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2004-D 1¢ WDDR-001          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  An apparent CCW spread from a tilted hub that twisted as it snapped back into proper alignment shows as a spread to the west on the letters of EPU and all of the dots, a spread to the north on the right ceiling of the Memorial, and a spread to the south on the left floor of the Memorial and the top of the post to the left of the Memorial steps.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge at rim above O in GOD.  Reverse:  Die gouges SW of E in EPU.  Die gouge between dot and 1st U of UNUM.  Die gouge above upper left T in CENT.

Submitted By:  Billy G. Crawford

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-005, Coppercoins: 2004D-1DR-001, CONECA: 1-R-IV+VIII

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-002

Description:  Doubling shows on the Memorial floor between the first three columns and on the top of the left post.  Extra thickness shoes on the E PL of E PLURIBUS, the first U of UNUM, and the two left dots.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  A die scratch runs from the right cornice to the R in AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found below the IC in AMERICA.  A die crack runs from the lower C through the lower second A in AMERICA.  A heavy die crack can be found on the upper second column.

Submitted By:  Gene Nichols

Cross References:  Coppercoins: 2004D-1DR-003

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-003

Description:  Doubling shows on the floor of the Memorial above the steps and on the top of both posts.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouges can be found north of the I and the R in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die gouges can be found below the U and inside the lower N in UNITED.  A die gouge can be found above the right Memorial base.  Die pitting can be found below the right Memorial base.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper T in CENT.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-011, Coppercoins: 2004D-1DR-015

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-004

Description:  Doubling shows on the lower right side of the 6th Memorial column to the left of the lower statue.  Doubling also shows on the right side of the statue’s right knee.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the B in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Die pitting can be found to the left of the lower T in UNITED.  Several light, horizontal die scratches can be found above the left side of the Memorial roof.  Two small die gouges can be found below the right Memorial base.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  CONECA: 6-R-VIII, Coppercoins: 2004D-1DR-008

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-005

Description:  Doubling shows on the lower right side of the 6th Memorial column to the left of the lower statue.  Doubling also shows on the right side of the statue’s right knee.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the tip of the nose.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found below the right side of the UNITED.  A die gouge can be found above the left cornice.  A die gouge can be found between the dot and the 1st U in UNUM.  A die gouge can be found below the C in AMERICA.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper last column.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-006

Description:  Doubling shows on the lower right side of the 6th Memorial column to the left of the lower statue.  The statue’s knees are doubled to the SE.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found above the right side of the B in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper last column.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper 2nd A in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-007

Description:  Doubling shows on the Memorial floor between the first seven columns, on the top of the left post, and on the bottom left side of the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th columns.  Doubling also shows on the left side of the right post.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouges can be found in the field to the right of the lower head.  Reverse:  Die pitting can be found to the left of the top of the 1st column.  A die gouge can be found inside the upper N in CENT.  A die gouge can be found to the right of the upper T in CENT.

Submitted By:  John A. Wexler

Cross References:  None known

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-008         "Best Of" Variety

Description:  Strong doubling shows on the Memorial floor between the first four columns and on the top of the left post.  EPU is spread to the west similar to, but not as strong as, WDDR-001.  Slight doubling shows on the ceiling in the last bay.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Two die gouges can be found between the bottoms of the L and U in PLURIBUS.  Die gouges can be found at the lower most corner of the steps on the right Memorial base.

Submitted By:  Billy G. Crawford

Cross References:  Crawford: CDDR-003

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-009          Listing Needed

Comments:  The previously listed variety was a “wavy steps” variety and these are no longer believed to be doubled dies.

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-010

Description:  Doubling shows on the right side of the left most letters of EPU.  The left dots are elongated.  The floor of the Memorial is doubled in the first five bays.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found just below the vertical bar of the 4.  A small die gouge can be found above the left side of the D mint mark.  Reverse:  Three die gouges can be found to the right of the center of the T in CENT.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found to the right of the lower N in CENT.  A small die gouge can be found at the bottom of the 2nd Memorial bay.

Submitted By:  Bruce W. Baker

Cross References:  None known

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-011

Description:  The dots in EPU are elongated.  The floor of the Memorial is doubled in the first eight bays.  Doubling also shows at the top of the left post.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouges can be found on the left and right sides of the bottom of the 2nd T in TRUST.  A small die gouge can be found above the Y in LIBERTY.  A die gouge can be found below the T in LIBERTY.  Numerous other small die gouges can be found throughout the obverse.  Reverse:  A die gouge can be found on the right Memorial base below the 10th Memorial column.  Die pitting can be found to the right of the lower 2nd Memorial column.  Die pitting can be found between the upper N and T of CENT with a small die gouge on the upper right N.

Submitted By:  Bruce W. Baker

Cross References:  None known

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-012

Description:  Doubling shows on the lower left side of the 7th Memorial column to the right of the statue and the pedestal.  Extra knees can be found SW of the normal knees.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  A die gouge can be found in the field well north of the 4.  Reverse:  A short, vertical die gouge can be found to the right of the top of the T in CENT.  A short, vertical die scratch can be found to the right of the upper M in AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Joseph Koelling

Cross References:  Crawford:  CDDR-013, Coppercoins: 2004D-1DR-016

2004-D 1¢ WDDR-013

Description:  Doubling shows on the lower left side of the 7th Memorial column to the right of the statue.

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:   Rithy Yoeurth

Cross References:  None known