rim.  Reverse Stage D:  A die chip can be found on the top left corner of the E in ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the center right side of the N of CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: David Serbonich, Stage C: Elizabeth Peery, Stage D: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-014, CONECA: 14-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-014          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be seen just below the thumb while a small part of the spine of the book can be seen just above the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack with two small die chips runs across the top of the hair below the word WE.  A die crack runs NNW from the eyebrow through the forehead.  A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the front of the beard.  A die gouge can be found on the lower right bust.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch extends north into the log from the grass at the right end of the log.  A die scratch runs SW to NE above the grass at the right end of the log.  Two short die cracks extend NE from the upper right N of ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left E in CENT.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs across the center of the mallet.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A light die crack runs from the rim to top left of the 2nd A in AMERICA.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on the upper left E in CENT.  Reverse Stage C:  A long die crack runs from the rim above the 2nd A in AMERICA down the left side of the A and into the field well south of the A.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Cathy Barker, Stage B: John A. Wexler and Stage C: James Daniels

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-021, Coppercoins: 1DR-012, CONECA: 21-R-VIII, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-806

Values:  AU = $15,  MS60 = $17,  MS63 = $25,  MS65 = $35

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-015

Description:  A partial extra thumb can be seen just below the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A light die crack runs NW through the forehead from the eyebrow.  A die crack curves through the front curl of hair.  Die gouges can be found above the 1st and 2nd zeros in the date.  Obverse Stage B:  Die cracks connect the lower I, B, E, and R of LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage C:  The die crack connecting the lower I and B of LIBERTY is much heavier.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the C in the designer’s initials.  A jagged die scratch runs north to south to the right of the bottom of Lincoln’s left boot.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Two parallel die scratches run south from the bottom of the T in CENT to the axe handle.  A die gouge can be found inside the lower O of ONE.  Reverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack connects the upper right and lower right C of CENT.  A short die crack extends south from the bottom right E of CENT.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-019, Coppercoins: 1DR-023, CONECA: 19-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-016          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be seen below the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs NE from the top left Y in LIBERTY.  A die scratch curves NNE from the lapel to the right of the Y in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack with a die chip at the center runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die cracks runs NW from the eyebrow through the forehead.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie and then curves SW on the left side of the bowtie.  A small die gouge can be found NE of the 9.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs SE from the bottom of the C in AMERICA.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on Lincoln’s left shoulder.  A short die crack extends SW to NE across the upper right N of ONE.  Reverse Stage C:  A large die chip can be found on the top left E of ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Nick Janetos, Stage B: Eric Axtell, Stage C: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-012, CONECA: 12-R-VIII, Coppercoins: 1DR-082, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-807, Potter: VCR#4/DDR#4

Values:  AU = $15,  MS60 = $17,  MS63 = $25,  MS65 = $35

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-017

Description:  A partial extra thumb can be found between the thumb and the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A long die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A shorter die crack runs parallel to and above the lower end of the long die crack.  A pre-die crack depression branches ENE from the upper end of the long die crack.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow through the forehead.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie and then curves SW on the left side of the bowtie.  Die scratches extend NE above the 2 in the date.  A die crack runs mostly north to south through the beard on the back of the chin.  Obverse Stage B:  The pre-die crack depression near the top of the head is now a die crack.  A die crack runs from the bottom back of the nose SSE to the lips.  Reverse Stage A:  A die crack can be found on Lincoln’s left shoulder.  A small die gouge can be found below the right side of the T in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die chip can be found on the top left E of ONE.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found near the rim above the 1st S in STATES.  Short die cracks run ENE from the top of the O and the top right N of ONE as well as from the top right N of CENT.  A die crack runs down the left forearm.  A die crack runs SW from the center right end of the log.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Eric Axtell, Stage B: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-013, Coppercoins: 1DR-042, CONECA: 13-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-018

Description:  Partial extra index and middle fingers can be found just below the normal fingers.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found just above the 9.  A pre-die crack depression runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  The pre-die crack depression running NW through the eyebrow into the forehead is now a die crack.  A small die chip can be found on this die crack just above the eyebrow.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage D:  A large die chip can be found on the die crack near the center of the forehead.  A new pre-die crack depression runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead to the left of the original die crack.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch extends NNW from Lincoln’s right thumb.  A diagonal die gouge can be found to the left of the upper C in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A large die chip can be found on Lincoln’s left shoulder.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found below the E of E PLURIBUS UNUM.  Reverse Stage C:  A small die chip can be found on the top left E of CENT.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the center of the mallet head.  A die crack runs down the rolled up portion of the left sleeve.  Reverse Stage D:  Same as Stage C.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Marilyn Keeney, Stage C: Brian Ribar, Stage D: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-018, Coppercoins: 1DR-019, CONECA: 18-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-019

Description:  A very small partial extra finger can be found between the centers of the index and middle fingers.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A pre-die crack depression runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A pre-die crack depression runs from NE to SW through the left side of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head to the W in WE.  A short die scratch runs SW from the lower left R in LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found inside the lower 2nd zero in the date.  The pre-die crack depression through the bowtie is now a die crack that curves south into the vest.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage D:  A small die chip can be found on the lower end of the die crack running through the hair.  Obverse Stage E:  The die chip on the lower end of the die crack through the hair is larger.  Obverse Stage F:  A large die chip can now be found at the center of the die crack.  The die crack now runs from the W of WE to the rim.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch extends NE from the bottom right side of the spike in the log.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  A pre-die crack depression runs through the lower left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on Lincoln’s left shoulder.  Die cracks protrude from the upper and lower C of CENT, the upper left and center left O of ONE, and the upper right N of ONE.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack connects the tops of the O and N of ONE.  Reverse Stage D:  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A small die chip can be found on the top right of the T in CENT.  Reverse Stage E:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the rolled up left sleeve and the upper part of the left arm.  A die crack runs across the lower part of the mallet head.  Three die cracks run NE, NW, and NNW into the bottom of the right end of the log from the grass below the log.  A die crack runs from NW to SW through the rolled up right sleeve.  Reverse Stage F:  A die chip can be found on the left arm near the elbow.  A die crack runs from the center of the right end of the log SE to the rim at 4:00 passing above the CLV.  A die crack arcs from the bottom front of the left boot to the top of the L in PLURIBUS and out to the rim.  A small die chip can be found at the midpoint of this die crack.  A die crack runs down the right boot and into the field below the boot.

Submitted By:  Stage A: David Ginden, Stage B & D: Marilyn Keeney, Stage C, E, & F: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-020, Coppercoins: 1DR-020

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-020

Description:  A small partial extra finger can be found just above the front knuckle of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die crack runs SW to NE through the hair at the very top of the head.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  The die crack at the top of the head is much longer.  The die crack through the eyebrow now extends into the forehead.  A die crack runs from WSW to ENE through the center of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs WSW to ENE above the N in CENT.  A die gouge can be found north of the dot between PLURUIBUS and UNUM.  A die crack runs diagonally through the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the upper left E of CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the top of the E in ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the top left N of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found above the C in the designer’s initials.  A die crack runs NNW into the log from the blade of grass above the L in the designer’s initials.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A light die crack runs from the bottom of the mallet handle SW through the head of the mallet and out to the rim.  Reverse Stage C:  The die crack through the mallet head to the rim is very strong and extends up into the lower handle.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Eric Axtell and Stage B & C: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 1DR-051, CONECA: 28-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

This small die gouge is found on Stage B specimens of 2009 1¢ FY WDDR-020.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-021          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial back of the index finger shows just NW of the back of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A long die scratch runs north from the top of the nose.  A small die gouge can be found above the R in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  A die gouge can be found well north of the 9 in the date.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair in the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow while another arcs to the west and then SW from that die crack.  A die crack runs across the lower part of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage C:  A small die chip can be found near the lower end of the die crack running through the hair.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the top of the N in ONE.  A die scratch runs SW to NE below the NT of CENT.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the center left C of CENT.  A die crack extends south from the top right C of CENT.  Reverse Stage C:  Small die chips can be found on the upper and lower parts of the E in CENT.  A die crack runs NE from the center of the right end of the log extending into the field.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

Comments:  The doubling on this variety is very similar to that seen on WDDR-054.  Be careful when attributing this variety and WDDR-054.  Check the die markers very carefully.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-022

Description:  Slight doubling shows at the tip of the left thumb

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the center of the R in LIBERTY.  A diagonal die gouge can be found in the field well north of the E in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair in the upper back of the head with a small die chip at the center of the die crack.  A pre-die chip depression can be found near the lower end of this die crack.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the upper front of the beard.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  The pre-die chip depression at the lower end of the die crack running through the hair is now a die chip.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch extends north from the top of the 1st T in STATES.  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A pre-die chip depression can also be found on the left shoulder.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left collar.  A vertical pre-die chip depression can be found at the center of the bend in the left arm.  A short die scratch extends NE from the center right side of the T in CENT.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A pre-die chip depression can be found near the upper center of the mallet head.  Reverse Stage B:  Two die chips can now be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  The pre-die chip depression at the center of the bend in the left arm is now a die chip.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left E of ONE.  A small die chip can be found on the lower left E of ONE.  The pre-die chip depression on the mallet head is now a die chip.  Reverse Stage D:  A heavy die crack runs SW from the bottom of the right boot through the left side of the P in PLURIBUS to the rim.  A die crack runs from the bottom of the left boot to the top right side of the R in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A & D: Brian Ribar, Stage B & C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-023

Description:  A partial extra finger can be found just below the bottom of the book and another partial finger can be found just above the center of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found between the bottoms of the 2nd zero and 9 in the date.  Die cracks run SW to NE through the hair in the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found inside the upper S of TRUST.  Reverse Stage A:  A die chip can be found at the top of the C in CENT.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot and down to the upper left 1st U in PLURIBUS.  A short die crack runs NNE from the top left O in ONE while a short die crack runs SSW from the lower left O.  A short die crack runs SW from the lower left C in CENT.  A die crack connects the top left and top right of the N in ONE.  Reverse Stage B:  A large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 1DR-026, CONECA: 31-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-024

Description:  Slight doubling shows at the tip of the left thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  A light die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.  A pre-die crack depression can be found in the hair near the top of the head.  A small die gouge can be found NE of the 9 in the date.  Obverse Stage B:  Two somewhat parallel die cracks run from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  The upper die crack extends into the field just to the left of the bottom of the W in WE and runs through the left side of the W and out to the rim.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  Reverse Stage A:  A die crack connects the bottoms of the E and D in UNITED.  Die gouges can be found under the bottom of the C in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left side of the C in CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the bottom of the E in CENT.    A small die chip can be found on the top of the E in ONE.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot and another runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die chip can be found just below the center of the right end of the log.  A die crack runs through the mallet head and then SW to the rim.  A die crack runs NE from the top of Lincoln’s forehead through the hair and slightly into the field above the head.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the upper left C of CENT.  Die pitting can be found just to the right of Lincoln’s head.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Frank Trout

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-029, Coppercoins: 1DR-018, CONECA: 32-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-025          "Best Of" Variety

Description: A strong extra index finger shows below the bottom of the book and a small portion of an extra thumb can be seen just above the center of the index finger at the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Short die cracks run SSW from the bottom left B and E of LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  The die crack through the eyebrow now runs through the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  No significant die markers detected.  The specimen examined did have serious bubbling of the copper plating.  A specimen without the bubbling may show some small die markers.  Reverse Stage B:  Two strong die chips can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack curves north from the top of the O in ONE.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot into the field above the 1st U in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Matt Dinger

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-026, Coppercoins: 1DR-024, CONECA: 26-R-VIII, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-805, Potter: VCR#6/DDR#6

Values:  AU = $17,  MS60 = $25,  MS63 = $35,  MS65 = $50

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-026

Description:  Doubling shows on the right side of the spine of the book and slightly above the front segment of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A short die scratch runs SW to NE between the B and E of LIBERTY.  A die scratch curves SSW to north above the T of LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found in the field well NE of the E in ONE.

