Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Weak secondary mint mark. Short NE/SW die scratch in the field right of the top of the vest. NNE/SSW die scratch left and right of the upper area of the 1 in the date. Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers still present. Obverse Stage C: Medium secondary mint mark showing a stronger secondary mint mark on the right side. Stage A markers abraded away. NW/SE die scratch right of the mint mark. Die gouge (dot) in the field above the chin. Obverse Stage D: Stage C die markers are weak. Weak, wavy E/W die crack about center of the head where the hair begins. Obverse Stage E: Strong secondary mint mark showing a heavy vertical bar and upper curve inside the primary mint mark. Stronger die crack at the head. Curving NE/SW die crack at the top of the ear. Reverse Stage A: Chipped die crack at the upper area of column one, center of column ten, most of column eleven and the upper area of column twelve. Light die crack on the right edge of the roof base. Chipped die crack on the right eave. Die crack along the edge of the left memorial base. Reverse Stage B: Die chips on the columns are stronger. An additional die crack shows on most of the left side of column two. Die scratch NNE from the right side cornice to the left leg of the R in AMERICA. Reverse Stage C: The die crack on the right eave extends down the right side of column twelve and along the upper edge of the cornice where it meets the die crack at the edge of the roof base. The die crack at the edge of the roof base is heavily chipped and extends to the top of the roof. A die crack from the right cornice tip runs NW to the roof edge. The die chips on column twelve are extremely strong. Die gouge about center above the T of CENT and to the right of the horizontal bar. Stage B die scratch abraded away. Reverse Stage D: New reverse die. Small die chip at the upper right inside of the D in UNITED. Weak SE die scratch from about left center of the D in UNITED that runs through the E of UNITED. Reverse Stage E: Short die scratch south from lower right center of the M in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Stage A & C: John Bordner, Stage B: Albert B. Raddi, Stage D: Brian Allen, Stage E: Lloyd Hanson
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die scratch south from the lower right side of the R in TRUST toward the top of the hair. Obverse Stage B: Stage A scratch abraded away. Short strong die scratch north from the center of the Y in LIBERTY. Weaker N/S die scratches at the Y in LIBERTY. Weak N/S die crack centered on the hair. Obverse Stage C: Die scratch from the Y of LIBERTY still present but the lighter scratches are abraded away. Short about E/W die crack on the forehead. Obverse Stage D: Die crack on the forehead is longer. Die crack on the hair is longer and runs to the contour of the top of the ear. Strong N/S die scratch through the first 9 of the date with lighter scratches at the 19 of the date. Reverse Stage A: Strong depression at the right eave. Strong die chips on the upper area of columns eleven and twelve. Die chip on the upper area of the O in ONE. Die chip on the right underside of the horizontal bar of the T in CENT. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Die scratches WNW from the upper left side of the O in ONE to the Memorial base. Reverse Stage C: Stage B scratches still present. Die chip on the right eave. Short N/S die scratch at the lower inside of the U in UNITED. Reverse Stage D: Stage B scratches are weaker. Scratch at UNITED still present. Heavier die chip on the right eave. Die gouge on the lower outside of column twelve.
Submitted By: Stage A: John A. Wexler, Stage B: John Bordner, Stage C: Albert B. Raddi, Stage D: Lloyd Hanson
Description: D & D Northeast in the second 9 of the date
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Strong die scratch north from top center of the mint mark. N/S die scratch through the lower area of the first 9 in the date. Die scratch north from top center of the 5 in the date. Lighter N/S die scratches in the field on the right side. Die gouge at the rim at 4:00. ENE/WSW die scratch near the rim at 10:00. Obverse Stage B: N/S scratches in the right field abraded away. NE/SW die scratches through the date. NE/SW die scratch in the field position below the R in LIBERTY. Lighter NE/SW die scratches in the fields. Bottom of the 1 in the date is abraded thin at the lower area. Die scratch near the rim at 10:00 still present. Gouge at the rim still present. Obverse Stage C: Stage B markers are still present. Die chip inside the upper area of the B in LIBERTY. Reverse Stage A: Weak die crack beginning to start on the right cornice tip. Reverse Stage B: Die crack at the cornice tip is slightly stronger. E by N/W by S die scratches on the cornice above bay eight. ENE/WSW die scratch on the roof base above bay eight. Die scratch north from the upper left side of the left Memorial base. Die scratch NW from the outside center of the left Memorial base to the U in UNITED. Die chip (dot) in the field between the twelfth column and the last A of AMERICA. E/W and NW/SE die scratches at the N and E of ONE. Die chips on the right side of the horizontal bar of the T in CENT. Die crack at the right angle of the T in CENT. Reverse Stage C: Stage B markers are still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Ken Chylinski, Stage B: John Bordner, Stage C: Karen Peterson
Comments: Not all die variety specialists agree that this is an RPM variety with some arguing that it is some form of damage. An overlay by Billy G. Crawford shows that the suspected errant mint mark punch does conform to the shape of the D mint mark. The viewers will have to form their own opinions regarding this variety, especially if a purchase is being considered.
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-004 “Best Of” Variety
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: ENE/WSW die scratch in the upper area of the ear opening. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die scratch still present. Small die chip (dot) in the field NE from the second 9 in the date. Obverse Stage C: Stage A die scratch still present. Stage B die chip weaker. Mint mark is mushy in appearance. Obverse Stage D: Stage A die scratch still present. Stage B die chip is abraded away. Reverse Stage A: Very light die cracks on columns one and two. Die chip (dot) at the upper left side of bay two. Die chips on the upper area of column eleven. Light die crack on column twelve. Die crack along the edges of the right eave, right side cornice, right side roof base and a slight distance on the right side of the roof. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die markers stronger. Crack on the top of the roof extends north into the field. Depression at the right eave. Die chip on the left base tip. Reverse Stage C: New reverse die. N by W/S by E die scratches on the left side of the Memorial base. Light E/W die scratches through ONE. Light crack under the left baseline above the left side of the O in ONE. Small die chips on column eleven toward the center. Die chip on the upper area of column twelve. Die chip on the upper right side of the T in CENT. Reverse Stage D: Larger die chips on column eleven. Longer die chips on column twelve. Scratches at ONE abraded away. Scratches on the Memorial base are weak. Other stage C markers still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Albert B. Raddi, Stage B: Lloyd Hanson, Stage C & D: John Bordner
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Gouge at the rim between the first T and the R of TRUST, Obverse Stage B: Stage A die marker still present. Die gouges from the hair near the back of the neck and slightly above this area. Obverse Stage C: All previous die markers abraded away. Very weak secondary mint mark showing only a faint trace of the upper serif. Reverse Stage A: Lathe marks at the rim above STATES. Reverse Stage B: Lathe marks abraded away. Die scratch SW from the right upper underside of the E of CENT. Reverse Stage C: All previous die markers abraded away. Light die crack at the upper area of column one. Die chip slightly below center on column twelve. Die crack along the edge of the right eave.
Submitted By: Stage A: Lloyd Hanson, Stage B: John Bordner, Stage C: Albert B. Raddi
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Small oblong die gouge below the lower right side of the B in LIBERTY. Light N/S die scratch in the field above the nose. Short die scratch south from the lower left side of the 1 in the date. Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers are weaker. Obverse Stage C: All die markers abraded away. Light about N/S die crack in the hair. Reverse Stage A: Heavily chipped die crack on right eave and the right cornice tip. Depression above the right side cornice. Die chips on column one near the center. Large die chip on column twelve. Die crack at about left center of the E in CENT. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Short die scratch west above left center of the N of ONE. Reverse Stage C: Stage B die scratch abraded away. Small die chip above center and a large die chip near center on column twelve.
