Description: Doubling shows on the lower left of the 7th column to the right of the statue’s legs.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: A small die gouge (dot) can be found near the bottom of the 7th Memorial bay. A small die gouge can be found above the 11th Memorial column.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
2001-D 1¢ WDDR-002
Description: Doubling shows on the central right side of the 6th column to the left of the statue.
Die Markers:Obverse: None noted. Reverse: A die gouge can be found near the top of the last Memorial bay. A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the right of the bottom of the last column.
Submitted By: Ron Traino
Cross References: None known
2001-D 1¢ WDDR-003
Description: Doubling shows on the lower left of the 7th column to the right of the statue’s legs and the upper pedestal.
Die Markers:Obverse: A die gouge touches the bottom right of the T in LIBERTY. Reverse: A die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the U in UNITED. A small die gouge can be found just above the right cornice.
Description: Doubling at an angle shows on the left side of the 7th column to the right of the statue.
Die Markers:Obverse: A small die gouge can be found inside the lower first zero. A small die gouge can be found to the left of the bottom of the mintmark. Reverse: A small die gouge can be found above the left cornice. A small die gouge can be found above the left side of the Memorial.
Submitted By: Gary L. Cox, Sr.
Cross References: Coppercoins: 2001D-1DR-006
2001-D 1¢ WDDR-005
Description: Doubling at the bottom of the 8th and 9th bays has the appearance of extra steps.
Die Markers:Obverse: None significant. Reverse: Die pitting can be found between the U in UNITED and the upper first column. A small die gouge can be found between the C and E in CENT.
Submitted By: Dean M. Hengst
Cross References: None known
2001-D 1¢ WDDR-006
Description: Doubling shows as extra ceiling lines at the top of the 7th and 8th Memorial bays.
Die Markers: Obverse: None significant. Reverse: A short die scratch runs SSW from the rim above the M in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Tony Russo
Cross References: CONECA: 7-R-VIII
2001-D 1¢ WDDR-007
Description: Doubling shows on the right side of both legs on the statue.
Die Markers: Obverse: A small die gouge (dot) can be found above and between the T and Y of LIBERTY. A die gouge can be found on the lower front of the vest. Reverse: A die gouge can be found just to the right of the bottom of the N in UNITED. A die gouge can be found above the right side of the N in CENT. A small die gouge (dot) can be found to the left of the lower 9th Memorial column. A die gouge can be found just NW of the E in EPU.
Description: Doubling shows on the left side of both legs on the statue. Doubling also shows on the left side of the 7th column to the right of the statue’s legs.
Die Markers: Obverse: Small die gouges can be found below the nose. Reverse: A die gouge touches the right underside of the D in UNITED. A die gouge can be found below the left side of the A in STATES. A die gouge can be found below the right side of the 2nd T in STATES.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
2001-D 1¢ WDDR-009
Description: Doubling shows from
the head to below the feet on the left side of the 7th Memorial
column to the right of the statue.
Die Markers: Obverse: A strong die gouge shows near the front of
Lincoln’s jacket, level with the bottom of the mint mark. A die gouge shows on Lincoln’s jacket below
the buttonhole. Two die gouges show just
to the right of the second shoulder fold in Lincoln’s jacket. Reverse: A strong die gouge shows inside the lower
left opening of the O in ONE. Two die
gouges show ESE and SE from Lincoln’s left foot.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
2001-D 1¢ WDDR-010
Description: Doubling from Lincoln’s hand to below his feet
shows on the lower right edge of the 6th column, left of the statue’s
Die Markers:Obverse: Numerous die gouges (dots)
show around the date and mint mark area. A curved die gouge shows under the lower right
arm of the N in IN. A N-S oriented die gouge shows below the right
edge of the first T in TRUST. Reverse: A die
gouge (dot) shows between the lower N and T in CENT. A small die gouge (dot) shows in upper
memorial bay 11. Die gouges show in both
the upper and lower openings of the N in UNITED. A series of three die
gouges (dots) show below the last A in AMERICA.