Submitted By:  Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-025, Coppercoins: 1DR-059, CONECA: 25-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-027          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger shows midway between the thumb and the normal index finger intersecting the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die chip can be found on the center right R of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found well north of the E in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  A short, vertical die gouge can be found below the right side of the 2nd U in PLURIBUS.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A short die crack runs NE from the upper right N of ONE.  A die crack runs diagonally through the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found at the center of the right end of the log.  A die crack runs south then SE from the die chip through the designer’s initials to the bottom of the L in CLV.  Reverse Stage C:  The die crack from the center of the log now runs through the designer’s initials to the rim.  Reverse Stage D:  A heavy die chip can now be found on the designer’s initials CLV.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Jeremy Gardner, Stage B: Cathy Barker, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney, Stage D: Leroy Putt & Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-015, Coppercoins: 1DR-006, CONECA: 15-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-028          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Doubling shows on the right side of the book spine and slightly at the front knuckle of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  EDS.  None significant.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper part of the head.  A die crack runs from NNW to SSE through the forehead and then curves downward behind the back of the eye.  A die crack branches SE through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage C:  New obverse die:  A small die gouge can be found above the Y in LIBERTY.  A small die chip can be found on the back of the collar to the right of the lower Y in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A 2nd die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper head and then turns east at the top of the head below WE.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and then well into the forehead.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW across the bottom of the bowtie.  A small die gouge touches the front of the vest SE of the bowtie.  Reverse Stage A:  EDS.  A depression from the tilted hub runs along the rim starting above the 2nd T of STATES and ending above the R of AMERICA.  A die scratch runs ENE from the bottom right of the E in ONE.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on the top of the E in ONE.  A die crack runs north to south through the rolled up left sleeve and down Lincoln’s upper left arm.  Pre-die crack depressions can be found on the left shoulder.  A short die crack runs NNE from the top left of the N in ONE.  A short die crack runs ENE from the top right of the N in ONE.  A short die crack runs SSW from the lower left of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage C:  Three small die chips can be found on the center left of the E in ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left C in CENT.  A large die chip can be found on the edge of the book cover north of Lincoln’s left thumb.  A die crack runs through Lincoln’s hair and north into the field above the head.  A short diagonal die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the right end of the log.  A die crack runs across the center of the mallet head and a die chip can be found at the center of the mallet head.  A die crack runs from the tip of the right boot through the E in EPU to the rim.  A die crack runs from the heel of the right boot into the field midway to the top left of the 1st U in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs down the center of the left boot.  A die crack runs ENE from the center of the right end of the log into the field to the right of the log.  Die cracks run south and SSE from the center of the right end of the log.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Jeremy Gardner, Stage C: Jordan McKechnie

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-016, Coppercoins: 1DR-014, CONECA: 16-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-029

Description:  A small segment of the book spine can be found just above the center of the index finger and to the right of the normal book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A nearly horizontal die scratch can be found inside the bottom of the D in GOD.  A long die scratch runs NE from the upper right Y of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the E in E PLURIBUS UNUM.  A die scratch runs ENE from the upper right T of CENT.  A die crack runs down the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  A large pre-die chip depression can be found on the left side of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  The large pre-die chip depression on the left side of the C in CENT has been replaced with a large die chip.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Jeremy Gardner, Stage B: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-017, Coppercoins: 1DR-016, CONECA: 17-R-VIII

Values:  AU = 3,  MS60 = 5,  MS63 = 7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-030

Description:  A small partial extra thumb can be found just below the tip of the normal thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: A die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the bust.  Obverse Stage B: A Pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow. A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the nose.  Obverse Stage C: A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair on the back of the head. A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head. The pre-die crack depression through the eyebrow is now a die crack that extends well into the forehead. A light die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie.  Reverse Stage A: A short die scratch runs SW from the upper left T in CENT.  Reverse Stage B: A light die crack runs down the lower part of the right boot. A pre-die crack depression runs diagonally through the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage C: A die crack runs down the rolled up left sleeve and down the upper left arm to the left of the elbow. A die crack runs from NE to SW through the upper left boot. The die crack through the lower left boot now extends down to the upper right R in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Lucy Ginden, Stage B: Jason Dick, Stage C: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-023, Coppercoins: 1DR-009, CONECA: 23-R-VIII

Values:  AU = 5,  MS60 = 7,  MS63 = 10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-031

Description:  Light doubling to the back of the index finger and the bottom of the thumb can be seen just above the back of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  None significant.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  A pre-die crack depression runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head below GOD.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and well into the forehead.  Obverse Stage D:  The pre-die crack depression through the hair on the upper back of the head is now a die crack that extends into the field ending below and between the W and E of WE.  A die crack runs SW from the eyebrow.  A die crack runs from NW to SE through the beard.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower bowtie and then turns south into the vest.  Obverse Stage E:  The die crack through the upper hair now extends up between the W and E of WE to the upper left E.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NE from the top right T of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  Short die cracks run NNE from the top right of the N and E of ONE and the top right of the N in CENT.  Two die chips can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the right side of the rolled up left sleeve.  A pre-die crack depression runs along the bottom of the left boot.  A die crack runs down the upper part of the exposed left arm.  A die crack runs down the left boot with a large die chip inside the fold of the boot that is north of the heel.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  Reverse Stage D:  The pre-die crack depression through the bottom of the left boot is now a die crack that extends into the field and down to the top of the R in PLURIBUS.  The die crack running down the lower right boot extends into the field above the P in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs across the head of the mallet.  A die chip can be found on the upper left collar.  A small die gouge can be found well to the right of the 2nd A in AMERICA.  Short die cracks extend from the top of the O and the top left of the N in ONE.  Reverse Stage E:  The die crack from the left boot to the R in PLURIBUS now extends through the R and down to the rim.

Submitted By:  Stahe A: Cathy Barker, Stage B & E: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney, Stage D: Robert J. Piazza

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-024, Coppercoins: 1DR-011, CONECA: 24-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-032          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A small partial extra thumb can be found just above the back of the index finger.  Doubling can be seen between the index and middle fingers and also below the bottom of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  Two parallel die scratches run NNW from the top of the 2.  Obverse Stage B:  The pre-die crack depression through the eyebrow is now a die crack that extends into the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs NNE from the eyelid to the die crack running through the eyebrow.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bowtie.  Reverse Stage A:  A heavy die scratch connects the centers of the U and S in PLURIBUS.  A strong pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A short vertical die gouge extends from the rim above the E in AMERICA.  A die crack runs from NNW to SSE through the upper left collar.  A die crack and a die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left sleeve and into the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs from NW to SE through the mallet head.  A die crack runs down the back of the lower right boot.  Short die cracks run NE from the top left and top right N in ONE.  A small die chip can be found on the top left N in ONE,  A die chip can be found on the upper left E of ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Lucy Ginden, Stage B: Matt Dinger, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-027, Coppercoins: 1DR-025, CONECA: 27-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $10,  MS63 = $15,  MS65 = $20

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-033          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger shows on the spine of the book just above the front of the normal index finger.  The spine of the book is doubled to the right.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs WSW from the bottom left of the B in LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs from SW to NE below the Y in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  A small die chip can be found on the left side of the R in LIBERTY.  A short die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head south of the O in GOD with a very small die chip at the center of the die crack.  Obverse Stage D:  A short die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  The die crack running SW to NE through the upper hair is much longer ending below the W in WE.  A very short die crack runs SSW from the bottom left of the E in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage E:  The die crack through the upper hair now extends slightly into the field ending to the left of the bottom of the E in WE.  Obverse Stage F:  Same as Stage D.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSE from the bottom left E in ONE.  Reverse Stage B:  Two die chips can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  There are now three die chips on the left shoulder.  A short die crack runs NNE from the top left of the O in ONE.  Short die cracks protrude from the top left and bottom left of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage D:  Die pitting can be found below the bottom left side of the N in UNITED.  A die gouge can be found just above the top of the diagonal bar of the N in CENT.  A die crack runs down the left cheek.  A die crack runs down the folded left sleeve and the upper left arm.  A die chip can be found on the left elbow.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  The die crack NNE from the top of the O in ONE is longer.  A second die crack runs NE from the top of the O in ONE.  A short die crack runs NE from the top right of the E in ONE.  The die cracks from the top and bottom of the C in CENT are longer.  A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the right vertical bar of the N in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the top left of the E in ONE.  A die crack runs from the lower C to the lower A in AMERICA.  Reverse Stage E:  A die crack runs from the tip of the right boot through the left side of the E in EPU and out to the rim.  The die crack across the bottom of the left boot now runs SW into the field above the R in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs from the rim and through the right side of the 2nd A in AMERICA and into the field below the A.  A light branch near the bottom of that die crack runs SSW into the field below the A.  Reverse Stage F:  The branch from the die crack running through the right side of the 2nd A in AMERICA now extends midway to the seated Lincoln.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Jeremy Miller, Stage B, C, D, & E: Brian Ribar, Stage F: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 2009P-1DR-038

Values:  AU = 5,  MS60 = 7,  MS63 = 10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-034          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger shows on the spine of the book just above the front of the normal index finger.  The spine of the book is doubled to the right.  The extra index finger is not as strong as that seen on WDDR-033 and the doubling to the right of the book spine is set lower than on WDDR-033.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs north to south to the right of the lower U in TRUST.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Thedie crack running through the eyebrow now extends into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SW from the bottom of the right hand.  A die crack runs across the lower left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die chip can be found at the bend of the left arm near the elbow.  Pre-die chip depressions can be found on the upper left O of ONE and the upper left T of CENT.  The die crack across the bottom of the left boot now extends SW to the top of the R in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Dennis Sanderson

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = 5,  MS60 = 7,  MS63 = 10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-035

Description:  A small partial extra finger can be found just above the index finger at the front knuckle and to the right of where the book spine intersects the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NE from the top of the Y in LIBERTY.  A light die crack runs north from the back of the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found above the left side of the M in UNUM.  A short die scratch runs NE from the upper right N of CENT.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bottom left corner of the mallet head and into the field.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found near the top of the left shoulder.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the lower right part of the left shoulder.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the right boot.  A die chip can be found just below the center of the right end of the log.  A die crack runs from the top of the mallet head left of the mallet handle SW through the mallet head and out to the rim.  Reverse Stage C:  The pre-die chip depression on the lower right part of the left shoulder is now a die chip.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: David Ginden, Stage C: Lucy Ginden

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-036

Description:  Strong extra thickness shows to the fingers of the left hand.  Compare with a normal Formative Years cent.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  None significant.  Obverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found north of the R in LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found south of the 2 in the date.  Obverse Stage C:  The die gouge south of the 2 is gone.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSW to NNE in the field to the right of the left arm.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found inside the bottom of the E in CENT.  Two die chips can be found on the left shoulder.  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the lower C in the designer’s initials.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  A die chip can be found on the upper left O of ONE and a pre-die chip depression can be found below that die chip.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the center left C of CENT.  Reverse Stage C:  Two die chips can now be found on the left side of the O in ONE.  A die crack runs WSW from the bottom left 1st S in STATES.  A die crack runs NNE from the top of the C in CENT.  A die crack runs SSW from the lower left C in CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Dennis Sanderson

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-074, CONECA: 36-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

Compare the thickness of the hand in this photo with that of a normal hand in the next photo.

