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1983 1¢ WWHO-001          Doubled Working Hub

Description:  Doubling shows on the upper LI in LIBERTY.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Will vary among the individual working dies.  Reverse:  Will vary among the individual working dies.

Submitted By:  Various individuals

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A nice clockwise spread from a pivot at about 5 o’clock shows on the letters of LIBERTY, the letters of IN GOD WE TRUST, and slightly on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  None significant.  Obverse Stage B:  Heavy die scratches SE from front of bust especially under the nose.  Reverse Stage A:  None significant.  Reverse Stage B:  Heavy die scratches through and under the Memorial and through ONE CENT.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Marvin L. Young, Stage B: John A. Wexler

Cross References:  Cherrypickers: FS-01-1983-101 (035), Breen #2309, Crawford: CDDO-001, CONECA: 1-O-V

1983 1¢ WDDO-002          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A very nice counterclockwise spread from a pivot at about 12 o’clock shows on the letters of LIBERTY and on the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratch center of 8 to center of 3.  Reverse:  Die cracks lower left and lower right Memorial to rim.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  Cherrypickers: FS-01-1983-102 (035.1), Breen #2309, CONECA: 2-O-V

1983 1¢ WDDO-003          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A nice clockwise spread from a pivot at about 4 o’clock shows on the letters of LIBERTY, the letters of IN GOD WE TRUST.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratch NNE in field above B of LIBERTY.  Die scratch SSW from under left side of T in LIBERTY.  Die clash marks to left neck and at shoulder to right of Y in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Heavily abraded with numerous die scratches.  Die cracks from lower left and lower right Memorial to rim.  Lower E’s in ONE CENT very thin from abrading.

Submitted By:  Matt Walton

Cross References:  Cherrypickers: FS-01-1983-103 (035.2), Breen #2309, CONECA: 3-O-V, Crawford: CDDO-003

1983 1¢ WDDO-004          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A nice clockwise spread from a pivot at about 4 o’clock shows on the letters of LIBERTY, the letters of IN GOD WE TRUST.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Short die gouge west from hair below GO of GOD.  Short diagonal die scratches top center of neck.  Obverse Stage B:  Die scratch curving NW from upper E of LIBERTY.  Die chip in lower 8 of date.  Reverse Stage A:  Short diagonal die scratches top of 8th and bottom of 9th bays.  Reverse Stage B:  Short strong die scratch SSW from bottom of 2nd T in STATES.  Short strong die scratch SE from bottom of right cornice.

Submitted By:  Matt Walton

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDO-010

1983 1¢ WDDO-005          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A nice clockwise spread from a pivot at about 5 o’clock shows on the letters of LIBERTY, the letters of IN GOD WE TRUST.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  Small die gouge to right of lower I of IN.  Obverse Stage B:  Very strong die gouge between rim and base of bust at about 5:00.  Obverse Stage C:  Die gouge between rim and base of bust much weaker from abrading.  Reverse Stage A:  Two diagonal die scratches inside 2nd bay.  Short die scratch inside C of AMERICA.  Die crack lower right Memorial to rim.  Reverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Reverse Stage C:  Same as Stage B.

Submitted By:  Matt Walton

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDO-002

1983 1¢ WDDO-006

Description:  A clockwise spread from a pivot at about 4 o’clock shows on LIBERTY and IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light die scratches run NNE from the upper right of the L and I in LIBERTY.  A light die scratch runs E/W across the lower front point of the bust.  Reverse:  Numerous die scratches can be found between ONE and the lower left of the Memorial.  Numerous horizontal die scratches can be found above the upper right side of the Memorial.  A die crack runs from the left cornice to the rim passing between the I and T of UNITED.

Submitted By:  Matt Walton

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-007          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A spread towards the rim shows on LIBERTY and the date.  A spread towards the center shows on IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  A circular die scratch pattern can be found on the neck.  Obverse Stage B:  Die scratches run NW/SE through GOD.  Die scratches run WNW/ESE to the right of the profile.  Reverse Stage A:  A die gouge can be found below the N in UNITED.  A strong die gouge runs SW/NE through the lower end of the right Memorial base.  A die crack runs from the tip of the right Memorial base to the rim.  Reverse Stage B:  Numerous die scratches run mostly E/W below the Memorial.  A die crack runs from the tip of the left Memorial base to the rim.

Submitted By:  Bill & Debbie O’Rourke

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-008          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A spread towards the rim shows on LIBERTY.  A spread towards the center shows on the date and IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Remnants of a die clash can be found to the left of the back of the neck.  Numerous die scratches run mostly E/W on both sides of the bust.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the right Memorial base.  Numerous die scratches run mostly WNW/ESE below the Memorial.