Submitted By: Stage A: Lloyd Hanson, Stage B: John Bordner, Stage C: Albert B. Raddi
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Short die scratch south from the bottom of the vest. Obverse Stage B: Numerous die scratches in different directions in upper right side of the field, above the head, the right side of LIBERTY and through the date. Long N by E/S by W die scratch through the R in LIBERTY. Long die scratch from the back of the head SW to the T in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage C: Stage B die scratches are weaker. Obverse Stage D: Stage B die scratches are abraded away. V-shaped die scratch at the lower left side of the 1 in the date. N/S and NNE/SSW die scratches at the RTY of LIBERTY. Obverse Stage E: Two short curving scratches from the left upper area of the mintmark. Referred to as a north secondary by some but merely scratches. Stage D markers are weaker. Reverse Stage A: Depression at the right eave. Small die chip above center of column one. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die – second reverse. Die scratches from the left upper base area running NW through the U and to the N in UNITED. Light chipped die crack at the top of the O of ONE. Die scratch ENE from inside the upper left area of the N in ONE. Die chip on the upper right side of the N of ONE. Die crack across the center horizontal bar of the E of ONE. Light die crack at the top of the C of CENT. Die crack across the center horizontal bar of the E of CENT and then making a U-turn and running east below the center bar. Light die crack across the top of the E in CENT closer to the underside of the horizontal bar. Die chip on the upper right side of the N of CENT. Die crack across the top of the T in CENT closer to the underside of the horizontal bar. Die scratch NE from upper center of the T in CENT to the Memorial base. Reverse Stage C: Stage B scratches still present but weaker from the Memorial base. The two cracks at the E in CENT now form a large chip. Depression below the horizontal bar of the T in CENT at the right underside. Depression at the right eave. Reverse Stage D: New reverse die – third reverse. E/W die scratches through bays, nine, ten, eleven and the right side of column twelve. Reverse Stage E: Only a few of the Stage D die scratches remain. Short but strong N/S die scratch at the inside upper center of the C in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Stage A & C: John Bordner, Stage B & D: Lloyd Hanson, Stage E: Albert B. Raddi
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Very light N/S die crack on the shoulder. Two die chips (dots) on the upper right of the shoulder above and below the crease. Strong secondary mint mark. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die markers still present. Obverse Stage C: Stronger die crack on the shoulder. Large X-shaped die scratch SE from the beard. NE/SW die scratches on the back area of the neck. Strong die scratch NE from the upper front of the hair to the left side of the first T in TRUST. Weak die crack N by E in the hair above the ear. Weak die clash at the 1 in the date. NNE/SSW die scratches through LIBERTY. Weaker secondary mint mark. Obverse Stage D: Stage C markers still present. Obverse Stage E: Stage C scratches are weak. Obverse Stage F: Stage C markers are very weak. Only weak remnants of the secondary mint mark remain. Die crack on the shoulder is stronger. Die chips on the shoulder are stronger. Reverse Stage A: Die gouge above the T of CENT slightly right of center. Reverse Stage B: Die gouge south from the rim above the O in OF. Two large die chips at the upper and center area of column twelve. Reverse Stage C: Very strong die chip that covers most of column twelve. Large die break on the right eave and cornice areas. Gouge at the rim is weaker. Several NE//SW die scratches inside the upper area of the O in ONE. Reverse Stage D: New reverse die. E/W die scratches through the lower openings of the M in AMERICA. Light die scratches NNW from the LUR and last U in PLURIBUS. Reverse Stage E: Only a very weak scratch remains at the M in AMERICA. All other stage D scratches abraded away. Die chip (dot) on the upper right of the N in CENT. Die scratch SE from the upper right side of the S in PLURIBUS. Reverse Stage F: All stage D scratches abraded away. Dot on the N of CENT still present. Scratch from the S of PLURIBUS still present. Die chips on the upper half of column twelve.
Submitted By: Stage A, B, & E: John Bordner, Stage C & F: Lloyd Hanson, Stage D: Albert B. Raddi
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Lathe marks at the rim under the bust. Short NW/SE die scratch below the right side of the mint mark. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die markers abraded away. Die scratches NE from the right side of the 1 in the date. Light E/W die crack above the designer’s initials. Weaker secondary mint mark to the north. Separation shows between the primary and secondary mint marks. Obverse Stage C: Stage B die scratches are slightly weaker. Die crack at the designer’s initials is stronger. Secondary mint mark to the north is very weak. Obverse Stage D: Stage B die scratches are weaker. Die crack at the designer’s initials has a few die chips. Secondary mint mark to the north is abraded away. Obverse Stage E: Die crack running NE from the ear to the head then turning slightly east. NE/SW die scratches on both sides of the field closer to the profile. Long N/S die scratch below the beard. NE/SW die scratches through the back of the neck. Die chip inside the lower cavity of the B in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage F: Heavy abrasion marks at the 19 of the date, right upper side of the field and between the RTY of LIBERTY and the back of the jacket. Heavy abrasion inside the ear and at the temple. Die scratch from the beard abraded away. A very weak second die crack running NE/SW above the first die crack at the head. Die crack above the designer’s initials is stronger. Obverse Stage G: Die scratch NE from the right fork of the Y in LIBERTY. Second die crack in the head is now stronger and connects to the NE side of the lower die crack. Lower die crack on the head is longer. Obverse Stage H: Stage G die scratches are still present. The lower die crack in the head is lightly chipped at the ear. The die crack above the designer’s initials is longer and heavily chipped. The separation at the mint marks is strong.Stage A: Die chip on the left base tip. Die chip (dot) in the field left of the left upper side memorial base. Reverse Stage B: Die scratches WNW and NW from the N and E of ONE. Die scratches N by W from the right of the roof and the right side cornice. Irregular E/W die scratch above the right side roof and right side cornice. Die chip about center on column twelve. Long die scratch SSE from the lower right of the Memorial base. Die clash at the top of bay eight. Reverse Stage C: Stage B die markers are still present. Die crack on the upper right cornice and down the right eave. Short N/S die gouge in the field near the left lower area of the T in CENT. Reverse Stage D: Stage B and C die markers are still present except the irregular scratches above the cornice and roof. Longer chipped die crack on column twelve. Die crack on column one. Die chip (dot) in the field left of the lower area of column one. Reverse Stage E: New reverse die – second reverse. Light E/W die scratch above the URIB of PLURIBUS. Die scratch from the lower right side of the first T in STATES to the upper left side of the first U in PLURIBUS. Small die chip on the upper left side of the O of ONE. Short N/S die scratch near the upper right side of the C in AMERICA. Reverse Stage F: Heavy abrasion through most of PLURIBUS UNUM. Die scratch from the first T of STATES still present. Die scratch above PLURIBUS abraded away. Die scratch at the C in AMERICA still present. Die chip at the top of column twelve. Reverse Stage G: New reverse die – third reverse. ENE die scratch from the rim positioned below the center of the N of CENT. Reverse Stage H: Stage G die scratch is still present.
Submitted By: Stage A, C, E, & H: Lloyd Hanson, Stage B, D, & G: John Bordner, Stage F: Ben Peters
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: E/W die scratches inside the top of the ear. Strong secondary mint mark showing a secondary curve inside the primary mint mark. Obverse Stage B: Scratches at the ear abraded away. Die scratches NE from the vest. Die scratch NE from the forehead. Weak secondary mint mark showing on the vertical bar below the primary mint mark. Reverse Stage A: Die crack ESE from the upper right of the E in ONE running through the left center of the C in CENT. Weak die crack ENE from left center of the C to the top of the E of CENT and then running east through the top of the E to the N of CENT. Weak die crack from the lower right of the E running ENE through the D of UNITED. Reverse Stage B: Die crack on columns one and two. ENE/WSW die scratch under the center bar of the E in UNITED.
Submitted By: Stage A: Albert B. Raddi, Stage B: David Mulberry
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch NNE from the chin. NE/SW die scratches through the 19 of the date. NE/SW die scratches through the neck. NE/SW die scratches through the RTY of LIBERTY. Die scratch SW from slightly below left center of the E in LIBERTY. Weak die clash behind the neck. Reverse: Die clash covers most of bay three except the right upper area. Die clash at the upper area of bay eight. NW/SE die scratches through ONE. Die scratches from the left upper side and the upper center of the T in CENT running NNE to the Memorial base. Die crack on the right side cornice from the roof base to the cornice tip. Small die chips on column eleven. Chipped die crack on the upper area of column twelve.
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Very weak die crack above and to the right of the designer’s initials. Secondary mint mark shows weak inside the primary mint mark. Obverse Stage B: Die crack now runs over the designer’s initials and is lightly chipped above the D. Light die crack from the ear running NE into the head. Very short NNW/SSE die gouge in the field below the first 9 in the date. Secondary mint mark inside the primary mint mark is abraded away. Obverse Stage C: Die crack above the designer’s initials is heavier. Die crack from the ear is very heavy, now runs behind the ear, and is heavily chipped. Gouge below the first 9 in the date still present but weaker. Secondary mint mark to the north is weak. Reverse Stage A: NNW/SSE die scratch inside the upper right hand area of bay eleven. Die chip (dot) in the field centered above the O and N of ONE. Reverse Stage B: Die chips on column one. Stage A die markers still present. Reverse Stage C: Stage A die markers still present. Heavy chips on column twelve. Die chip above the T in CENT positioned right from the center.
Submitted By: Stage A & C: John A. Wexler, Stage B: Diane Gallagher
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die gouge (dot) in the field from the lower right area of the E in WE. E/W die scratches above the head located below WE. Light but long NW/SE die scratches above the date. Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers abraded away except for a weak scratch above the date. Die crack on the left upper side of the ear. Obverse Stage C: Stronger die crack at the ear. Series of die cracks in the hair and head running in different directions. NE/SW die scratch in the vest at right center. Obverse Stage D: Weaker die scratch at the vest. Die cracks at the ear and above the ear are heavily chipped. Reverse Stage A: Die chip at the rim located below the E and N of CENT. Die gouge at the rim located above the F and first A in OF AMERICA. NE die scratch from the right lower side of the T in CENT. Reverse Stage B: All stage A markers present but weaker. Reverse Stage C: Die chips on columns eleven and twelve. Light die crack on column one. Stage A markers weak. Reverse Stage D: Stage A markers abraded away except the chip below CENT. Heavier chips on the columns. NNE/SSW die scratch at the upper inside of the N in UNITED.