Here we have a hand with normal thickness for comparison purposes.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-037

Description:  A partial extra thumb shows on the spine of the book just above the front knuckle of the normal index finger and to the right of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the upper hair below the letters of GOD.  A second parallel die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper head and into the field below the E of WE.  A die crack runs NNW from the eyebrow into the forehead with a branch that arcs SW behind the eye.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  A die scratch curves SW to NE from the back of the neck into the beard.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die chip can be found on the top of the E in ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  A short die crack runs ENE from the upper right O in ONE.  A short die crack runs NE from the top left of the N in ONE.  Two short die cracks run NE from the top right of the N in ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the center left of the E in CENT.  A die crack runs down the right side of the N in CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the upper part of this die crack.  A die crack runs down the upper part of the left arm.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot and curves into the field north of the RI in PLURIBUS.  A large die chip can be found on this die crack north of the B in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  Reverse Stage B:  The pre-die chip depression on the shoulder is now a die chip.  Reverse Stage C:  A long die crack runs from the rim through the left side of the E in AMERICA and ends to the right of the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Marilyn Keeney, Stage B: Terry Zerr

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-038, Coppercoins: 1DR-010

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-038

Description:  A partial extra finger can be found above the index both on the spine of the book and on the book cover to the right of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A light die crack runs WNW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the upper hair on the back of the head.  The die crack in the eyebrow now runs NNW into the forehead.  A die chip can be found on the shoulder to the right of the bottom of the Y in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage C:  A die chip can be found on the center right side of the R in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A very large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A small die chip can be found on bottom right side of the left sleeve.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the right side of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage C:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage D:  A large die chip can be found on the right side of the C in CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A, C, & D: Marilyn Keeney, Stage B: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-039

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found above the T in LIBERTY.  Short vertical die scratches can be found to the right of the upper and lower Y of LIBERTY.  A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head ending at the top the head.  The pre-die crack depression through the eyebrow is now a die crack that extends into the forehead.  A die crack runs down the upper lip.  A die crack runs from north to south through the beard.  Obverse Stage D:  The die crack through the hair on the upper back of the head extends into the field between the W and E of WE.  A die crack runs from the upper left W of WE to the rim.  A die crack runs down the nose.  A die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.  A small die chip can be found near the center of this die crack.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  A light die crack runs NW from the top left of the B in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage E:  The die crack from the upper left W of WE is now much heavier and extends down to the top of the head.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from SW to NE between the lower N and T of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found just below the center of the right end of the log.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the 1st U in UNUM.  Reverse Stage C:  A short die crack extends NE from the top right N of ONE.  A large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.    Reverse Stage D:  A die crack extends north from the top of Lincoln’s head.  A small die chip can be found on the upper left T of CENT.  A large die chip can be found on the back of the left boot not quite half way up from the bottom of the boot.  Reverse Stage E:  Same as Stage C.

Submitted By:  Stage A: James A. Porter, Stage B: Rhonda Snyder, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney, Stage D & E: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 2009P-1DR-066

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-040

Description:  A partial extra finger appears to pass through the index finger on the spine of the book.  Slight doubling shows at the front of the pinkie finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NNE from the top right side of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the bowtie.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower 9 in the date.  Obverse Stage C:  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the front curl of hair.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found to the left of the top of the 1st T in TRUST.  A die crack runs north to south through the chin.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage B.  Obverse Stage E:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from SW to NE above the left side of the spike.  A short die scratch runs SSW from the top right of the T in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on the top of the E in ONE.  A die crack runs SSW from Lincoln’s hair through his face.  A large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  A die crack runs WNW to ESE through the head of the mallet.  A die chip can be found at the center of the right end of the log with a die crack running SW from the die chip.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack projects into the field below the right boot and arcs above the P in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs down the upper part of the left arm.  The die crack through the mallet head extends into the field from the left side and then to the rim at about 8:00.  A die chip protrudes from the top left of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage D:  A die chip can be found on the top left E of CENT.  The die crack from the mallet head to the rim is stronger.  A die crack branches from the crack through the mallet head and runs NE to the bottom of the log.  Reverse Stage E:  A large die chip can now be found on the die crack that extends from the mallet head to the rim.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Lucy Ginden, Stage B: John A. Wexler, Stage C: Rhonda Snyder, Stage D: Briab Ribar, Stage E: Leroy Putt & Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-031, Coppercoins: 2009P-1DR-093

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-041

Description:  A slight partial extra finger can be found just above the front of the index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SW from the lower left T in LIBERTY.  Die scratches run NE from the tops of the R and T of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A large die chip can be found at the midpoint of this die crack.  A die crack runs SSW to NNE through the hair at the back of the head starting to the left of the center of the ear.  A die crack runs across the lower bowtie with a small die chip at the center of the die crack.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage C.  Obverse Stage E:  Same as Stage D.  Obverse Stage F:  Same as Stage E.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the 1st U in UNUM.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs north from the grass above the designer’s initials and into the bottom right end of the log.  Reverse Stage B:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower right end of the log.  A die chip can be found just above the center of the right end of the log.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  Two die cracks run down the lower right boot.  A die crack runs NNE from the top of the O in ONE.  Short die cracks extend north from the top left and top right N of ONE.  A short die crack runs NNW from the top left C of CENT.  A very short die crack protrudes from the lower left C of CENT.  A die crack runs from NNE to SSW on the upper right N of CENT.  A die crack runs down the center of the upper left arm.  A die crack runs across the upper part of the left forearm.  A die crack runs from east to west across the mallet head.  Reverse Stage C:  A larger die chip can be found at the center of the right end of the log with two die cracks extending south from the new die chip.  The die crack down the left boot now runs into the field and ends at the top right side of the 2nd U in PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage D:  The die crack down the left boot now runs through the right side of the 2nd U in PLURIBUS to the rim.  Reverse Stage E:  The die crack through the U to the rim is now very heavy with a small die chip just above the U of PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage F:  The die crack to the rim through the U now has a large die chip just below the left boot.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Brian Ribar, Stage C, Dennis Sanderson, Stage D & F: Marilyn Keeney, Stage E: Rhonda Snyder

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-032

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-042

Description:  A partial extra thumb protrudes from the bottom front of the thumb.  Doubling shows on the upper back of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found south of the L in LIBERTY.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found just under the 2nd zero in the date.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs south from the rim above the I in AMERICA.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left boot and another die crack runs diagonally across the bottom of the boot.  A die crack runs across the mallet head.  Reverse Stage B:  The die crack across the mallet head now extends into the field to the left of the mallet head.  Reverse Stage C:  A die chip can be found on the center left side of the mallet head.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Ronald Traino, Stage B & C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-030, Coppercoins: 1DR-031

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-043          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Partial extra index and middle fingers can be found between the thumb and the normal index finger.  A small part of the spine of the book can be found just above the front of the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  No significant die markers noted.  Obverse Stage B:  A light die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A pre-die chip depression can be found just above the eyebrow.  A small die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage C:  The die crack that runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head is larger.  Obverse Stage D:  A small die chip can be found just above the eyebrow.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found inside the 2nd zero of the date.  Obverse Stage E:  A small die chip can be found on the lower end of the die crack running through the hair.  Obverse Stage F:  Same as Stage E.  Obverse Stage G:  Same as Stage F.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found above the L in the designer’s initials.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs down the left boot.  The die crack running down the lower right boot now extends into the field below the boot.  Reverse Stage D:  A short die scratch runs south from the rim above the C in AMERICA.  A 2nd larger die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A large die chip can be found on the tip of the left boot.  A die chip can be found in the upper split of the log.  The die crack below the right boot has doubled in length.  Reverse Stage E:  The second die chip on the left shoulder is significantly larger.  Reverse Stage F:  A light die crack runs from the rim to the E in STATES.  A third die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage G:  The die crack from the rim to the E of STATES is very heavy and extends into the field below the E.

Submitted By:  Stage A, B, & E: Frank Guzman, Stage C: Brian Ribar, Stage D: Rhonda Snyder, Stage F & G: Steven Bernatowicz

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-036, Coppercoins: 1DR-037, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-801, Potter: VCR#3/DDR#3, CONECA: 43-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $17,  MS60 = $25,  MS63 = $35,  MS65 = $50

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-044

Description:  A partial extra index finger shows above the back of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found below the right side of the 1st zero of the date.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A small die gouge is touching the bottom right side of the left vertical bar of the N of IN.  Obverse Stage C:  The die crack running NW from the eyebrow into the forehead now also runs WNW across the upper forehead.  A small die chip can be found on the upper end of the die crack running through the upper hair.  Die pitting can be found to the left of the lower E in WE.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSE from the rim above and between the O and F in OF.  Reverse Stage B:  A large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A short die crack runs north from the top of the C in CENT.  A strong die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage C:  A small die gouge can be found inside the lower N of UNITED.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found above the top of the handle of the mallet.  Short die cracks run north and south from the top and bottom of the C in CENT.  A light die crack runs across the head of the mallet.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Rhonda Snyder

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 2009P-1DR-091

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-045          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Doubling shows above the front of the index finger on the spine of the book, near the bottom of the book and at the top of the right leg, and an apparent extra finger shows on the upper right leg below the bottom of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack branches WNW just above the eyebrow from the die crack running into the forehead from the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage D:  A pre-die crack depression running SW to NE through the hair is now a die crack.  Reverse Stage A:  A die crack runs down the back of the bottom of the right boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  A short die crack connects the bottoms of the E and D of UNITED.  The pre-die crack depression running across the bottom of the left boot is now a die crack.  A light die crack runs across the bottom of the right boot.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the center of the mallet head.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the lower left shoulder.  Reverse Stage D:  Two die chips can now be found on the left shoulder.  The pre-die crack depression running across the center of the mallet head is now a die crack.  The die crack running across the bottom of the left boot curves SSW into the field below the front of the boot.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the top left O on ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the top of the E in ONE.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the upper left C in CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A, B, & C: David Ginden, Stage D: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-046

