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1937-D 5¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  E/W die crack through the lower letters of FIVE CENTS.

Submitted By:  Kevin Flynn

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-002          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Weak die scratch NE from the chin.  Reverse:  Light die scratches east from the right side of the front legs.

Submitted By:  David Mulberry

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-003          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D Southeast

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Die fatigue marks (possible pitted die) at the eye area of the Indian.  Obverse Stage B: Heavier die fatigue marks at the eye area of the Indian.  Heavy abrasion at the throat and neck.  Reverse Stage A: WNW/ESE die scratch connecting the underside of the center horizontal bar of the E in FIVE to the C in CENTS.  Die scratch SW where the left rear leg of the Bison meets the abdomen.  Reverse Stage B: Die scratch between E and C of FIVE CENTS is very weak.  Small die chip (dot) SE from the bottom of the left leg of the N in UNUM.

Submitted By:  Stage A: Kevin Flynn, Stage B: Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #3

Comments:  Quite possibly the stage B reverse die markers may be strongly present on the stage A coin.  The Stage A coin was not thoroughly examined for markers by the original attributers.

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D Northwest

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #4

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-005         “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D/D South and Southeast

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #5

Comments:  Listed by CONECA as D/D/D South and East.

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-006

Description:  D/D East

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-007

Description:  D/D/D/D East, East and East

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-008          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D/D Southeast and Tilted

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-009

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Obverse Stage B: None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse Stage A: Wavy E/W die scratch on the bottom of the mound above FIVE.  NNE/SSW die scratch left of the ankle of the rear outer leg.  Die scratch connecting the top of the D in UNITED and the first S in STATES.  Reverse Stage B: Stage A marker at the mound still present.  Abrasion between the E in FIVE and the mintmark gives the appearance of a different position.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-010

Description:  D/D South

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-011

Description:  D/D East

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-012

Description:  D/D Northwest

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-013

Description:  D/D North

Submitted By:  Jim & Mark Lafferty

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-014

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-015

Description:  D/D East

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-016

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse:  Die scratch SW from the lower left of the T in UNITED.  N/S die scratch connecting the lat A in AMERICA to the M in UNUM.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-017

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-018

Description:  D/D East

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-D 5¢ WRPM-019

Description:  D/D South

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-001

Description:  S/S/S West and Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die scratch SE from the right center of the 3 in the date.  Reverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-002          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  S/S Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  None noted.  Obverse Stage B:  None noted.  Reverse Stage A: NE/SW die scratch where the belly and thigh of the Bison meet.  WNW/ESE die scratch connecting the E and N of CENTS.  Reverse Stage B: Stage A marker on the Bison abraded away.  Die scratch at the EN of CENTS still present but much weaker.  Split lower serif of the mintmark abraded away.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-003

Description:  S/S North

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #5

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-004

Description:  S/S North

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Curving E/W die gouge (from tooling) near the rim at 12:30 o’clock.  Light die scratch east from about right center of the hair braid running into the neck.  Obverse Stage B: Weaker stage A markers.  Reverse Stage A: Curly N/S die scratch right from the lower area of the horn.  Die gouges left of the TED in UNITED and the first S and E in STATES.  Wavy WNW/ESE die scratch through UNITED.  Wavy die gouge (from tooling) on the upper back area closer to the tail running SW and then turning west.  Reverse Stage B: Weaker stage A markers.  Tail of the secondary mintmark very weak.

Submitted By:  Stage A: John Roberts, Stage B: Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA RPM #4

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-005          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  S/S South (Wide)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  NNE/SSW die scratch along the left center of the 7 in the date.  Reverse:  Lathe scratch from the left lower side of the mound running above the rim to the secondary mintmark.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #6

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-006

Description:  S/S South

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die chip on right center of the 3 in the date.  Reverse:  Die gouge on the left center of the S in CENTS.  Curly die scratch in a N/S direction through the S in CENTS.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-007

Description:  S/S East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  NNW/SSE die scratches right of the S in CENTS.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1937-S 5¢ WRPM-008          "Best Of" Variety

Description:  S/S Northeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

Comments:  This variety was originally listed as WRPM-009.