Submitted By: Stage A & B: John Bordner, Stage C: Lloyd Hanson, Stage D: Albert B. Raddi
Die Markers:Obverse: A long and a short die scratch north from the top of the mint mark. Die scratch south by west from left center of the second 9 in the date. Short NNE/SSW die crack at the left upper side of the ear. Reverse: Die scratch NNW from the lower left side of the first S in STATES. Die scratch ESE from right center of the first T in STATES.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Weak die scratch south from the lower inside center of the 5 in the date. Long die scratch WNW from the back center of the hair. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die markers are weaker. Light curving NNE/SSW die crack at the shoulder creases. Obverse Stage C: Die crack above shoulder runs to the rim. Scratch at the 5 in the date is abraded away. Scratch behind the head is weak. Very weak NNW/SSE die crack left of the eye. Obverse Stage D: Die crack on the shoulder is slightly stronger. Two weak E/W die cracks through the hair. Scratch behind the head is weak and shorter from abrasion. Die clash east from the vest to the lower area of the 1 in the date. Short die crack south from the left side of the bowtie. Stronger die crack left of the eye. Obverse Stage E: Numerous die cracks on the hair and face in different directions. Die crack on the shoulder is very strong. Die scratch behind the head is abraded away. Die clash from the vest is weak. Die crack from the bowtie runs through the lapel. ENE/WSW die scratches in the field high above the date. Obverse Stage F: Stage E die markers still present. Obverse Stage G: Die cracks on the head are very strong and heavily chipped. Scratches above the date are weaker. Die crack shoulder to rim is very strong. Remaining stage E markers are still present. Reverse Stage A: Die gouges at the rim above STATES. NE/SW die scratches through the lower left center of the C in CENT. E/W die scratch through the center of the N and T of CENT. Reverse Stage B: Die gouges are weaker. All scratches at CENT are weak. Reverse Stage C: Most gouges above STATES are abraded away. Die scratches through the C of CENT are abraded away. Die scratches at the NT of CENT are very weak. Die chip at the upper area of column twelve followed by a weak die crack to the south. Reverse Stage D: One weak gouge remains between the TA of STATES. Die chip on column twelve is stronger. Reverse Stage E: All die markers abraded away. Very heavy die chip on the right eave. Reverse Stage F: New reverse die. Die scratch west from the lower shelf above the left Memorial base. E/W die scratch on the left upper shelf below columns one and two. Reverse Stage G: Stage F die scratches are abraded away. Die scratches mostly N/S near the right eave. X-shaped die scratch between the left eave and the N of UNITED. Curving die scratch SSW from the lower left center of column one.
Submitted By: Stage A: Gene Nichols, Stage B & C: Lloyd Hanson, Stage D, F, & G: John Bordner, Stage E: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1959D-1MM-025
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-016
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Short die scratch SE from the lower right side of the W in WE. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches abraded away. NW/SE die scratches on the back of the neck. Very light NW/SE die crack left of the eye. Obverse Stage C: Die crack at the eye is heavier and extends into the jawbone. Die scratches on the neck are weak. Obverse Stage D: Die gouge under the vest fold. Reverse Stage A: Short die scratches SSE from the bottom of the Memorial base positioned above the O in ONE. Light E/W die scratches through ONE. Reverse Stage B: Heavy die chip running about one-third down from the top of column twelve. N/S die scratches are strong in bay two and weaker in bays one, four and ten. Die chips at the top of the right cornice. Stage A die scratches at the Memorial base and ONE abraded away. New die scratches south from the Memorial base into the O in ONE. Reverse Stage C: New reverse die. Die scratch SSE from the left center of the lower opening on the E of ONE. Small die gouge (dot) at about lower center of the diagonal bar of the N in CENT. Reverse Stage D: Stage C die markers still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B & C: John Bordner, Stage D: Ben Peters
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-017
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: E/W die scratch inside the upper opening of the ear. Very short NW/SE die scratches southwest of the mint mark near the vest. Obverse Stage B: Stage A markers abraded away. Die gouge (dot) centered below the E in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage C: Stage B marker still present. Obverse Stage D: Stage B marker still present. Obverse Stage E: Southwest die scratches from the back of the hair. Die scratches NE from the profile. Reverse Stage A: E/W die scratches below the Memorial base on the right side that also run through the T in CENT. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratches at the Memorial base abraded away. Die scratches at the T in CENT weak. Small die gouge (dot) at the upper right side of the N in CENT. Die chips on the right eave. Very light die crack along the bottom of the Memorial base on both sides. Reverse Stage C: Die chip on the left side Memorial base tip. Stage B die chips and die cracks still present. Stage B die scratches above the T of CENT are very weak. Reverse Stage D: Very weak depression at the right eave. Stage B and C die chips and die cracks still present. Die scratches above the T of CENT abraded away. Reverse Stage E: New reverse die. Die gouge in the field below the C in AMERICA. Die scratch SE from bottom center of the last U in PLURIBUS. Numerous N/S die scratch in the upper field.
Submitted By: Stage A, D, & E: John Bordner, Stage B: David Mulberry, Stage C: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-018
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Two die chips near the rim between the D of GOD and the W of WE. Short NE/SW die scratch in the field centered below the E and R of LIBERTY. Die crack running NE above the left side of the ear and then turning north and is intersected by a second die crack that runs east. Light die crack running south from the top of the shoulder and then turning WSW to the back of the jacket. Obverse Stage B: Die chips are weaker. Die scratch is weaker. Die cracks in head are slightly stronger. Die crack on shoulder still present. Obverse Stage C: Stage A die chips are very weak. Stage A die scratch is abraded away. Die cracks in the head are stronger. Die crack on the shoulder extends farther north. Reverse Stage A: Depression at the right eave. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. NNW/SSE die scratch inside the O of ONE at the lower right area. Pit marks on most of the reverse from a rusted die. Reverse Stage C: Short N/S die scratch at the lower right opening of the M in AMERICA. Die scratch at the O of ONE abraded away.
Submitted By: Stage A & C: John Bordner, Stage B: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-019
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die chip on the lower area of the vest fold. NE/SW die scratch near the upper right side of the R in LIBERTY. Die gouge on the upper right side of the B in LIBERTY. NE/SW die scratch connecting the bottom of the nose and the upper lip. Obverse Stage B: Weak die crack running NE above the left side of the ear. A second die crack running ENE/WSW in the hair. Die chips still present. Both die scratches are weak. Obverse Stage C: Die cracks in the hair are stronger. All previous scratches abraded away. Die chip at the vest fold is very weak. Die chip at the B of LIBERTY still present. Die chip on the upper left side of the E in LIBERTY. NE die scratches from the top of the RTY of LIBERTY. NW die scratches from the bowtie, beard and nose. Reverse Stage A: NNE die scratch above the left side cornice. Pit marks on the reverse from a rusty die. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratch is very weak. Short die scratch south from the outer bottom of the right leg of the last A in AMERICA. Light die chips on the upper area of column one. Reverse Stage C: A new NNE die scratch above the left side cornice positioned closer to the roof than the previous scratch. Large depression at the right eave. Weak die clash at the top of bay eight. Die chip on the left upper side of the Memorial base.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Ken Chylinski, Stage C: Ben Peters
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-020
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Light die scratches south from the 1 and first 9 in the date. Obverse Stage B: Stage A scratches abraded away. Very strong E/W die crack centered on the head. Depression about center on the die crack. Medium die chip (dot) centered at the bottom of the R in LIBERTY. NNE/SSW die scratches on the back of the neck. Weak die clash east from the vest to the lower area of the 1 in the date. Reverse Stage A: Die scratch S by E from the underside of the diagonal bar of the N of UNITED. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratch abraded away. Die chip on the right cornice. Die chips at the top of columns eleven and twelve. Die scratch south from the lower left of the B in PLURIBUS through the center of the M in UNUM. Short die scratch south by east from the lower center of the second U in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: Lloyd Hanson
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-021
Description: D/D/D Tilted & Tilted
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Two short die scratch from the vest located SW of the 1 in the date. Die chip on the bottom of the 1 in the date. Small die chip (dot) at the top of the forehead. Obverse Stage B: Stage A scratches abraded away. Die chip on the head is still present. Strong die clash from the vest running through the 1 in the date to the first 9 in the date then north up the center of the first 9 in the date. SW die scratches from the back of the head. Obverse Stage C: Stage B die scratches abraded away. Die chip on the head is still present. Die gouge in the field behind the jacket at left center. Obverse Stage D: Die chip in the field right of the forehead. Die clash is weak. Die chip on the forehead is larger. Die chip behind the jacket still present. Reverse Stage A: Chipped die break on the upper two-thirds of column one. Die chips on the top of column eleven. Huge chipped die break on the upper half of column twelve and large chips on the bottom half of the column. Die chip on the top of the roof at the right side. Die chip on the left base tip. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Inverted V-shaped die scratch at the top of the N of ONE connecting both sides. E/W die scratch between the lower area of the I and T of UNITED. Die scratch from the bottom of the F in OF to the lower right side of the M of AMERICA. Long E by S die scratch from the lower right side of the first U in UNUM. Die scratches running mostly east from the M of UNUM. Die clash in bay three. Reverse Stage C: Stage B die scratches are very weak. Die crack along the right eave and across the top of the right side cornice. Die chip inside the upper center of the E in UNITED. Light die crack on column one. Die clash in bay three is weak. Reverse Stage D: Strong die chip on the right eave. Die cracks on columns two and twelve. Die chip at the E of UNITED still present. Die clash is very weak.