Description:  An extra finger can be found below the front of the thumb intersecting the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NNW from the top right side of the 1st zero in the date.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die gouge can be found north of the 9 in the date.  A short, diagonal die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the bust.  Reverse Stage A:  Small die gouges can be found to the right of the top of the spike in the log.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found just below the O in OF.  A die chip can be found on the upper left C of CENT.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  A die crack curves north from the top of the O in ONE.  A short die crack runs NE from the upper left N in ONE.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-035

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-047          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial finger can be found just above the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found near the rim at about 2:30.  A small die gouge can be found above and between the two zeros in the date.  A light die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs from WSW to ENE through the hair at the top of the head.  A large die chip can be found on the die crack at the top of the head SSW of the W in WE.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  Small die gouges can be found near the rim to the right of the log.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found to the left of the bottom of the B in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot into the field above the I in PLURIBUS.  A die chip can be found near the bottom of the left boot.  A die scratch runs NNW from the top of the mallet handle.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left side of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper T in CENT.  A die chip can be found on the left side of the C in CENT.  The die crack from the bottom of the left boot curves to the top of the I in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage C:  A die chip can be found on the lower left E of ONE.  A die crack runs from east to west through the head of the mallet.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-048

Description:  Slight doubling can be seen where the upper right leg meets the book south of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head with a die chip on the upper end of the die crack.  A die crack runs south from the lower left W of WE into the hair.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A small die gouge can be found to the north of the top right side of the T in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW to SE on the nose.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A short, nearly vertical die scratch can be found above the right side of the M in AMERICA.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found above the center of the M in UNUM.  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die scratch runs NE from the lower right T of CENT to the book.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left O in ONE.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the lower left C in CENT.  A die chip can be found on the upper right E in CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-040, Coppercoins: 1DR-029

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

Comments:  This variety is very similar to WDDR-055.  It does not have an obverse doubled die, but WDDR-055 does.  Be sure to compare reverse die markers carefully.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-049          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Strong doubling can be found between the back of the thumb and index finger.  Doubling also can be found above the front of the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the die crack running into the forehead just above the eyebrow.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack extends from the right tip of the bust to the rim.  A die crack runs from the rim at about 7:00 arcing across the tops of the designer’s initials.  Reverse Stage A:  Two die gouges can be found on the upper right corner of the book.  A die chip or die gouge can be found on the upper left boot.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the lower E of ONE.  A small die gouge can be found just to the left of the top of the spike.  A small die chip can be found on the upper right O of ONE.  A short die crack extends south from the bottom right 2nd A in AMERICA.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs from the rim through the right side of the D in UNITED.  A light die crack runs from the rim through the left side of the O in OF.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die chip can be found near the center of the die crack on the boot.  A die crack runs across the head of the mallet.  A die crack connects the bottoms of the E and D in UNITED.

Submitted By:  Noel Okay

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $10,  MS63 = $15,  MS65 = $20

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-050          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A strong partial extra index finger can be found between the thumb and the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from SW to NE to the right of the chin.  Obverse Stage B:  A small die gouge touches the lower right curve of the G in GOD.  A small die gouge can be found above the right end of the 1st T in TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the lower R in TRUST.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found NW of the top of the L in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A die crack runs down the left forearm.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found inside the upper U of UNITED.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found between the upper D of UNITED and the upper 1st S of STATES.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found near the rim above the 1st S in STATES.  A small die gouge can be found above the right end of the E in STATES.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper I in PLURIBUS.  A die crack and small die chip can be found on the upper left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower left boot.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Steven Bernatowicz, Stage B: Noel Okay

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-049, Coppercoins: 1DR-097, Cherrypickers: FS-01-2009-804, Potter: VCR#8/DDR#8, CONECA: 50-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $17,  MS60 = $25,  MS63 = $35,  MS65 = $50

Comments:  This variety is very similar to WDDR-001, but a close comparison of the two varieties will show that they are definitely two different dies.  It would not surprise me to learn that some people have this variety mislabeled as WDDR-001 in their collections.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-051          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Partial extra index and middles fingers can be found between the thumb and normal index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A small die gouge can be found south of the right side of the 1st zero in the date.  A die crack runs SE to NW through the eyebrow.  Reverse:  A very strong die gouge protrudes from the rim to the left of the U in UNITED.  Two parallel die scratches run SW from the right hand.  A die scratch runs NE from the underside of the top of the mallet handle.

Submitted By:  Noel Okay

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $17,  MS60 = $25,  MS63 = $35,  MS65 = $50

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-052          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  An extra thumb can be seen below the front of the normal thumb extending to the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-004.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the lower T of CENT.  A die scratch runs west from the center of the upper right arm.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage C:  A die chip can be found on the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage D:  A small die chip can be found on the center right N of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the center of the T in UNITED.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  The die chip on the left shoulder is now very large.  Reverse Stage E:  A die crack runs SW from the die chip on the bottom of the left boot to the top of the R in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A, B, & E: Cathy Barker, Stage C: John A. Wexler, Stage D: Noel Okay

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 2009P-1DR-101

Values:  AU = $10,  MS60 = $15,  MS63 = $20,  MS65 = $25

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-053

Description:  A partial extra thumb can be found just above the front of the index finger, on the spine of the book, and slightly to the right of the spine of the book.

Die Markers:

Obverse Stage A:  Two parallel die scratches runs from SW to NE to the right of the nose.  Obverse Stage B:  Numerous abrasion lines run NNE from the front of the profile from the nose down to the date.  A small die gouge can be found NE of the Y in LIBERTY.  A small die gouge can be found in the field to the right of the upper lip.  Die clash remnants can be found on the upper center of the neck and in the hair to the right of the bottom of the ear.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  Two parallel die scratches run SW to NE below the NT of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the C in the designer’s initials.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the cloth protruding from the back of Lincoln’s pants.  A die crack and die chip can be found on the upper left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die scratch runs WSW to ENE above the book.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs down the left boot and into the field to the top of the B in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Steven Bernatowicz, Stage B: Noel Okay, Stage C: Lucy Ginden

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-054          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial back of the index finger shows just NW of the back of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs WSW from the bottom of the L in LIBERTY to the rim.  A nearly vertical die scratch can be found at the top center of the forehead just below the hairline.  Obverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and then NNW into the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  The pre-die crack depression running through the hair on the upper back of the head is now a die crack.  Obverse Stage D:  A die crack runs from WSW to ENE through the beard.  A small die gouge can be found south of the 9.  Obverse Stage E:  Same as Stage D.  Reverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs from SW to NE above the upper handle of the mallet.  A die scratch runs SW from the lower left spike in the log to the log.  Reverse Stage B:  A heavy die scratch runs from the lower mallet handle curving NNW through the log ending below the E in CENT.  Short die cracks run NE from the top of the O, the top left and top right of the N, and the top right of the E in ONE.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the head of the mallet.  Two pre-die crack depressions can be found on the right shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  The short die crack now curves north from the top left N of ONE.  A short die crack runs south from the C in CENT.  A small pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper right N in CENT.  A small pre-die chip depression can be found near the bottom of the T in CENT.  A die crack runs down the rolled up left sleeve and the upper left arm.  A small die chip can be found on the lower right side of the rolled up left sleeve.  A die crack runs down the back of the left boot.  A die crack runs down the center of the right boot.  The pre-die crack depression that runs across the head of the mallet is now a die crack.  Reverse Stage D:  A small die chip can be found on the upper right N in CENT.  A small die chip can be found near the bottom of the T in CENT.  The die crack that runs across the head of the mallet now extends partially into the field to the left of the mallet head.  The die crack running south from the bottom of the C in CENT is longer.  Reverse Stage E:  The die crack that runs across the head of the mallet now extends WSW to the rim.  The pre-die crack depression across the bottom of the left boot is now a die crack that extends through the toe of the boot and through the grass into the field.  A short die crack extends SSW from the bottom left of the E in CENTS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Frank Trout, Stage B: Dennis Sanderson, Stage C: Frank Guzman, Stage D: Steven Bernatowicz, Stage E: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-037, Coppercoins: 1DR-036

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $10,  MS63 = $15,  MS65 = $20

Comments:  The doubling on this variety is very similar to that seen on WDDR-021.  Be careful when attributing this variety and WDDR-021.  Check the die markers very carefully.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-055

Description:  What looks like an extra knuckle can be found just below the bottom of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-006.  Reverse:  A small die chip can be found on the top right side of the N in ONE.  A light die crack runs down the upper left arm.  Small die cracks can be found on the left shoulder.  Two parallel die scratches run NNW from the top of the right end of the log.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

Comments:  This variety is very similar to WDDR-048.  It has an obverse doubled die, but WDDR-048 does not.  Be sure to compare reverse die markers carefully.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-056

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be found just above the normal index finger to the right of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found above the Y in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found well south of the N of IN.  A short die gouge protrudes from the rim above the left side of the U in TRUST.  Obverse Stage C:  Two small die chips can be found on the upper front of the forehead.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bearded chin.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found below the C of CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the upper 1st T in STATES.  The pre-die chip depression on the left shoulder has been replaced by a small die chip.  A die chip can be found on the lower right of the rolled up left sleeve.  A die crack runs south on the arm from the rolled up left sleeve.  A die chip can be found on this die crack at the joint of the left arm.  A small die gouge can be found south of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage C:  A small die chip can be found to the left of the O in ONE.  Short die cracks run NE from the top of the O, the top left and top right of the N, and the top right of the E in ONE.  A short die crack runs SSW from the bottom of the C in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper right of the rolled up left sleeve.  A die crack runs down the center of the lower left boot.  Reverse Stage D:  The pre-die chip depression on the upper right of the rolled up left sleeve has been replaced by a die chip.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Marilyn Keeney, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage C & D: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-057          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  An extra index finger can be found just above the normal index finger.  Doubling to the spine of the book can be seen to the right of the bottom of the book spine above the extra finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die crack can be found on the upper right R of LIBERTY projecting into the field above the R.  A small die chip can be found on the upper right R of LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs SW to NE between the upper I and N of IN.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage D:  The die crack running NW through the eyebrow now extends into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs NE from the bottom right T of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Small die gouges (dots) can be found near the rim below the B and U of PLURIBUS.  A light die crack runs down the left forearm.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage D:  The die crack across the bottom of the left boot now runs SSW into the field below the boot.  A second die crack runs south from the center of the left boot towards the R in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B & C: Frank Guzman, Stage D: Dennis Sanderson

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-043, Coppercoins: 1DR-035

Values:  AU = $10,  MS60 = $15,  MS63 = $20,  MS65 = $25

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-058

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be found between the normal index finger and the middle finger.  Doubling to the spine of the book can be seen between the thumb and the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NE from the top of the front of the beard.  Two parallel die scratches run SW to NE through the back of the neck.  A small die gouge can be found to the NE of the V in the designer’s initials.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found south of the L in the designer’s initials.  A small die gouge can be found below the left side of the C in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left shoulder.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage C:  A die chip has replaced the pre-die chip depression on the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Frank Trout, Stage B & C: Frank Guzman