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-001          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D/D South and West

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A:  E/W die scratches above the date.  Obverse Stage B:  Same as Stage A.  Obverse Stage C: Heavy metal pull throughout the coin.  Reverse Stage A: E/W die scratches through the letters of USOA, stronger at the A in STATES.  Secondary mintmark to the west.  Reverse Stage B: Strong secondary mint mark to the south.  Secondary mintmark to the west is abraded away.  Reverse Stage C: Heavy metal pull throughout the coin.  Weak secondary mint mark to the south.

Submitted By:  Stage A & B: Lloyd Hanson, Stage C: Kevin Flynn

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #1

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-002          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D West

Submitted By:  Kevin Flynn

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #2

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-003          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D West

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Obverse Stage B: None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse Stage A: Strong secondary mint mark.  Reverse Stage B: Vertical bar is abraded away on the secondary mint mark.

Submitted By:  Kevin Flynn (Color photo from a coin submitted by George W. Powell, Jr.)

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #3

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-004

Description:  D/D/D West and South

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #4

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-005

Description:  D/D Southeast

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Die gouge on the inner center of the nose.  Reverse:  NNE/SSW die scratch on the inner rear thigh of the bison.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #7

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-006

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: Series of slightly wavy E/W die scratches above the date.  NE/SW die scratches centered between the 3 and 8 of the date.  Light N/S die scratches on the nose.  Light NW/SE die scratches on the forehead located above the eyelid.  Small die chip (dot) at the back of the lips.  Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers present but weaker except the scratches between the 3 and 8 in the date which are abraded away.  Reverse Stage A: WNW/ESE die scratches connecting the center of the F and I of FIVE.  WNW/ESE die scratches below the IV of FIVE.  E/W die scratches connecting CEN of CENTS.  Light WNW/ESE die scratches through the letters of STATES.  Medium die chip in the field centered below the E in STATES and the Bison.  Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratches nearly gone except for the scratches below the I and V of FIVE.  Die chip still present but blends in with the polishing marks.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-007

Description:  D/D West

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  E/W die scratches through the AM of AMERICA.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-008

Description:  D/D West

Die Markers:  Obverse Stage A: E/W die scratches above the date.  Obverse Stage B: Weaker scratches above the date.  Heavily pitted die.  Reverse Stage A: ESE/WNW die scratches on the front leg of the Bison.  Reverse Stage B: Heavily pitted die.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  CONECA: RPM #5

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-009

Description:  D/D East

Die Markers:  Obverse:  Short N/S die scratch east from the eye.  Reverse: Die gouge below the lower area of the bison’s neck.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-010          “Best Of” Variety

Description:  D/D West

Die Markers:  Obverse:  N/S die scratch to the right of the vertical bar of the Y in LIBERTY.  Reverse:  Heavy SW die scratch from the left upper area of the thigh near the abdomen of the buffalo.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-011

Description:  D/D South

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.  Reverse:  None visible.  Circulated specimen was examined.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-012

Description:  D/D South

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-013

Description:  D/D North

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None noted.  Reverse:  Gouges at E of FIVE and C of CENTS.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known

1938-D 5¢ WRPM-014

Description: D/D/D Tilted (Rotated)

Die Markers:  Obverse:  None significant.  Reverse:  None significant.

Submitted By:  Lloyd Hanson

Cross References:  None known as an RPM.

Comments:  This variety was previously listed in the Wexler Files as an OMM (WOMM-004).  Further study has shown that this is not an OMM.  There is no evidence of an S punch above or below the D mint mark.  What was thought to be part of an S inside the D is straight and ends abruptly suggesting a die gouge and not an S punch.  Others may still list this as an OMM.