Submitted By: Stage A & B: John Bordner, Stage C: Gary Shaffstall, Stage D: Lloyd Hanson
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1959D-1MM-026
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-022
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: Strong N/S die scratches at the 19 of the date. Die scratch north from the upper area of the nose. Die scratches north from the top of the head. N/S die scratches in the field closer to the portrait. Reverse: Die clash at the top of bay eight. NNE/SSW die scratch inside the C of CENT. Die scratch north from the bottom serif of the C in CENT. Die scratch SSW from the bottom outside of the center horizontal bar of the E in CENT. Two short N/S die gouges in the field below the left leg of the last A in AMERICA.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-023
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: Die scratch SSW from the bottom of the first 9 in the date. Die scratch SSW from the center of the 1 and first 9 in the date. Reverse: Short NNE/SSW die scratch and a die gouge (dot) near the right lower area of the last A in AMERICA. Small die chip near the center of column one.
Submitted By: John A. Wexler
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-024
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: Long N by W/S by E die scratch in the field far right of the profile. Numerous scratches SSW below the R of LIBERTY. ENE/WSW die gouge below the E of LIBERTY. E/W die crack on the center of the head. SSW die scratch from the lower left side of the D in GOD. Reverse: Die scratches about north by east from the left side cornice. NE/SW die scratch through the bottom ell of the E in UNITED.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-025
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: NNE/SSW die scratches above and through the date. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches abraded away. NNE/SSW die scratch in the lower area of the jacket fold near the lapel. Die scratches NNE from the hair below WE. NE/SW die scratches throughout most of the left side of the obverse. Reverse Stage A: Short N/S die gouge below the C in AMERICA. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die gouge abraded away. NW/SE die scratch between the left side of the Memorial base steps to the U in UNITED. Die scratch NW from left center of the E in ONE to the bottom of the Memorial base. Various scratches above ONE. Short die scratch north from the upper right side of the C in CENT.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Ken Chylinski
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-026
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die gouge in the field near the lower area of the beard. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die marker still present. Short die crack E by W from the V of the designer’s initials. Obverse Stage C: Stage A die gouge abraded away. Die crack is longer and strong with a large die chip at the V of the designer’s initials. Obverse Stage D: No changes to the stage C die crack. Obverse Stage E: No changes to the stage C die crack. Reverse Stage A: NE/SW die scratch through the first S in STATES. N/S die gouge at the left inside of the last A in AMERICA. Die crack at the lower portion of the upper horizontal bar of the E in CENT extending slightly into the field. Weak, long die scratch east from right center of the T in CENT to the right memorial base tip. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Medium die gouge (dot) between the left upper side of the O in ONE and the Memorial base. Die scratch NW from the upper left side of the O in ONE. Die scratch SE from the left upper side of bay seven. Reverse Stage C: Stage B die scratches abraded away. Stage B die chip is vague. Reverse Stage D: Depression above the right side cornice. Die crack along the right eave. Reverse Stage E: Die break at the right side cornice where the stage C depression was located.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Gary Shaffstall, Stage C & E: Brian Ribar, Stage D: John Conway
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-027 “Best Of” Variety
Description: D/D West
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: W-shaped die scratch above the Y in LIBERTY. Heavy NNE/SSW die scratches between the lower area of the B and E in LIBERTY. Light but well defined secondary mint mark. Obverse Stage B: Stage A scratches are weaker. Heavier secondary mint mark. Obverse Stage C: Die scratches SW from the back of the head. Die scratch NE from the nose. Die scratch NE from the forehead. Obverse Stage D: Die scratch at the forehead is weak. All remaining die scratches are abraded away. Light N/S die crack in the hair position below the left side of the W in WE. Obverse Stage E: Die crack in the hair is slightly stronger. Die scratch NNE from the upper right side of the first 9 in the date. NNE/SSW die scratches near the profile. Obverse Stage F: Stage C die scratches are weaker. Reverse Stage A: Short die scratch SW from the right lower side of the center bar of the E of ONE. Small die gouges right of the scratch. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die markers are abraded away. Short N/S die scratch at right center of the R in AMERICA. Reverse Stage C: E/W die scratches centered inside bay one and centered to the outside of column one. Die clash at the top of bay eight. Die gouge centered below the N and I of UNITED. Reverse Stage D: Die scratches at bay one are weaker. Die gouge below the N and I of UNITED is weak. Die gouge above the lower extremity of the C in CENT. Die gouge in the field positioned at right center of the last A in AMERICA. Light die crack along the edges of the right side cornice and the right eave. Reverse Stage E: Die gouge at the C of CENT is weaker. Die scratches at bay one are gone. Die gouge below the N and I of UNITED is gone. Die clash in bay eight is abraded away. Die gouge at the last A in AMERICA abraded away. Die gouge centered on the underside of the diagonal bar of the N in UNITED. Die crack down column eleven. Die crack down column twelve with die chips on the upper area. Die chips at the top of the right side cornice and the right eave. Reverse Stage F: The G of the designer’s initials is abraded on the right side.
Submitted By: Stage A: Albert B. Raddi, Stage B: Lloyd Hanson, Stage C & F: John Bordner, Stage D: Brian Ribar, Stage E: Paul Funaiole
Die Markers: Obverse: NE/SW die scratch in the field right of the nose. Lighter NE/SW die scratches on both sides of the fields. Very long die crack beginning at the top of the head below the W in WE and running SSW to the lower back of the head. Reverse: Long chipped die crack down column one. Light die crack down column two. Die chip on column ten slightly above center. Small die chip on the upper area of column eleven. Long die crack down column twelve with a large die chip on the upper area. Large die chips on the right eave. Chipped die crack on the edge of the right side cornice that turns NNW along the right side of the roof and exits into the field.
Die Markers: Obverse: Weak die scratch from the lower right side of the T in LIBERTY running NE to the left upper area of the Y in LIBERTY. Reverse: Weak die scratches NNE from the upper left side of the N in CENT.
Die Markers: Obverse: Thick, N/S die gouge at the lower left side of the 5 in the date. Lathe gouge along the rim below the L in LIBERTY. Reverse: N/S die scratch centered inside the lower opening of the E in CENT.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-031
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: NE/SW die scratches through the date. Die chip on the bottom right of the 1 in the date. NNE die scratches from the top of the head below WE. SW die scratch from the lower back of the head. Reverse: WNW die scratches from the top of the IBU of PLURIBUS. ESE die scratches from the right side of the M in UNUM. E/W die scratches right of the right side roof edge. Die scratch east from the lower area of the right cornice tip. Die chip on the right eave.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-032
Description: D/D/D South & Southeast
Die Markers: Obverse: Strong lathe marks at the rim under the bust. Lathe marks at the rim above IGWT. Die gouge at the lower back of the jacket. Reverse: Light E/W die scratch centered between the last T in STATES and the E in STATES.
Die Markers: Obverse:Stage A: E/W die crack above the designer’s initials that turn SE toward the rim on the right side. The die crack is chipped above the D of the designer’s initials. Obverse Stage B: Die crack is strong at the rim. Reverse Stage A: Die chip on the upper area of column twelve. Die chip (dot) in the field between the lower area of the last S in STATES and the O in OF. E/W die scratch connecting the bottom of the P and L of PLURIBUS. E/W die scratch connecting the lower area of the L and first U of PLURBUS. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches are weak. Light die break across the right upper cornice. Die chip at the upper area of column eleven and the lower area of column twelve.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Long NNW/SSE die scratch on the bottom of the vest. Light (weak) die scratches NW above the 5 in the date. Die gouge at the V of the designer’s initials. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches and gouges still present. Reverse Stage A: Light die scratch at the lower left side of the N of CENT running WSW through the bottom of the E in CENT. Die gouge left of center above the E in AMERICA. Reverse Stage B: Short N/S die scratch inside the C of CENT near the bottom. All stage A die markers still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Ken Chylinski, Stage B: John Bordner
Cross References: CONECA: RPM#18
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-035
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: Two very light die scratches south from the 5 of the date. Die scratch south from the bottom of the Y of LIBERTY. Reverse: Huge die chip on most of column twelve. Die chip on the upper right side cornice. Small die chip at the right cornice tip. Weak depression at the right cornice tip. Large die chip on the left base tip.