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-044, Coppercoins: 1DR-034

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-059

Description:  Slight doubling shows just above the back of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die chip can be found on the center right side of the N in CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the upper E of ONE.  Reverse Stage C:  Two die chips can be found on the upper E of ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Robert (BJ) Neff, Stage B: Steven Bernatowicz, Stage C: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-041

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-060          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Partial extra index and middle fingers can be seen just below the normal index and middle fingers at the bottom of the book.  A partial extra front of the thumb can be seen between the front of the normal thumb and the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found in the field well SW of the I of IN.  A small die gouge can be found well north of the R in LIBERTY.  Two short, parallel die scratches run south from the bottom of the ear.  Obverse Stage B:  A short die crack runs across the bottom of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage C:  A strong die gouge can be found south of the midpoint between the bottoms of the 2 and 1st 0 in the date.  A small die gouge can be found north of the right side of the 2 in the date.  A short die crack extends NW from the upper right E in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage D:  Small die chips can be found at the top end of the die crack from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A short, vertical die gouge can be found below the right side of the A in STATES.  A die scratch runs NE from the top of the spike in the log.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found just below the left side of the C in CENT.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper part of the left arm.  Reverse Stage C:  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the M in UNUM.  A die crack runs down the right boot.  A die crack runs down the left boot and into the field arcing SW above the 2nd U of PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage D:  A die crack runs east to west across the mallet head and the WSW to the rim.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the die crack near the rim.

Submitted By:  Stage A, B, & D: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Ray Foody and Erika Axtell

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-046, Coppercoins: 1DR-050, CONECA: 60-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-061

Description:  Slight doubling shows just above the front knuckle of the index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found below and between the bottoms of the L and I of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head with a die chip on the upper part of the die crack.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the 1st zero in the date.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die crack runs NE from the top right N of ONE.  A short die crack runs SSW from the lower left O of ONE.  A die scratch runs SW from the center of the bottom of the right boot.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A die gouge extends south from the rim between STATES and OF.  A die chip can be found on the lower left T of CENT and another on the lower right N of CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Robert (BJ) Neff

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-042, Coppercoins: 1DR-052

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-062          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be found between the thumb and the normal index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs from north to south to the right of the E in WE.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  A small die chip can be found on the die crack running into the forehead north of the eyebrow.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NNE from the center right E of CENT.  Breverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SW to NE across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Steven Bernatowicz, Stage B: Rhonda Snyder, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $15,  MS60 = $17,  MS63 = $25,  MS65 = $35

Comments:  This variety is similar in appearance to WDDR-001, but it is definitely a different variety.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-063

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be found just above the back of the normal index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found below and between the L and I of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower bowtie.  Obverse Stage C:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found near the rim just to the left of the 2nd T in TRUST.  A small pre-die chip depression can be found on the center right B of LIBERTY.  A small die chip can be found on the upper end of the die crack running through the hair.  Obverse Stage D:  The die crack from the eyebrow now extends down into the top of the nose.  A small die chip can be found on the die crack right at the top of the nose.  A pre-die crack depression connects the bottoms of the B and E in LIBERTY.  A small die chip can be found on the center left Y of LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage E:  A die chip can now be found on the center right B of LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage F:  Same as Stage E.  Obverse Stage G:  Same as Stage F.  Obverse Stage H:  Same as Stage G.  Obverse Stage I:  Same as Stage H.  Reverse Stage A:  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left E of CENT.  A short die crack runs from a blade of grass into the bottom right of the right log end.  Reverse Stage C:  A small die gouge can be found between the T and E of STATES.  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the top of the right log end.  A small die chip can be found on the upper left E of CENT.  Small die chips can be found on the upper and lower parts of the rolled up left sleeve.  A die crack connects the bottoms of the C and A in AMERICA.  A die crack connects the bottoms of the E and R in AMERICA.  Short die cracks extend from the top left and top right N of ONE.  The die crack from the blade of grass now arcs to the center of the right log end.  A die crack runs NNE from the center of the right log end.  A die crack runs south from the bottom of the left sleeve through the upper left arm.  A die crack runs NNE through the left cheek and the hair extending into the field above the head and ending midway to the 2nd S in STATES.  A die crack can be found on the left lapel.  A die crack is starting to form on the bottom left C of CENT.  Reverse Stage D:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage E:  A die crack runs from the bottom left corner of the E in EPU to the rim.  A pre-die crack depression runs from the top of the E to the top of the P in EPU.  A die crack is starting to form on the top of the C in CENT.  A die crack curves NW from the top of the O in ONE.  Reverse Stage F:  The die crack from the C to the A in AMERICA now curves up the left side of the C and extends to the rim.  A die crack runs from the top left E in EPU to the grass at the tip of the right boot.  A die crack now runs from the top of the E to the top of the P in EPU.  A die crack can be found on the lower part of the mallet handle.  Reverse Stage G:  The die crack to the grass at the tip of the right boot now runs to the bottom right corner of the mallet head.  Reverse Stage H:  The die crack to the top of the P in EPU now extends almost to the L of PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage I:  The die crack from the rim to the C in AMERICA now extends well SSW into the field below the C.  The die crack from the top of the P in PLURIBUS now extends past the top of the L.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Marilyn Keeney, Stage B: Robert (BJ) Neff, Stage C: Brian Ribar, Stage D, E, F, & H: Nick Janetos, Stage G & I: Michael Forader

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-039, Coppercoins: 1DR-028, CONECA: 20-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-064

Description:  Very slight doubling can be seen above the back knuckle of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-014A.  Obverse Stage B:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-014B.  Obverse Stage C:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-014C.  Obverse Stage D:  The obverse of this variety is a doubled die listed as 2009 1¢ FY WDDO-014D.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from the spine of the book NE to the center of the thumb.  A die scratch runs from the spine of the book ENE just above the tip of the thumb.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the center left O of ONE.  A small die gouge touches the underside of the top horizontal bar of the E in CENT.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the right boot.  A die crack runs down the upper left boot.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die chip can be found at the center of the right end of the log.  Short die cracks run NE from the tops of the letters in ONE.  Reverse Stage C:  A die chip can be found on the center left O of ONE.  A die chip can be found on the upper right side of the N in CENT.  Reverse Stage D:  The die crack from the top of the O in ONE is longer.  A die chip can be found on the upper left E of ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A & C: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Marilyn Keeney, Stage D: Steven Bernatowicz

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-065

Description:  A partial extra finger, probably an extra middle finger, can be seen between the normal index and middle fingers.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from SW to NE to the right of the upper bowtie.  Obverse Stage B:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the bottom of the E in WE.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found midway between the bottoms of the E in WE and the 1st T in TRUST.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found near the rim between the U and S of TRUST.  A short, diagonal die gouge can be found between the upper zeros in the date.  A short, diagonal die gouge can be found between the upper 2nd zero and the 9.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NE from the upper right N of CENT.  A short die scratch runs NE from the upper right T of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A short die gouge runs south from the rim above the D in UNITED.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found below the C in the designer’s initials.  Die cracks run north and south from the left side of the C in CENT.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Stage A: David C. Egeland, Stage B: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 1DR-044

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-066

Description:  A partial extra finger, probably an extra tip of the thumb, can be seen at the intersection of the normal thumb and index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A pre-die crack depression runs from SE to NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  A pre-die crack depression runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the center of the E in ONE.  A light die scratch runs SSW to NNE inside the right side of the C of CENT.  A short die crack runs NE from the top right side of the N in ONE.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs through the rolled up part of the left sleeve and down the upper part of the left arm.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the lower part of the left boot.  A die crack runs down the center of the right boot.  A small die chip can be found at the bottom of this die crack.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the mallet head.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Michael Forader, Stage B: Michael Forader & David Ginden

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 2009P-1DR-100

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-067

Description:  A partial extra finger, probably an extra tip of the thumb, can be seen just above the normal index finger on the spine of the book.  Doubling also shows that the top of the right leg just below the spine of the book and to the left of the ring finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs north to south just to the right of the beard.  A short die scratch runs north to south to the right of the upper lip below the nose.  A short pre-die crack depression runs from SE to NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A short die crack now runs from SE to NW through the eyebrow.  A pre-die crack depression runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack now runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the center of the E in ONE set slightly lower than a similar die gouge on WDDR-066.  A die scratch extends NNE from the top of the E in EPU.  Reverse Stage B:  A die scratch extends from the rim below the 1st U of UNUM.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die crack runs across the center of the mallet head.  Pre die crack and pre-die chip depressions can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack and a small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Stage A:  David Ginden, Stage B: Marilyn Keeney, Stage C: Michael Forader

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-068

Description:  A small partial extra finger can be seen above the front of the normal index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A strong die gouge can be found just SE of the bottom right tip of the bowtie.  A die scratch runs north from the bottom right tip of the bowtie to the chin.  A die scratch runs north from the top right tip of the beard.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch extends from the rim above the right side of the M in AMERICA.  A die crack runs across the top of the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-069

Description:  Doubling shows at the tip of the left thumb.  It is similar to WDDR-022 and WDDR-024, but it is definitely a different die.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs ENE from the top right T in LIBERTY.  A short die scratch runs SW to NE to the right of the upper nose.  Obverse Stage B:  Die abraded removing the die scratch to the right of the upper nose.  A die scratch runs north to south to the right of Lincoln’s lips.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  Short die scratches run SW to NE between the centers and the bottoms of the E and N of CENT.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found inside the lower N of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A die scratch runs SSW to NNE above the right side of the A in STATES.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  The pre-die chip depression has been replaced with a die chip.  Reverse Stage D:  A second die chip can be found below the first die chip on the shoulder.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B, C, & D: Robert (BJ) Neff

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

Stage A of 2009 1¢ FY WDDR-069 shows only a pre-die chip depression where the upper arrow is pointing.  Stage B shows only the upper die chip while Stage B shows the two die chips seen above.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-070

Description:  Doubling shows on the spine of the book just above the front knuckle of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs WSW to ENE below the I of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs ESE to WNW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A long, probably terminal, die crack runs north from the rim at 6:00.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found at the rim below the 1st U of UNUM.  Short, vertical die scratches can be found above the right side of the N in UNITED and to the right of the N in UNITED.  Reverse Stage B:  A light die crack runs from the rim through the D of UNITED.  Reverse Stage C:  The light die crack through the D of UNITED is now very heavy and extends all the way to the top of the E in ONE.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Kyle Axtell, Stage B & C: Marilyn Keeney & Leroy Putt