Submitted By:  John A. Conway

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-009

Description:  Extra thickness shows on the date, IGWT, and LIBERTY.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Remnants of a die clash can be found to the left of the back of the neck and on the neck.  Numerous die scratches run SW/NE through the RTY of LIBERTY.  Numerous other die scratches can be found on both sides of the bust.  Reverse:  EDS.  None significant.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-010

Description:  A CCW spread from a pivot at about 12:00 shows on LIBERTY and the date.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die scratch runs NW/SE below the 83 in the date.  Remnants of a die clash show on the neck just above the collar.  A die scratch runs SE from the front of the throat.  A die scratch runs NW from the top right of the Y in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  The reverse die has been heavily abraded.  Several die scratches can be found above the right cornice.  A die scratch runs ENE from the center of the E in ONE.  Die scratches run NNW from the top of the T in CENT.

Submitted By:  David Moake

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-011

Description:  A clockwise spread from a pivot at about 4 o’clock shows on LIBERTY and IGWT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Numerous die scratches run SW/NE to the left and to the right of the bust.  A die chip fills the lower 8 in the date.  Reverse:  Numerous die scratches run SSW/NNE between the bottom of the Memorial and the letters in CENT.

Submitted By:  Dwight Hendershot

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-012

Description:  Doubling shows on the earlobe.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Numerous die scratches run NW/SE below the ERTY of LIBERTY.  Parallel die scratches run EW through TRUST.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  Michael Garner

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDO-013

Description:  A spread shows on LIBERTY, the date, and IN GOD WE TRUST.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge is present southeast of the first T in TRUST, just above the hair.  A light die scratch runs SE/NW between the forehead and US in TRUST.  Heavy die gouges are present on the lapel left of the date.  A light die scratch runs SW/NE between the lapel and the rim.  Light die scratches run NNE/SSW through LIBERTY.  A minute die gouge (dot) touches the top of I in LIBERTY.  A long die crack/break runs along the outside of the rim from around 11 o’clock to 3 o’clock.  Reverse:  Light die scratches run roughly horizontally under the lower right memorial base through CENT.  A die scratch runs NW from above the left lower O in ONE.  Light die scratches run SW/NE in the upper corners of bay 1 and 2. 

Submitted By:  Will Brooks

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 1983P-1DO-004






























1983 1¢ WDDR-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  An extremely strong spread to the north shows on ONE CENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, E PLURIBUS UNUM, the dots, and the roof of the Memorial.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches run NNE, NE, and ENE from a point above the E in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Light die scratches run north to south on the upper reverse and east to west on the lower reverse.

Submitted By:  John J. Barkanic

Cross References:  Cherrypickers: FS-01-1983-801 (036), Breen #2310, Crawford: CDDR-001, CONECA: 1-R-IV

Comments:  The obverse is known to exist paired with two non-doubled die reverses providing evidence that the doubled die was discovered and pulled from use before large quantities of the variety were produced.

1983 1¢ WDDR-002

Description:  Extra thickness and some separation lines show on CENT, the designer’s initials, the lower right part of the Memorial, and some letters in AMERICA.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Rotational die scratches on the Memorial are centered at the statue.  A die gouge can be found under the upper left T in UNITED.  A die scratch runs from the center of the E in CENT ESE through the N in CENT.  Die cracks run from the tip of the left Memorial base and the tip of the right Memorial base out to the rim.

Submitted By:  Peter Beane

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDR-003          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  A strong counterclockwise spread from a pivot at 3 o’clock shows on the letters of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE CENT, E PLURIBUS UNUM, the dots, and the lower left Memorial.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratches SSW to NNE above TY of LIBERTY.  Die scratches NW to SE between WE and TRUST.  Reverse:  Reverse heavily abraded.  Two parallel die scratches NNW from between upper C and E of CENT.  Remnants of die clash in 3rd bay.  Die cracks lower left and lower right Memorial to rim.

Submitted By:  David Bigelow

Cross References:  None known

1983 1¢ WDDR-004       

Description:  Doubling shows on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and ONE CENT.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Light die clash at throat.  Two short SW/NE die scratches below bowtie.  Reverse:  Die crack from rim going SE between T and E of UNITED and touching the E.  Die crack from rim to memorial crossing right leg of the R in AMERICA.  Die crack from rim to lower left memorial base.  Collar clash through TES and OF in STATES OF. 

Submitted By:  Keith Christenson

Cross References:  None known