Submitted By: Ken Chylinski
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-036
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die crack NE from the top of the ear. A second strong upward curving east die crack intersects the previous crack near the upper area and then curves downward above the eye. Die chip on the left upper side of the bowtie. Weak die crack runs along the left side of the lapel. Obverse Stage B: Die gouge between the 5 and 9 of the date. Stage A die crack is heavier and chipped above the ear. New higher die crack ENE/WSW above the ear. Die crack at the lapel is stronger and is chipped at about the center. Reverse Stage A: Die gouge connecting the top of the first U and R of PLURIBUS. Short die scratch south from the left bottom of the second T in STATES. Die chip at the lower right side of the E in STATES. Light die crack at the top of column one. Light die crack down the left side of column two. Long die chip at the top of column twelve. Die chip on the right cornice tip. Die gouge on the cornice positioned above column four. Reverse Stage B: Stage A die markers still present. Depression below the right side Memorial base.
Submitted By: Stage A: Albert B. Raddi, Stage B: Ken Chylinski
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-037
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse:Stage A: Die gouge on the lower right side of the vest. Medium die gouge (dot) at the back of the neck. Short N/S die scratch between the rim and the back of the bust. Obverse Stage B: All stage A markers are abraded away except for a weak gouge on the vest. Die crack NE from the ear then turning east at the upper area of the head. Long die scratch from center of the back of the head running SW through the R in LIBERTY. Reverse Stage A: Light die crack down column one. Die crack on most of column eleven. Long die chip down the upper two-thirds of column twelve. Large die chip on the right eave. Die crack at the top of the right side cornice. NNW/SSE die scratch through the right side of the E in AMERICA. Die gouge south from the lower right of the last A in AMERICA. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Weak die clash at the top of bay eight. Die chip on the left base tip.
Submitted By: Stage A: David Bloomberg, Stage B: John A. Conway
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-038
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Heavy die gouges at the left upper side of the lapel. E/W die scratches through WE. NNE/SSW die scratches through the lower area of the 19 in the date. Die gouge on the chin. Inverted V-shaped die scratch at the lapel fold on the bust. Die gouges at the L of LIBERTY. Obverse Stage B: NNE die scratches from the face. NNE die scratches from the top of the ERT of LIBERTY. Die gouges at the L of LIBERTY are weaker. Scratches through WE are weaker. Die gouge at the lapel is still present. Die gouge between the rim and the bust at about 5:15. Light NW/SE die crack on the shoulder. Light ENE/WSW die crack in the hair above the right side of the ear. Obverse Stage C: Long N/S die scratch between the T and Y of LIBERTY. N/S die scratches in the field on the left side. Stage B die scratches at the face are weaker. Die scratches at the ERT of LIBERTY are weak. Die gouge at the L of LIBERTY very weak. Obverse Stage D: Die crack on the shoulder is stronger. Scratches at WE very weak. Stage B and C die scratches still present but weak. Die crack on head extends to the contour of the left upper side of the ear. Obverse Stage E: B in LIBERTY partially filled with chips in the lower hole. Stage D markers still present. Obverse Stage F: All die gouges almost abraded away except at the lapel. Light NE/SW die scratches at the date and mint mark area. Previous die scratches very weak. Obverse Stage G: All die cracks are stronger. Die scratches at the date only show on the left side. NE/SW die scratch through the RTY in LIBERTY. Reverse Stage A: Die clash at the top of bays seven and eight. Series of fine NNW die scratches from the right upper side of the roof. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Light die scratch SE from the Memorial base positioned above the N of ONE. Reverse Stage C: Stage B scratch still present. Reverse Stage D: Weaker scratch from the Memorial base. Die chip on the tip of the right eave. Reverse Stage E: Wavy N/S die scratch between the E in AMERICA and the right cornice. NNE/SSW die scratch between the left leg of the R in AMERICA and the right cornice. Series of N/S die scratches on the right side of the Memorial base positioned below column eleven. Scratch at the left side of the Memorial base abraded away. Reverse Stage F: Stage E scratches abraded away except for weak scratches below column eleven. X and V-shaped scratches on the roof just above the right side of the cornice. Die scratches SSE from the left side Memorial base positioned above the O in ONE. E by S die scratches from the right of the roof through the R in AMERICA. Reverse Stage G: New reverse die. N by W die scratches from the right side of the roof to the F in OF and the first A in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Stage A & G: Paul Funaiole, Stage B: Albert B. Raddi, Stage C & F: John Bordner, Stage D: Brian Ribar, Stage E: John Miller
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-039
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die scratch (tooling) at left center of the first 9 in the date curving south. Die scratch (tooling) at center of the lower opening of the 5 in the date curving southwest. Die gouge on the outside of the vest positioned SW of the 1 in the date. Die scratch (tooling) at the left lower area of the mint mark curving southwest into the vest. E/W die scratch below the bowtie. Weak die gouge above the L in LIBERTY. Die scratches at the top of the hair positioned below the E of WE. NE/SW die scratch at the lower right side of the E in WE. Curving E/W die scratch at the hairline. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches are weak. Die gouge above the L in LIBERTY is weaker. Die gouge at the hairline is weak. Obverse Stage C: All stage A die scratches are abraded away. Die gouge at the hairline still shows weak. Light NW/SE die scratch through the bottom of the 1 in the date. Weak die clash running east from the vest and about halfway to the center of the 1 in the date. Weak NE die crack from the top of the ear. Light NW die scratch from the top of the head positioned below WE. Obverse Stage D: Die crack at the ear is stronger and runs into the head. All previous scratches abraded away except for a weak die scratch at the bottom of the 1 in the date. Die clash is weak. Obverse Stage E: Die crack on the head is stronger and turns east further into the head. The die clash is very weak. All previous die scratches are abraded away. Reverse Stage A: Small die chip (dot) NW from the left Memorial base tip. Die scratch SSW from the lower right side of the E of EPU to the top of the roof. Die scratch west from the lower left side of the D in UNITED and running under the E of UNITED. Reverse Stage B: Die scratch below the E of EPU abraded away. All other stage A die scratches are weak. Die gouge on the left center of the E in EPU. Light die crack down column one with a chip slightly above center. Reverse Stage C: All stage A die scratches abraded away. Stage B die gouge at EPU is still present. New die gouge below the center of the E in EPU. WNW/ESE and NW/SE die scratches slightly above upper center of bay eleven and to the right of column twelve. Light die crack along the edge of the right side cornice and the right eave. Die gouge (dot) near the lower left area of the T in CENT. Die scratch east from right center of the F in OF to the left center of the first A in AMERICA. Reverse Stage D: All previous die scratches abraded away. Die chips are weak at EPU. Die chips on the crack at the right cornice. Die crack down column twelve. Die chip on the top of the left Memorial base tip. Reverse Stage E: Larger die chip on the left base tip. Stronger die chip on column one with a second small chip below the center. Die chip above center of column eleven. Large die chip on the upper half of column twelve. Larger die chips on the right cornice. Die chips on the right eave. Die gouge in the field below the right base tip.