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 1DR-062, CONECA: 61-R-VIII

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-071          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra finger, probably a thumb, shows above the normal index finger and slightly on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Two parallel die scratches run north from the top of the R in LIBERTY and two parallel die scratches run north from the top of the Y in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs from the eyebrow NNW into the forehead.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW across the bowtie.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found between the upper 1st U and N of UNUM.  A small die gouge touches the top left side of the 1st U in UNUM.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found below the P of PLURIBUS.  A small pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can now be found on the left shoulder.  A strong die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the right side of the C in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found just above the top of the C in CENT.  A short die crack curves north from the top of the O in ONE.  A short die crack runs NE from the top right of the N in ONE.  A short die crack runs south from the bottom left C of CENT.  A die crack runs north from the grass on the right side of the right log end into the log and also south above the L in CLV.  A light die crack runs down the center of the right boot.  A die crack runs across the left forearm.  A small die gouge can be found in the field well north of the left side of the 1st U in UNUM.  A die gouge can be found above the upper axe handle ENE of the spike in the log.  Reverse Stage C:  There are now two small die chips on the left shoulder.  The die crack across the bottom of the left boot now turns south into the field above the I in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Michael Forader, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 2009P-1DR-075

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-072

Description:  Doubling can be seen above the front knuckle of the index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short, nearly vertical die scratch can be found between the tops of the G and O of GOD.  A long die scratch runs SW from just below the ear through the back of the neck.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the bowtie.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A light die crack runs across the upper V.D.B.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage C:  A strong die crack runs south from the bottom of the bust to the rim to the right of the designer’s initials.  Reverse Stage A:  A die chip can be found on the upper left E of CENT.  A die chip can be found on the upper left E of ONE.  A short die crack runs NNE from the top right side of the N in ONE.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  A die crack runs from the forehead NE through the hair and into the field above the head.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  Two die chips can now be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die chip near the bottom front of the boot.  A die crack runs across the head of the mallet.  Reverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Dennis Sanderson, Stage B: Steven Bernatowicz, Stage C: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-073

Description:  Doubling can be seen above the front knuckle of the index finger on the spine of the book similar to that seen on WDDR-061.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found below and between the two zeros in the date.  A pre-die crack depression runs NNW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie.  Obverse Stage B:  A strong die gouge can be found well NE of the 9.  A die crack runs NNW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs south from the bottom right side of the N in CENT to the mallet handle.  A large pre-die chip depression can be found on the lower left C of CENT.  A small die gouge can be found SW of the C in CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder on the upper end of a pre-die crack depression.  A die chip can be found at the center of the right end of the log with a die crack running SW from that die chip.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs down the right boot.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  Two small die chips can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs from NE to SW down the upper part of the lower left arm.  The die crack running down the left boot now extends partially into the field below the boot.  A short die crack curves ENE from the top of the O in ONE.  Reverse Stage C:  A short die crack runs south from the bottom of the C in CENT.  A die crack runs from east to west through the mallet head.  A large die chip can be found on the left side of the mallet head.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Marilyn Keeney, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Cathy Barker & Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-074

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be found just above the normal index finger to the right of the book spine similar to that seen on WDDR-056.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs from SSW to NNE through the top of the shirt collar and the back of the neck.  A die chip can be found on the back of the vest to the right of the bottom of the Y in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Reverse:  A short, diagonal die scratch can be found below the L of CLV.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found above and between the E and R of AMERICA.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found above the right end of the log.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-075

Description:  A small partial extra finger can be found just above the index finger at the front knuckle and to the right of where the book spine intersects the index finger similar to that seen on WDDR-035 and WDDR-037.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from NNW to SSE to the right of the R in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  A strong die gouge can be found south of the 1st zero in the date.  Obverse Stage D:  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower bowtie.  Obverse Stage E:  Same as Stage D.  Reverse Stage A:  A pre-die chip depression and can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on the lower part of the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  A short die gouge extends south from the bottom of the 1st U in PLURIBUS.  A small die gouge can be found just above the 2nd U in UNUM.  A small die crack extends NNE from the top of the O in ONE.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die chip can be found towards the front of the left boot of the die crack running across the bottom of the boot.  Reverse Stage D:  Two die chips can now be found on the upper left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage E:  A large die chip has taken the place of the two small die chips at the top of the left shoulder.  A small die chip can be found on the lower end of the die crack running down the left arm.

Submitted By:  Stage A: James A. Porter, Stage B: Noel Okay, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney, Stage D & E: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-076          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  A partial extra index finger can be seen on the spine of the book just above the normal index finger and a partial extra middle finger can be seen between the centers of the normal index and middle fingers.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Die scratches run SSW to NNE above and below the B of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  The die crack through the eyebrow now extends into the forehead with a small die chip on the die crack just above the eyebrow.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs south from the bottom of the left boot to the bottom of the 2nd U in PLURIBUS.  A die scratch runs north to south in the field to the left of Lincoln’s right shoulder and lower head.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die crack runs NE to SW down the lower right boot.  A die crack runs south down the upper left arm.  Reverse Stage B:  A light die crack runs south from the rim to the upper right A of STATES.  A small die chip can be found on the top of the C in CENT.  A die crack runs west to east through the center of the mallet head.  Reverse Stage C:  The die crack from the rim to the A of STATES is now very heavy and runs down the right side of the A and then south into the field ending well to the left of Lincoln’s eyes.

Submitted By:  Marilyn Keeney and J.T. Stanton

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-056, Coppercoins: 1DR-067

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-077

Description:  A partial extra finger protrudes from the right side of the book spine to the left of the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the center of the E in ONE.  A die crack extends ESE from the right side of the mallet head to the lower right boot.  A small die chip can be found on the left shoulder.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-078

Description:  Slight doubling can be seen above the front knuckle of the index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from SW to NE below the T of LIBERTY.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found NE of the Y in LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  A large die gouge can be found south of the 9 in the date.  A small die gouge can be found just above the right side of the 1st zero.  A small die gouge can be found north of the 2nd zero.  A small die chip can be found on the left center of the Y in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Another die crack runs west to east through the forehead intersecting the other die crack.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SSW from the rim to the right of the 2nd A in AMERICA.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found below the T in CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  The die scratch from the rim is no longer visible.  A small die gouge can be found just above the left side of the C in CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the top right N of CENT.  A short die crack extends NNW from the top of the C in CENT.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs down the lower left boot to the top of the B in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot and slightly into the field below the boot.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-079

Description:  Light doubling can be seen between the center of the index finger and the middle finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: A small die gouge can be found north of the 2nd zero in the date. A small die gouge (dot) can be found above and between the two zeros in the date. A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair at the top of the head. A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B: A die chip can be found on the lower left E of LIBERTY. A short branch from the die crack running through the hair runs NE near the top of the head. A small die chip can be found on the upper end of the die crack running from the eyebrow into the forehead. A die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead. A die crack runs across the lower bowtie and curves south into the vest.  Obverse Stage C: A large die chip can be found in the hair south of the D in GOD. A die crack runs from north to south through the lips. A die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper beard.  Reverse Stage A: A die crack runs down the sleeve of the upper right arm. Die cracks run north from the top of the O and N of ONE. A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper right E of CENT. A die crack runs down the upper left arm. A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B: A pre-die crack depression and a small die chip can be found on the left shoulder. A die crack runs down the center of the right boot and partially into the field below the boot and left of the heel. The die crack across the lower left boot turns south and into the field above the I in PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage C: A die gouge can be found in the field well north of the E in ONE. A die crack runs from the lower left O in ONE to the top of the C in CENT. A die crack runs SSW from the lower left of the C in CENT. A die chip can be found on the upper left E in CENT. A die crack runs from SSW to NNE on the right side of the N in CENT. A very large die chip can be found on the left shoulder. A long die crack runs down the left boot. The die crack across the bottom of the left boot now extends to the top of the R in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: James Porter, Stage C: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-080

Description:  Doubling can be found above the index finger to the right of the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs north from the back of the vest to the right of the Y in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found between the upper B and U of PLURIBUS.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found just above the E of ONE.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-081

Description:  Slight doubling can be seen where the upper right leg meets the book south of the index finger very similar to that seen on WDDR-048.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A strong die gouge can be found in the field well east of the nose.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found near the rim at about 3:00.  A small die gouge can be found just SE of the bottom of the bowtie.  A die scratch runs NNE from the top right Y of LIBERTY.  A die crack runs NW from the top left of the B in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Another die crack runs WSW to ENE through the hair at the top of the head with a small die chip about 2/3 of the way towards the upper end of the die crack  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs down the lower part of the nose.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW across the bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from WSW to ENE below the N of CENT.  A pre-die crack depression runs from NE to SW through the lower part of the left boot.  A die crack runs across the left arm.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  The pre-die chip depression on the left shoulder is now a small die chip.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: David Ginden

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-082

Description:  Doubling can be found between the index finger and middle fingers.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short, vertical die scratch can be found between the upper R and U of TRUST.  A small die gouge touches the lower right S of TRUST.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Obverse Stage C:  New obverse die.  A short pre-die crack depression runs from SW to NE through the hair near the top of the head.  A die scratch runs south from the lower front of the beard.  Parallel die scratches run from SSW to NNE to the right of the profile.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs SSW to NNE above the upper end of the mallet handle.  A die scratch runs SW to NE to the right of the upper E of ONE.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the rolled up part of the left shirt sleeve.  A die chip can be found on the lower end of this die crack.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A die chip can be found on this die crack just above the front of the heel.  Reverse Stage C:  Short die cracks run NE from the top right O, N, and E of ONE.  Pre-die chip depressions can be found on the top left and lower left E of CENT.  Die cracks run down the right side of the N in CENT.  A die crack runs down the upper part of the exposed left arm.  The die crack across the bottom of the left boot now runs through the grass in front of the boot and then curves south towards the 1st U in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs down the right boot branching SSW and SSE in the lower part of the boot.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower part of the mallet head.  Die cracks run SSW and SSE from the center of the right end of the log.  A large pre-die break area can be found just above the center of the right end of the log.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Cathy Barker, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-083

Description:  A partial impression of the spine of the book can be seen between the thumb and the index finger.  A partial extra finger can be seen above the index finger on the spine of the book and between the index finger and middle finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A short die scratch protrudes from the rim between the T and R of TRUST.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head with two die chips on the lower end of the die crack.  A die crack runs NW from the eyebrow into the forehead.  Reverse:  A short, vertical die scratch can be found above the E in AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found at the rim above the T in UNITED.  A die scratch runs north from the top left P of PLURIBUS into the bottom of the right boot.