Submitted By: Stage A: Paul Funaiole, Stage B & E: John Bordner, Stage C: Gary Shaffstall, Stage D: John A. Conway
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-040
Description: D/D/D Tilted & Tilted
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Short die scratch north from the back of the jacket in alignment with the shoulder fold. Obverse Stage B: Light die crack NE from the ear. Light E/W die crack at the center of the head. Light NE/SW die crack to the left of the E/W die crack. Scratch on the jacket is weaker. Obverse Stage C: The E/W die crack on the head is stronger and chipped. The other two die cracks on the head are longer. The scratch at the jacket is very weak. Reverse Stage A: N/S die scratch inside the first A in AMERICA. Abrasion on the right side of the roof. Die scratches NW from the top of the N and T in CENT. E/W die scratches through the landscaping on the right side of the Memorial base. Reverse Stage B: All die scratches are weaker. Very faint depression at the right eave. Light die chips on columns one, two, ten, eleven and twelve. Reverse Stage C: All previous scratches abraded away except for weak remnants of the scratches at the T in CENT. Depression at the right eave is stronger and runs nearly to the I in AMERICA. Die crack on column twelve is stronger and chipped.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: David Mulberry, Stage C: Ben Peters
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1959D-1MM-027
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-041
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Long die scratch NNE from the bottom opening of the 5 in the date into the field. Curving NE/SW die scratch (tooling) on the vest adjacent the mint mark. Long ENE/WSW die scratch (tooling) through the top of the hair. Long NNW/SSE die scratch running through the lower left side of the R in LIBERTY. NE/SW die scratches (tooling) at the front of the neck and the collar. Die gouge outside the vest just below the bowtie. Obverse Stage B: Die scratches (tooling) at the head and neck still present. Die scratch (tooling) on the vest is abraded away. Die scratch through the R in LIBERTY is weak. Die gouge outside the vest is weak. Die scratch north from the upper left side of the first 9 in the date. Faint die crack running ENE/SSW in the hair positioned above the ear. Obverse Stage C: Tooling scratch at the neck is weaker. Gouge outside the vest is very weak. Light die crack NE from the top of the ear. Die gouge at the hairline. Obverse Stage D: Both die cracks on the head are strong and the die crack from the ear intersects the upper die crack. The die crack at the ear travels farther SW. Die scratches NE from the profile. Obverse Stage E: Die crack from the ear is chipped and travels slightly into the field on the SW side. The upper die crack is long and travels into the front of the head. The scratches at the profile are very weak. Strong abrasion at the upper left side of the first 9 in the date. Reverse Stage A: NE/SW die scratch above the N of CENT. Light E/W die scratch through Lincoln’s head in bay six. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratches are abraded away. NE/SW die scratches left of the left side Memorial base. N/S die scratches inside bays two, three, eight, nine and ten. Weak remnants of a die clash at the top of bay three. Chipped crack down column twelve. Small depression on the lower area of the right eave. Weak E/W and ENE/WSW die scratches between the ENT of CENT of the Memorial base. Reverse Stage C: Stage B die scratches still present. Heavy die chips on column twelve. Die chip at the lower area of the right eave. Reverse Stage D: Die scratches are weaker. Die chips are stronger. Abrasion on the right side of the roof. Reverse Stage E: Die chips on column twelve are very large. Die chip at the right eave is larger. Depression on the right cornice tip. Strong die chip on the right Memorial base tip and the underside of the tip.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B & E: Gary Shaffstall, Stage C: David Bloomberg, Stage D: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-042
Description: D/D East
Die Markers: Obverse: North by west die scratches from the rear center of the head to the G in GOD. Large inverted V-shaped die scratch from the bottom of the R in LIBERTY. Die crack south from the left lower side of the bowtie. Reverse: Short, strong die scratch west from left center of the M in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Albert B. Raddi
Cross References: None known
Comments: This listing replaces the original WRPM-042 which was actually WRPM-028 (RPM#12).
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-043
Description: D/D North
Die Markers: Obverse: Long die crack running along the left edge of the lapel and then exiting at the top to the west. NE/SW die scratches above the date. Die scratches from about the rear center of the head running SW to the TY of LIBERTY. Reverse: Three WNW/ESE die scratches at the upper area of the lower opening of the N in UNITED. WSW die gouge from the underside of the diagonal bar of the N in UNITED positioned about 1/3 up from the bottom. Pitting marks (verified) to the right and below the last T in STATES. Pitting marks (verified) at the bottom and below the E in AMERICA.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-044
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die scratch east from right center of the first 9 in the date to the center of the last 9 in the date. Criss-crossing die scratches in the field behind the lower back of the jacket. Weak die crack from the left lower side of the bowtie to the right upper side of the lapel. Obverse Stage B: Stage A scratches abraded away. Remnants of an E/W die clash shows at the top of the vest and through the center 1 in the date. Short curving N/S die scratch behind the jacket. Curving die crack at the back of the jacket running NE. This die crack is intersected by another crack near the top running SE. Die crack along the outer edge of the lapel. NNE/SSW die crack at the upper right of the lapel. Weak E/W die cracks above the designer’s initials. Small die gouge (dot) center below the left side of the D in GOD and the head. Obverse Stage C: Die cracks are stronger on the lapel and jacket. Lower half of the 1 in the date thin from abrasion. NNE/SSW die scratch on the lower vest area. N/S die scratch on the jacket near right center of the lapel. Die scratch south from the bottom of the left leg of the R in LIBERTY. Mostly N/S die scratches below and to the left of the 1 in the date. Obverse Stage D: Die crack on the lapel extends farther south into the jacket. Die gouge between the D in GOD and the head is stronger. Die crack on the shoulder extends into the field at 7:00. Reverse Stage A: Die scratch NE from the upper right side of the O of ONE. Die scratch north by east from the left inside center of the N of CENT. Reverse Stage B: Scratch at the O is abraded away. Scratch at the N of CENT is weaker. Small die chips on the center of column one. The lower cavity of the S in PLURIBUS is heavily chipped. Die scratch ESE from the center of the upper opening of the E in CENT to the N of CENT. Weak die crack along the left Memorial baseline. Weak die crack along the right Memorial baseline. Reverse Stage C: All die scratches abraded away except for a weak die scratch at the E of CENT. Die chips on column one are stronger. Die chip on the left eave. Die cracks on the left and right Memorial baselines are stronger. N/S die scratch inside the C in AMERICA at lower center. Reverse Stage D: Stage C markers still present.
Submitted By: Stage A, B, & D: John Bordner, Stage C: Lloyd Hanson
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1959D-1MM-024
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-045
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: Die gouge (dot) above the beard. Reverse: Light die crack on the edges of the right eave. Light die crack down column one.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-046
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: NNE/SSW and NE/SW die scratches at the RTY of LIBERTY and behind the jacket. Die gouge where the head meets the hair, position below WE, followed by a light die crack to the SW. Reverse: Light die crack on the right side of column twelve. Die scratch south from the upper inside center of the C in AMERICA.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-047
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse: NNW/SSE die scratch in front of the forehead. Weak circular die scratches closer to the center of the die. Reverse: Weak die gouge (dot) between the lower area of the O and N of ONE.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-048
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Weak N/S die scratches in front of the forehead and frontal hair. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches are very weak. Obverse Stage C: Stage A scratches abraded away. Very weak NNE die crack from the top of the ear. Lower serif of the mint mark is weak. Obverse Stage D: Die crack extends through the head to the north where it is stronger and positioned below the W of WE. Obverse Stage E: Die crack on the head is stronger. Obverse Stage F: Die crack is very strong and extends farther SW at the ear and farther N to the top of the head. Reverse Stage A: E/W die scratch inside the top of the R in PLURIBUS. ENE/WSW die scratches through the I, B and second U of PLURIBUS. Reverse Stage B: Die scratches at PLURIBUS are weaker. Reverse Stage C: Die scratches at PLURIBUS are very weak. Die chip on the right eave. Reverse Stage D: New reverse die. Die scratch ESE from right center of the R in AMERICA. Wavy die scratch WSW from left center of the last A in AMERICA to the C in AMERICA. Reverse Stage E: Die scratches at AMERICA are abraded away. Die gouge in the field at the upper left hand side of the T in CENT. Reverse Stage F: Die chip on the tip of the left side Memorial base. Weak die crack down column one. Die gouge at the T in CENT is weaker.
Submitted By: Stage A & D: John Conway, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: Paul Funaiole, Stage E: Gary Shaffstall, Stage F: Diane Gallagher
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1959D-1MM-039
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-049
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Short N/S die scratch on the vest SW of the mint mark. Obverse Stage B: Die clash east from the vest to the left center of the first 9 in the date. NE/SW abrasion scratches between the 1 of the date and the vest, the upper profile, the TY of LIBERTY and short scratches from the lower back of the head. Obverse Stage C: Die clash is weaker. Abrasion scratches are weaker. V-shaped die scratch below the mint mark that is leaning to the right and pivoting off of the vest. NE/SW die scratches at the back of the neck and right center of the ear. NNE/SSW die scratch left of the first T in TRUST. Die scratch on the vest is weak. Obverse Stage D: Abrasion scratches are weaker. V-shaped die scratch abraded away. Stage A die scratch on the vest is abraded away. Die scratch at the T of TRUST still present. Reverse Stage A: Die scratches at the inner apex of the first A in AMERICA. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratches abraded away. Abrasion scratches north from the left side of the roof to the rim. Many scratches through ONE in different directions. Abrasion scratches south from the ENT of CENT to the rim. ENE/WSW die scratches throughout most of bay seven. NNW/SSE die scratch centered inside bay ten. Reverse Stage C: Most all previous die scratches are abraded away. Die scratch from the lower right side of the C in CENT to the upper left side of the E in CENT. Reverse Stage D: All previous die scratches are abraded away. Die scratch NNW from the left center of the E of ONE. Die crack down column twelve with a small chip in the lower area.
Stage A: Frank Baumann, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: John Bordner, Stage D: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-050
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated) showing on the lower serif.
Die Markers: Obverse: The obverse also has a minor doubled die listed in the Wexler Doubled Die Files as 1959-D 1¢ WDDO-003. An extra eyelid can be found below the normal eyelid. Reverse: A short die scratch extends from the bottom right of the M in AMERICA. A short vertical die scratch can be found to the left of the top of the E in AMERICA.