Submitted By:  David C. Egeland

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 1DR-068

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-084

Description:  Doubling can be seen above the front knuckle of the index finger on the spine of the book and also above the index finger to the right of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs NE from the top of the R in LIBERTY.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found between the upper R and U of TRUST.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  The die crack through the eyebrow now extends NNW into the forehead.  A die crack runs NNW from the top left B of LIBERTY.  Reverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found SE of the E in EPU.  Two light parallel die scratches run SW to NE between the lower E and N of CENT.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found NE of the E in ONE.  Two die chips can be found on the left shoulder.  Short die cracks run NNE from the top of the O, the top left and top right N, and the top of the E in ONE.  A die crack runs SSW from the lower left C of CENT.  A short die crack runs NNE from the top left C of CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Jon Walker, Stage B: Brian Ribar

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-034, Coppercoins: 1DR-071

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-085

Description:  Doubling can be seen above the front knuckle of the index finger on the spine of the book, between the index finger and the middle finger, and also to the right of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs SW from the bottom left of the B in LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs from SW to NE below the Y of LIBERTY.  A pre-die crack depression runs WNW through the eybrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A short die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head south of the OD in GOD.  Another longer die crack runs from SW to NE through the upper hair with a small die chip near the center of the die crack.  A short pre-die crack depression runs from WNW to ESE through the hair at the top of the head south of the E in WE.  A die crack runs WNW through the eyebrow and then curves NW into the forehead.  A pre-die crack depression runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie and then curves SW on the left side of the bowtie.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs from NW to SE through the hair above the ear.  A die crack runs from WNW to ESE through the upper front of the forehead.  A die chip and die crack can be found on the tip of the nose.  A die crack runs down the upper lip.  Two parallel die cracks run from north to south through the beard.  Reverse Stage A:  One short pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:  Two parallel die scratches run north from the center of the M in AMERICA.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found above the C in AMERICA.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot.  A short die crack runs ENE from the top right of the N in ONE.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the center left side of the C in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found at the top of the left collar.  Three pre-die crack depressions can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs from east to west across the mallet head.  A light die crack runs down the right boot.  Reverse Stage C:  A die gouge can be found below the left side of the 2nd T in STATES.  Pre-die chip and pre-die crack depressions can be found on the upper left O in ONE.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the upper right E of ONE.  Two die chips can be found on the top right N of CENT.  Die chips can be found on the upper and lower left collar.  A die crack runs across the left forearm.  A die crack runs down the left boot.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Lucy Ginden, Stage B: Michael Forader, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-086          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Doubling can be seen above the front knuckle of the index finger on the spine of the book, and also to the right of the lower book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Two parallel die scratches run NE from the bottom right Y of LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage B:  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the bottom of the E in WE.  A die crack runs from NNW to SSE through the lower forehead above the eyebrow and then branches SW and SE through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage C:  A pre-die crack depression runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head south of GOD.  Obverse Stage D:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head south of GOD.  A pre-die chip depression can be found near the upper end of the die crack in the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  Die scratches run SW from the bottom right N and T of CENT.  REverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression runs across the bottom of the left boot.   Reverse Stage C:  A short, diagonal die scratch can be found above the 2nd S in STATES.  A die crack runs down the rolled up left sleeve and the upper part of the left arm.  Die cracks run down the centers of the left and right boots.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the lower part of the mallet head.  Die cracks run SSW and NE from the center of the right end of the log.  A die crack runs north from the grass above the designer’s initials into the lower right end of the log.  A small die gouge can be found just to the right of the top of the 2nd U in UNUM.  Reverse Stage D:  A die chip can be found on the upper left C of CENT.  Short die cracks run NE from the top left and top right of the N in ONE.  A large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A small die chip can be found on the upper part of the rolled up left sleeve.  A die crack runs across the upper part of the left forearm.  The die crack through the lower part of the mallet head curves SW out to the rim.

Submitted By:  Stage A, B, & C: Jordan McKechnie, Stage D: Lucy Ginden

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-087

Description:  Doubling shows on the underside of the tip of the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short, diagonal die gouge can be found inside the upper 9.  A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the lower 2nd zero.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A die gouge can be found in the field well north of the 09 in the date.  A small die chip can be found on the center left Y of LIBERTY.  The die crack through the eyebrow now extends into the forehead.  A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the bowtie curving SW on the left side.  A short die crack runs NW from the top left B of LIBERTY.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs down the lower front of the nose.  A small die chip can be found on the die crack in the forehead.  Obverse Stage D:  Same as Stage B.  Obverse Stage E:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  EDS.  No significant markers.  Reverse Stage B:  A short, vertical die scratch can be found above the right side of the E in STATES.  A short die crack runs NE from the top of the O in ONE.  Short die cracks runs SW from the lower left C of CENT and the lower left O of ONE.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die chip can be found on the top center of the E of ONE.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A die crack runs down the left boot.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs from the bottom of the C to the 2nd A in AMERICA.  A small die chip can be found on the lower right side of the left sleeve.  Three heavy die gouges can be found above the right end of the log.  A small die gouge can be found well north of the 2nd U in UNUM.  A die crack runs WSW from the tip of the left boot.  A die crack runs from the bottom of the left boot to the top of the B in PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs from the center of the right end of the log east to the rim.  A light die crack runs NW into the field from the top of the head.  A die crack runs from the bottom of the mallet handle SW through the mallet head.  Reverse Stage D:  A die chip can be found on the die crack midway between the right end of the log and the rim.  A die chip can be found on the left end of the die crack at the center of the right end of the log.  Reverse Stage E:  The die crack at the center of the right end of the log is now very large.  The die chip midway between the right end of the log and the rim is now larger.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Marilyn Keeney, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage C, D, & E: Nick Janetos

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-088

Description:  A partial extra finger protrudes from the center right side of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short, diagonal die gouge can be found well south of the 1st zero.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  The die crack through the eyebrow extends into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs south from the rim above the left end of the 1st T in STATES.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the bottom left E of CENT.  A die gouge can be found in the field well left of the bottom of the nose.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper left arm.  A light die crack runs across the mallet head.  Reverse Stage B:  The die crack across the mallet head now runs all the way to the rim.  Short die cracks extend into the field above the O and N of ONE and the C in CENT.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known.

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-089

Description:  Doubling shows above the front knuckle of the index finger on the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: A long die scratch runs SSE from the underside of the N of IN. A die scratch runs south from the bottom of the E in LIBERTY. A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper part of the head. A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead. A die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.  Obverse Stage B: The die crack through the upper hair now extends into the field ending to the left of the lower W in WE. A die crack curves SSW from the back of the eyebrow. A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bowtie. A die crack runs from NE to SW on the vest to the left of the 2. A die crack runs from ENE to WSW through the beard. Die pitting can be found in the field to the left of the ear.  Obverse Stage C: A die crack runs NNW from the die crack through the hair and then curves back to the die crack. A small die gouge (dot) can be found above the 2nd zero in the date.  Obverse Stage D: Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A: A small die gouge (dot) can be found inside the upper M of AMERICA. A short, vertical die scratch can be found near the rim between the R and I of AMERICA. A pre-die chip depression can be found on the center left C of CENT.  Reverse Stage B: A large die chip can be found on the center left C of CENT. Two small die chips can be found on the top left T of CENT. A small die chip can be found on the right edge of the book. A die crack runs down the upper left arm. A die crack runs from the bottom right end of the log to the top of the C in CLV. A die crack runs down the left boot. A die crack runs down the right boot and into the field ending between the E and the dot.  Reverse Stage C: The die chip on the right edge of the book is much larger. The die crack from the bottom of the right boot now touches the bottom right E of EPU.  Reverse Stage D: The die crack from the bottom of the right boot is much stronger and extends all the way to the rim.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B, C, & D: Michael Forader

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-090

Description:  Doubling shows above the front of the index finger.  A partial extra book spine protrudes from the top of the right leg just below the front of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short die scratch curves north from the top of the R in LIBERTY.  A pre-die crack depression runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  The original pre-die crack depression through the hair is now a die crack with a small die chip near the upper end.  A second die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair at the top of the head.  This one is above and parallel to the 1st die crack ending at the top of the head below the W in WE.  A die chip can be found at the upper end of the 2nd die crack and a small die chip can be found near the lower end of the die crack.  The pre-die crack depression through the eyebrow is now a die crack and extends well into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from NW to SE through the lower O of ONE to the top center of the E in CENT.  A die scratch runs south from the center right F in OF.  A vertical die scratch can be found on the upper right leg.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage B:   A large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the center of the upper part of the left arm.  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  Very short die cracks run NE from the upper right O, the upper left N, the upper right N, and the upper right E in ONE.

Submitted By:  Brian Ribar

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-091

Description:  Slight doubling shows just above the front of the index finger on the spine of the book.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A small die gouge can be found between the tops of the T and R in TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found between the lower R and U of TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found to the right of the lower U in TRUST.  A long die crack runs from SSW to NNE through the hair on the back of the head to a small die chip well NW of the top of the ear where it then turns NE ending at the top of the head below the E in WE.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow well into the forehead.  A die crack runs down the lower front of the nose.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the chin.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs across the lower bowtie.  Obverse Stage D:  Same ast Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  Die gouges can be found inside the bottom of the N in UNITED.  A short, vertical die gouge can be found below the right side of the M in UNUM.  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the lower M in UNUM.  A die crack runs across the left shoulder and then curves down the outer part of the upper left arm.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the center of the folded sleeve of the left arm and down into the upper arm.  A long die crack runs down the back of the left pant leg into the left boot branching into two die cracks that come together again further south forming a significant area at the center of the left boot that may break away forming a large die break.  This die crack then runs slightly into the field below the left boot.  A die crack runs NNW from the top left of the O in ONE to the bottom left of the T in UNITED.  Short die cracks run NE from the top of the O, the top left and top right N, and the top right E of ONE.  Short die cracks run north from the top of the C and SW from the lower left C in CENT.  A die crack runs down the upper right N in CENT.  A die gouge can be found in the field well south of the 2nd A in AMERICA.  A die crack runs from NNW to SSE through the bottom right end of the log into the grass below the log.  Reverse Stage B:  A small die chip can be found on the lower right part of the rolled up left sleeve.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs ENE from the top right of the E in EPU through the upper left P of PLURIBUS ending in the field above the L in PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage D:  The die crack from the E in EPU now runs almost to the front of the left boot.

Submitted By:  Stage A & C: Dennis Sanderson, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage D: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-092

Description:  Doubling shows above the index finger to the right of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A light die crack runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  A small die gouge (dot) can be found below the 2nd T of TRUST.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head ending at the top of the head below the W in WE.  A die chip can be found on the lower end of this die crack.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  Obverse Stage D:  A small die chip can now be found near the center of the die crack running through the hair.  Obverse Stage E:  Same as Stage B.  Obverse Stage F:  Same as Stage C.  Reverse Stage A:  A pre-die crack depression runs diagonally across the bottom of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A die scratch type scrape runs from the bottom back of the left boot SE to the lower left S of PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs from NNE to SSW down the upper left D in UNITED.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs diagonally across the bottom of the left boot.  A die crack runs down the bottom of the right boot.  A light die crack runs from the bottom left corner of the mallet head SW to the rim.  The die crack down the upper left D in UNITED now projects into the field between the E and D and extends downward ending between the bottoms of the E and D.  Reverse Stage D:  The die crack down the upper left D of UNITED now projects half way to the rim in the field above the D.  A small die chip can be found on the lower part of the die crack on the right boot.  Reverse Stage E:  The die crack down the upper left D of UNITED now projects all the way to the rim and partially onto the rim.  Reverse Stage F:  The die crack through the upper left D is now extremely heavy extending into the rim at the top and all the way to the top left corner of the E in ONE at the bottom.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Marilyn Keeney, Stage C, D, E, & F: David C. Egeland

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-093

Description:  Doubling shows just to the right of the upper book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A strong die gouge can be found well north of the 2nd zero in the date.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper part of the head.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  Reverse:  A small die gouge can be found in the field to the right of the left shoulder.  A die crack runs from WSW to ENE through the mallet head.  A die crack runs down the right boot.  A die crack runs diagonally down the lower left boot.