Submitted By: John Shields
Cross References: None known
Comments: The original listing turned out to be later stages of WRPM-027.
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-051
Description: D/D Southeast
Die Markers: Obverse: Die chip on the upper right side of the first 9 in the date. Reverse: E/W die scratch at the upper inside of the C in CENT. Die scratch NW from the upper right side of the N in UNITED.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-052
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: SE die scratches from the bottom of the mint mark. Die gouge on the upper left and left center of the T in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage B: ENE/WSW die crack in the hair at about center. NE die scratch from the vest adjacent of the the 1 in the date. Long die scratch from the bottom of the S of TRUST to the bridge of the nose. Reverse Stage A: E/W die scratches at the bottom of bay one. Reverse Stage B: Die scratches in bay one are very weak. Light depression at right eave.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Diane Gallagher
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-053
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die gouge inside the upper opening of the 5 in the date to the left. Die gouge centered below the G and O of GOD. Die chips (dots) cover the entire portrait of Lincoln and the field just right of the vest from a pitted die. Obverse Stage B: Very weak die crack along the left contour of the ear then turning ENE into the head. Die gouge at the 5 in the date is weaker. Obverse Stage C: Short die crack NE from the ear forming a half-circle on the end. Stronger E/W die crack from the ear on the head. Die crack in the hair above the ear running ENE and then turning to the north. Die gouge at the 5 in the date is abraded away. Reverse Stage A: Light E/W die scratches on most of the field. Two strong NW/SE die scratches at the left side of the U in UNITED. Reverse Stage B: All Stage A die scratches still present but weaker. Reverse Stage C: Most Stage A scratches abraded away. W by S/E by N die gouge in the field left of the upper left side of the memorial base. Very weak die crack down column one.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Gary Shaffstall, Stage C: Brian Allen
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-054
Description: D/D East
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die gouge on the bottom of the mint mark. Die scratches south from the upper left side of the T in LIBERTY. Die scratches south from the upper left side of the Y in LIBERTY. E by N/W by S die scratch under the bowtie. Obverse Stage B: Die scratches at LIBERTY abraded away. Die gouge below the mint mark is weak. Die scratches at the bowtie are still present. Reverse Stage A: Die scratch east from the upper right curve of the P in PLURIBUS to the L in PLURIBUS. Die scratch west from the lower left side of the first U in UNUM. Die scratch east from the right center of the first U in UNUM to the diagonal bar of the N in UNUM. N by W/S by E die scratch in the field SW of the U in UNITED. Reverse Stage B: Die scratch SW of UNITED is abraded away. All scratches at PLURIBUS and UNUM are weak.
Submitted By: Stage A: John A. Conway, Stage B: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-055
Description: D/D North
Die Markers:Obverse: The mint mark is further west than WRPM-096 without a separated upper serif. ENE/WSW die scratch at the top of the ear. Reverse: Die scratch slightly above right center of the first dot in EPU running east to the P of PLURIBUS. Short die scratch south from the rim above the upper right side of the R in AMERICA.
Die Markers: Obverse Stage A: Die clash east from the vest running through the center of the 1 and first 9 in the date and above the first 9 in the date. NE/SW die scratches throughout the right lower side. SW die scratches from the back of the jacket. NE die scratches from the right side of the hair and head. Obverse Stage B: NNW/SSE die crack in the hair positioned below the W of WE. All Stage A die scratches abraded away. Obverse Stage C: Very mushy mint mark. Die crack on the head is stronger. Light die scratches NW from the profile. NE die crack from the upper left side of the ear. Obverse Stage D: All die scratches abraded away. Heavily polished die. Die cracks still present. Reverse Stage A: Die gouge centered above the T of CENT. Reverse Stage B: Die gouge at the T in CENT abraded away. Light die crack along the edges of the right side cornice and the right eave. Small die chip at the top of column eleven. Die crack down column twelve with long die chips on the upper area. Die clash in the upper area of bays eight and nine. Reverse Stage C: New reverse die. Short but thick WNW/ESE die scratch below the right side Memorial baseline. Die chip on the right cornice tip. Die gouge at the rim at 8:45. Light die scratch SE from the tip of the last S in STATES to the O in OF. Reverse Stage D: Die gouge at the rim is still present. Die chip on the right cornice still present. Die gouge below the Memorial baseline abraded away. All die scratches abraded away. Heavily polished die.
Submitted By: Stage A: Doug Yost, Stage B: Brian Ribar, Stage C: David Bloomberg, Stage D: John Bordner
Cross References: CONECA: RPM #21
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-057
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die gouge (dot) near the rim at 4:00. Light NE/SW die scratches at the 195 of the date and the vest area. Weak E/W die clash between the center of the 1 in the date and the vest. Light die scratch SSW from the back center of the head. Obverse Stage B: All stage A die markers are very weak. N/S die crack at the back of the shoulder. Reverse Stage A: Large die chip in the lower cavity of the S in PLURIBUS. Die chip between the top of the I and B of PLURIBUS. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. NNE/SSW die scratch through the upper left side of the F in the designer’s initials.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B: John Bordner
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1959D-1MM-023
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-058
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Die crack NE from the ear then turning north and running to the top of the head. The north die crack is positioned left of the W in WE. Reverse: Large die chip on the right side cornice. A die gouge (dot) is in the field positioned above the cornice die chip. Small die chips near the center of column one. Two large die chips on column twelve at the center and upper areas. NNW/SSE die scratch between the bottom of the M and E in AMERICA.
Submitted By: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-059
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Two die gouges (dots) in the field right of the lower area of the bowtie. Short die scratch NE from the top of the vest (left of the 1 in the date) then turning north. Obverse Stage B: Die scratch from the vest is weaker. Die gouges still present. Obverse Stage C: Die scratch from the vest is very weak. Only the die gouge closest to the bowtie is strong. Reverse Stage A: Die gouge in the field slightly left and below center of the C in CENT. E/W die scratches through the PLUR of PLURIBUS and the UNU of UNUM. Reverse Stage B: Die gouge at CENT is weaker. Only weak scratches remain at the UN of UNUM. N/S die scratch that curves at the top inside of bay nine. Reverse Stage C: Die gouge at CENT is mushy. All scratches at UNUM are abraded away. Die scratch inside bay nine is still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: Brian Ribar, Stage B & C: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-060
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Weak die crack NE from the top of the ear. Small die gouge (dot) at left center of the Y in LIBERTY. Obverse Stage B: Die crack is very strong and chipped and extends to the top of the head and into the field and positioned right of the E in WE. The die crack also extends further SW from the ear. Die gouge at the Y of LIBERTY is abraded away. Short die scratch NNW from the bottom of the vest. Primary mint mark is abraded thinner. Reverse Stage A: Weak E/W die scratches at the top of the lower opening of the N in ONE. Reverse Stage B: This is probably a different reverse die. NE/SW die scratches at the top of bays one, two, three and four. E/W die scratches at the bottom of the upper opening of the N in ONE.
Submitted By: Stage A: John A. Conway, Stage B: Ben Peters
Cross References: Coppercoins: 1959D-1MM-028
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-061
Description: D/D/D Tilted and Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Abrasion mark on the end of the nose. Die gouge (dot) in the field right of the nose. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die markers still present. N/S die scratch in the field SE of the N of IN. Die gouge in the field SE of the last T in TRUST. Reverse Stage A: NW/SE die scratches at the top of bay ten. Die chip on the center of column eleven. Long die chip above the center of column twelve. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. E/W die scratches at the inside apex of the A in STATES. NW/SE die scratch on the roof base positioned above bay two.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Conway, Stage B: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-062
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die scratch NNW from the upper right of the R in LIBERTY. N/S die scratch at the lower center of the vest. Obverse Stage B: Stage A scratches still present. E/W die crack above the designer’s initials. Obverse Stage C: Previous die scratches abraded away. Die crack above the designer’s initials is stronger. Die crack from the top of the ear running ENE to the forehead. Reverse Stage A: Die scratch from the top of column nine running east through column ten. E/W die scratch above the right side of the roof. Die scratches east from the right side of the roof base. Die scratches west from column one. Die scratch west from the left side cornice tip. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratches are still present. Reverse Stage C: All previous scratches abraded away except for a weak scratch at column nine.
Submitted By: Stage A: John A. Conway, Stage B: Gary Shaffstall, Stage C: Paul Funaiole
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-063
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch SW from left center of the first 9 in the date. NE die scratches from the nose and forehead. Lighter NE die scratches from the profile. Strong NNE/SSW die scratch on the back of the neck. Lighter SW die scratches from the back of the head. Die crack from the back of the bust running NNE along the shoulder then turning north. Die crack NE from the D of the designer’s initials. Die crack south from left center of the bowtie then turning SSW into the lapel. Die crack south from the left side of the eye. Die crack NNE from the left side of the eye then turning NNW with a die chip at the turn. Several E/W die cracks in the hair. Reverse: Die gouge from the rim at 5:00. Die chip at the top of column twelve.
Submitted By: Gene Nichols
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-064
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Long die scratches north from the top of the first 9 in the date. N/S die scratch between the beard and the nose, positioned very close to the lips. E/W die scratch in the field position right of the upper opening of the E in WE. Obverse Stage B: The die scratch at WE is weaker. All remaining Stage A die scratches are abraded away. Short but strong N by E/S by W die scratch on the left lower side of the vest at the opening. Obverse Stage C: Stage B die markers are still present. Obverse Stage D: Weak E/W die crack centered on the head. Reverse Stage A: Short N/S die scratch at the left lower side of the N in ONE. Short south by east die scratch inside the left leg of the N of ONE about halfway up from the bottom. E by S/W by N die scratch connecting the O and N of ONE at the top of the letter. Reverse Stage B: All stage A scratches abraded away. Short die scratch north from the rim positioned between the E and N of CENT. N/S die scratch at about center between the N and T of CENT with shorter scratches positioned below. Die scratch east from the lower opening of the E in EPU to the L in PLURIBUS. Reverse Stage C: All stage B scratches abraded away except for a weak scratch through the P and L of PLURIBUS. Short die scratch north by east from the lower right side of the last A in AMERICA. Reverse Stage D: All previous die scratches are abraded away. Die gouge inside the O of ONE positioned just left of lower center. Die gouge in the field left of center from the N in ONE.
Submitted By: Stage A: John A. Conway, Stage B: Paul Funaiole, Stage C & D: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-065
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die crack from behind the ear, with a slight curve, running NE into the head. Weak die clash at the vest positioned at center of the 1 in the date. Short N/S die scratch centered between the upper area of the S and last T in TRUST. Obverse Stage B: Die crack at the ear is stronger and chipped. Die clash at the vest only shows a weak remnant near the vest. Die scratch at TRUST is abraded away. Filled R in LIBERTY from a broken die at the letter. Die crack running E/W above the designer’s initials with a chip above the B of VDB. Reverse Stage A: Die chips below center on column one. NNW/SSE die scratches inside bay ten and the bottom of bay eleven. NNW/ESE die scratches at PLURIBUS UNUM. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Die scratch SW from lower center of the M in AMERICA. NNW/SSE die scratch at the upper right of bay nine.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-066
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse: Short NE/SW die scratches at the hairline. Die scratches in different directions (mostly NNE/SSW) on the temple. Die scratches in different directions (mostly N/S) on the back of the neck. Heavy die scratch north from the upper left of the R in LIBERTY. Reverse: N/S die scratches inside most of bay one. Die gouge centered between column twelve and the right leg of the last A in AMERICA. E/W die scratches below the right side of the roof. E/W die scratches through most of EPU.
Submitted By: Diane Gallagher
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-067
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Curling die gouge between the 5 and second 9 of the date. Very light N/S die scratches in the fields. Obverse Stage B: Die crack NE from the rim at 7:00 turning east for a short distance though the bottom of the V of the designer’s initials then turning NE again through the shoulder and finally turning ESE. Short and weak E/W die crack on the center of the head. Die scratches in the field abraded away. Die gouge at the date is weak. Obverse Stage C: Die crack in the head is longer. Light die scratches NE from the profile. Obverse Stage D: Die crack in the head is strong. Stage C die scratches abraded away. New NNE die scratches from the profile. Reverse Stage A: Short NW/SE die scratch centered below the F in OF. Reverse Stage B: Die gouge in the field just right from the top of column twelve. Die gouge at OF is abraded away. Reverse Stage C: Die gouge in the field is weak. Die scratches in different directions inside bay two and three. Weak die clash in bay three. Die clash at the top of bays eight and nine. Reverse Stage D: Die gouge is abraded away. Stage C scratches abraded away. SSE die scratch from the right upper side of the second T in STATES running through the left lower side of the E in STATES, to the R in PLURIBUS, the second U in UNUM and then to the roof. Die scratch from center of the underside center bar of the E in STATES to the right side of the R in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B & C: Ben Peters, Stage D: Diane Gallagher
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-068
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Light NW/SE die scratches through the date and mint mark. Obverse Stage B: Die crack along the contour of the ear then turning ENE into the head. E/W die crack in the hair further above the ear. Scratches at the date still present. Obverse Stage C: Die crack extends SW below the ear and is heavily chipped. E/W die crack in the hair is strong and is chipped. Die scratches through the date are abraded away. Reverse Stage A: Die scratch beginning from the upper curve of the B in PLURIBUS running east to the right leg of the first A in AMERICA. Light NW/SE die scratches in the field right of EPU. Small die gouge at the rim at 7:00. Reverse Stage B: Stage A markers still present. Reverse Stage C: All die scratches abraded away. Die gouge above right center of the T in CENT. Gouge at the rim still present.
Submitted By: Stage A: John Bordner, Stage B: Gary Shaffstall, Stage C: John A. Conway
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-069
Description: D/D/D West & Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse: Pitted die. NNE/SSW die scratches between the upper left side of the head and the space between IN GOD. Reverse: Weak E/W die scratch connecting the upper area of the L and first U in PLURIBUS.
Submitted By: John Bordner
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-070
Description: D/D Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Strong lathe marks at the top of WE and the first T in TRUST. Obverse Stage B: Lathe marks are weaker. Die scratch north from the top of 5 in the date positioned just right of the center. Die gouge on the lower right side of the mint mark. Long die crack on the shoulder NNE from the D of the designer’s initials. E/W die crack centered on the head. Reverse Stage A: E/W die scratch slightly above center through MERIC in AMERICA. East by south die scratch from right cent of the last A in AMERICA. NE die scratches from the left upper side of the N in ONE. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratches abraded away. Die crack on the right underside of the horizontal bar of the T in CENT.
Submitted By: Stage A: Gary Shaffstall, Stage B: Ben Peters
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-071
Description: D/D/D Tilted & Tilted (Rotated)
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Light E/W die crack above the designer’s initials. Light N/S die scratches above the head with a strong scratch at the right lower side of the E in WE.,,Obverse Stage B: Die crack at the designer’s initials is very strong and chipped and is intersected by a second crack running east from the back of the bust. Upper area of the R in LIBERTY is filled. Die scratches SW from the lower back of the head. NE/SW die crack in the hair and head position above the ear on the west side. A second short die scratch running in the same direction is above the long die crack. Stage A die scratches are abraded away and new NNE/SSW scratches are above the head. Reverse Stage A: Strong and heavily chipped die crack above the right side of the cornice. Reverse Stage B: New reverse die. Die scratches SSE from the right center of the I in UNITED.
Submitted By: Stage A: Gary Shaffstall, Stage B: David Bloomberg
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-072
Description: D/D South
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Die scratches NE from the top of the vest. N/S die scratch left of the first T in TRUST. Light die crack running along the contour of the upper left side of the ear. Die gouge (dot) at the top of the forehead where it meets the hairline. Obverse Stage B: Stage A die scratches abraded away. All remaining Stage A die markers are still present. Reverse Stage A: N/S die scratches through most of the bays. Die scratches NNE from the right side of the roof. Die scratches NW from the upper left of the N in ONE. Die scratch NNE from the upper right of the N in CENT. Reverse Stage B: All Stage A markers are abraded away.
Submitted By: Stage A: Gene Nichols, Stage B: Brian Ribar
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-073
Description: D/D East
Die Markers:Obverse: Curving SE die scratch from the lower center of the mint mark. Die scratches north by east from the head positioned below the OD in GOD. SSW die scratches behind the head. Reverse: South by east die scratch from the right lower side of column twelve. Long die scratches ENE from the lower right side of the last A in AMERICA. NNW/SSE die scratches inside bays nine, ten and eleven.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-074
Description: D/D Northeast
Die Markers:Obverse: Die scratch NNE from the upper left side of the mint mark. N/S die scratches centered at the bottom of the vest. Die scratches SW from the area of IN GOD. Reverse: Strong N/S die scratches inside bays two and three. Die clash at the top of bays eight and nine. Lighter scratches in some of the other bays. Weak die clash from the Memorial base above the N of ONE. Die scratches SW from the E and D in UNITED.
Submitted By: David Mulberry
Cross References: None known
1959-D 1¢ WRPM-075
Description: D/D West
Die Markers:Obverse Stage A: Very weak die crack along the bust right of the designer’s initials. N/S die scratches in the fields. Obverse Stage B: Stage A scratches still present. Die crack on the bust is longer and turns SSE at the last fold and runs into the rim. Light die crack along the contour of the ear on the left upper side. Reverse Stage A: Two E/W die scratches at the upper area of bays eight, nine and ten. Reverse Stage B: Stage A scratches abraded away. Short ESE/WNW die scratches under the last dot of UNUM. Die chip in the upper area of column twelve.
Submitted By: Stage A: Gary Shaffstall, Stage B: John Bordner