Submitted By:  David C. Egeland

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-094

Description:  Doubling shows above the back of the index finger.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs SE from the upper lip.  A die  crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper head.  A die crack runs NNW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  Reverse:  Two die gouges can be found to the right of the lower right end of the log.  A die scratch runs NNW from the top right N of ONE.  A die scratch runs NNE from the top of the log to the left of the spike touching the top left point of the spike.  A short die crack runs WSW from the rim above the 1st S in STATES.

Submitted By:  Nick Janetos

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-059

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-095          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  An extra finger can be found just below the thumb.  Doubling also extends from the nail of the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  EDS.  No significant die markers found.  Obverse Stage B:  A pre-die crack depression runs WNW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage D:  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A pre-die crack depression runs from NW to SE through the upper front of the forehead.  Obverse Stage E:  A die crack arcs through the designer’s initials on the base of the bust.  Reverse Stage A:  Two parallel die scratches run north to south to the left of the right arm.  Reverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs across the bottom front of the left boot.  Reverse Stage D:  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left E in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the upper left C in CENT.  A die crack runs down the lower left arm.  Pre-die crack depressions can be found on the left shoulder.  The die crack across the bottom left boot turns south and extends slightly into the field below the grass.  Reverse Stage E:  A small die chip can be found on the upper left E of CENT.  A small die chip can be found on the left collar.  The die crack across the bottom left boot now extends lightly to the upper left R in PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A, D, & E: Cathy Barker, Stage B: Marilyn Keeney, Stage C: Frank Heath

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-066

Values:  AU = $17,  MS60 = $25,  MS63 = $35,  MS65 = $50

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-096          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Doubling  shows on the lower right side of the book spine.  Doubling also shows between the index and middle fingers.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A light die scratch runs from NW to SE to the left of the 2.  A pre-die crack depression runs WNW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  New obverse die.  A light die scratch runs NNE from the top left of the Y in LIBERTY.  A horizontal die scratch can be found north of the TY in LIBERTY.  A die scratch runs ESE from the bottom left of the 1st zero in the date.  A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.  Reverse Stage A:  The reverse is VEDS.  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the upper C in AMERICA.  Reverse Stage B:  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the bottom of the center horizontal bar of the E in CENT.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the top right of the N in CENT.  A die crack can be found on the left collar.  A pre-die crack depression can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the lower part of the rolled up left sleeve and down the upper part of the exposed left arm.  A die crack runs across the upper part of the left forearm.  Two pre-die crack depressions run across the bottom of the left boot.  A die crack runs down the center of the lower right boot.  Reverse Stage C:  Two pre-die chip depressions can be found on the center left side of the C in CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A: David Ginden, Stage B & C: Cathy Barker

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $5,  MS60 = $7,  MS63 = $10,  MS65 = $15

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-097

Description:  A partial extra index finger shows above the normal index finger on the book spine and just to the right of the book spine.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found midway between the bottom of the E of WE and the 1st T of TRUST.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head starting to the left of the top of the ear and ending in the field below the W of WE.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead with another die crack branching to the WNW just above the eyebrow.  A small die chip can be found on the die crack that branches to the WNW.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bowtie.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage A:  A short, vertical die gouge can be found near the rim just to the left of the E in UNITED.  A pre-die crack depression can be found inside the upper C in AMERICA.  A small die gouge can be found north of the 1st U in UNUM.  A short die crack runs NE from the top right N of ONE.  A small die chip can be found on the top left T of CENT.  A die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the upper part of the left arm while a die crack runs horizontally through the lower part of the left arm.  A large die chip can be found on the lower part of the right boot.  A die crack runs across the bottom of the left boot with a small die chip on the left end of the die crack.  A die crack runs across the head of the mallet.  A light die crack runs from the rim through the left side of the E in STATES.  Reverse Stage B:  The light die crack from the rim through the left side of the E in STATES is now a terminal die crack running south and ending in the field to the left of Lincoln’s right eye.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Wayne Meyers, Stage B: James A. Porter

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $2,  MS60 = $3,  MS63 = $5,  MS65 = $7

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-098

Description:  A very small partial extra finger can be seen just above the front segment of the index finger.

Die Markers:

Obverse Stage A:  A die scratch runs from north to south to the right of the N of IN.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  A die crack runs WNW through the eyebrow.  Obverse Stage B:  The die crack through the eyebrow now extends NW in the forehead.  A light die crack runs down the back of the bottom of the bust and out to the rim at about 7:00.  Obverse Stage C:  A die crack runs from NNE to SSW through the beard.  The die crack at the bottom of the back of the bust is heavier and branches at the top.  Obverse Stage D:  Another branch runs NNE from the die crack running down the bottom back of the bust this one nearer to the bottom of the bust.  Reverse Stage A:  A short die scratch runs from SSW to NNE above the 2nd S in STATES.  A die scratch runs south from the top of the O in OF and through the O.  A short, nearly vertical die scratch can be found near the rim below the I in PLURIBUS.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack connects the bottoms of the E and D of UNITED.  Pre-die crack depressions can be found on the left shoulder.  Reverse Stage C:  A die crack runs down the lower right boot.  A short die crack runs west from the lower left E in UNITED.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the lower right N of CENT.  A pre-die crack depression runs across the center of the mallet head.  Reverse Stage D:  A small die chip can now be found on the lower right N of CENT.  A short die crack runs WSW from the bottom left 1st S in STATES.  A short die crack runs NNE from the top of the head into the field.

Submitted By:  Dennis Sanderson

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-099

Description:  Extra thickness shows on the fingers and thumb of the left hand.  It is similar to FY WDDR-036, but unlike FY WDDR-036 it does not show the extra thickness on the right hand.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A short, vertical die scratch can be found above the left side of the E of WE.  A pre-die crack depression runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  A pre-die crack depression runs from NNW to SSE through the upper front of the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow into the forehead.  A die crack runs from NNW to SSE through the upper front of the forehead.  Obverse Stage C:  A die gouge can be found at the rim to the right of the N of IN.  A small die gouge can be found to the left of the center of the W of WE.  A die crack runs from SSW to NNE to the left of the upper ear.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head with a very large die chip south of the D in GOD.  A die crack runs NE from the back of the eye into the forehead.  A pre-die chip depression can be found near the center front of the nose.  A die crack runs from NE to SW through the bowtie and then curves south into the vest.  Obverse Stage D:  The die chip in the hair is now very large.  A small die chip can now be found near the center front of the nose.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found between the tops of the L and U of PLURIBUS.  A die crack runs SW from the top right of the left boot.  A pre-die crack depression runs through the lower part of the left boot.  Reverse Stage B:  A die crack runs SSW from the top right left boot and then curves SW through the center of the lower part of the boot.  A light die crack runs down the lower part of the right boot.  Reverse Stage C:  Short die cracks runs NE from the top of the O, the top left E, and the top right N of ONE.  Short die cracks curve south from the bottom left C of CENT and the bottom left O of ONE.  A die crack runs NW from the left shoulder through the left lapel, the neck, and the left ear.  A die crack runs down the rolled up left sleeve and down the lower part of the upper arm.  A die crack runs down the left forearm.  A die chip can be found below the center of the right end of the log.  The die crack down the left boot now extends partially into the field from the front tip of the boot.  Reverse Stage D:  The die crack down the right boot runs SSE into the field ending midway to the L of PLURIBUS.

Submitted By:  Stage A: James A. Porter, Stage B & D: Noel Okay, Stage C: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $3,  MS60 = $5,  MS63 = $7,  MS65 = $10

The extra thickness is most pronounced on the thumb and index finger of the left hand.  Compare with the next photo of a normal hand.

This photo shows a hand with normal thickness to the thumb and index finger.

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-100

Description:  Slight doubling shows on the underside of the front of the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A short die scratch runs NE from the center right E of LIBERTY.  Parallel die scratches run ESE from the right side of the E in WE.  A die scratch runs from SW to NE below the R in TRUST.  A die scratch runs north to south to the right of the lips and chin.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper back of the head.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found south of the 1st T in STATES.  A die scratch runs NE from the top right of the spike in the log.  A die scratch curves from NW to south between the N and T of CENT.

Submitted By:  Noel Okay

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

2009 1¢ FY WDDR-101

Description:  Slight doubling shows on the tip of the front of the thumb.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Short die cracks run NW from the top left B and top left E in LIBERTY.  A die crack runs from SW to NE through the hair on the upper head.  A small die chip can be found on the lower end of this die crack.  A die crack runs NW through the eyebrow and into the forehead.  Obverse Stage B:  A die crack runs from SW to NE to the left of the eye and into the forehead.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found in the field south of the right side of the C in CENT.  A small die gouge touches the top left of the 2nd T in STATES.  A pre-die chip depression can be found on the left side of the O in ONE.  A short die crack runs ENE from the top right of the N in ONE.  A small die chip can be found on the top left of the E in ONE.  A short die crack runs north from the top of the C in CENT.  A short die crack runs NE from the top right of the N in CENT.  A large die chip can be found on the left shoulder.  A die crack runs down the rolled up left sleeve and the upper left arm.  A small die chip can be found on the bottom right side of the rolled up left sleeve.  A die crack runs SSW from the center of the right log end.  A die crack runs NNE from the grass on the bottom right side of the right log end and into the log.  A die crack runs NNE from the top right of the C in CLV into the bottom right side of the right log end.  A die crack runs down the lower center of the left boot.  A die crack runs from NNW to SSE through the bottom of the right boot.  Reverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Cathy Barker, Stage B: Marilyn Keeney

Cross References:  None known

Values:  AU = $1,  MS60 = $2,  MS63 = $3,  MS65 = $5

Comments:  This variety is extremely similar to WDDR-022, but it is definitely from a different working die.  Chances are good that some of these will ultimately be mislabeled as WDDR-022 and vice versa.

2009 1¢ FY WWHR-001

Description:  Very minor doubling shows above the index finger at the back of the front knuckle on the book spine.

Die Markers:  Die markers will vary on the individual working dies that are affected.

Submitted By:  Steven Bernatowicz, Marilyn Keeney, & Nick Janetos

Cross References:  None known

Values:  Normal numismatic value only!

Comments:  The exact same doubling has now been documented for three different working dies.  More working dies affected with this doubling are likely to exist.  This listing replaces FY WDDR-098 submitted by Steven Bernatowicz and FY WDDR-099 submitted by Marilyn Keeney which were two examples of this doubled working hub.  The third working die with this same doubling was submitted by Nick Janetos.  Because this is a doubled working hub, it should prove to be very common with little or no extra value.